Site Summaries: Site 853 | Table of Contents

Site Summaries

Site: ODP Site 852

Priority: Alternate
Position: 5°17.55'N, 110°04.58'W
Water Depth: 3861 m
Sediment Thickness: 125 m
Target Drilling Depth: Through sediment-basement transition
Approved Maximum Penetration: Requested same maximum penetration as for Leg 138.
Seismic Coverage: Thomas Washington station 5a, 0933UTC, 06 September 1989.
See seismic line.

Objectives: Equatorial Pacific, low accumulation rate counterpart to the low-activity Peru Basin proposed Sites PRB-1A and PRB-2A. Little or no change in mean sulfate concentration downsection. Possibly oxidized throughout, with early diagenesis limited to the top few meters of the sediment.

Drilling Program: TBD

Logging and Downhole Program: TBD

Nature of Rock Anticipated: Foraminifer nannofossil ooze and nannofossil foraminifer ooze, and radiolarian nannofosil ooze.

Site Summaries: Site 853 | Table of Contents