Site: HR4b
Position: 44.570386°N, 125.147657°W
Target Drilling Depth: 60 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: 60 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: TTN112 3-D high-resolution seismic survey
Objectives: To sample the high-amplitude chaotic reflectivity that is associated with the massive hydrates at the seafloor. Samples from this site will test the hypothesis that this reflective character is the signature of a zone of abundant massive hydrate.
Drilling Program: APC to refusal, XCB to refusal. At least two holes. Use of PCS and/or HYACE.
Logging and Downhole Program: LWD, triple combo, APC-temperature, DVTP, APC methane tools.
Nature of Rock Anticipated: Silts and clays interlayered with massive hydrate, some authigenic carbonates possible.