Because Leg 170 conducted LWD operations where Leg 205 will return, we will have a minimal logging program on this leg. At Site 1039R-A, we will run the triple combination and FMS/sonic strings to determine physical properties and structures of the lowermost sediments and basement rocks. The triple combination string includes the hostile-environment natural gamma ray sonde (HNGS), accelerator porosity sonde (APS), hostile-environment lithodensity tool (HLDT), and dual induction tool (DIT) and will be deployed with Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory temperature/acceleration/pressure (LDEO-TAP) tool. The FMS/sonic string includes the FMS, dipole shear sonic imager (DSI) or long-space sonic sonde (LSS). We plan to log the entire section including the shallow portion previously logged with LWD during Leg 170. This will allow comparison to the Leg 170 LWD data as well as some data (e.g., sonic velocity and FMS) types that are not collected by LWD. No logging is planned at Sites 1040R-A, 1040R-B, or 1040R-C because of the difficult borehole environment encountered during Leg 170.