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Site: 1043R

Priority: 2
Position: 9°39.3'N, 86°11.2'W
Water Depth: 4310 m
Sediment Thickness: 490 mbsf
Target Drilling Depth: 180 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: 200 mbsf; permission to drill without coring to 200 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Position of site at shotpoint 2806 on seismic line CR-20 (K. McIntosh, pers. com., UTIG, Austin, TX, USA, 2001) and at shotpoint 3171 on seismic line BGR-99-44 (C. Ranero, pers. comm., GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany and C. Reichert, BGR, Hannover, Germany, 2001).
See the track line, seismic CR-20, and seismic BGR-99-4

Objectives: The objectives of Site 1043R are to:

1. Investigate the décollement.

2. Investigate fluid flow within the décollement and underthrust sediments.

3.Install modified CORK to monitor pressure and temperature and to sample fluids within the décollement.

Drilling Program: Same as Site 1040R

Logging and Downhole: Same as Site 1040R

Nature of Rock Anticipated: Deformed claystones and hemipelagics.

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