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A high-resolution seismic site survey of Walvis Ridge was completed during Meteor cruise M49/1 (4 January–10 February 2001) (Figs. F1, F2, F3). The purpose of the M49/1 seismic survey was to optimize target sites so as to avoid sediment slumps, hiatuses, and condensed stratigraphic sections that were penetrated at some of the existing DSDP sites. To this end, a seismic survey was conducted that included existing sites. The survey grid focused on a region to the north and east of the Leg 74 Sites, away from a large channel that dissects the ridge to the southwest. Because of extensive downslope sediment transport throughout the region, the survey targeted several isolated bathymetric highs where the effects of downslope sediment transport appear to be minimal. All survey data were submitted to the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory data bank during summer 2001. A list of the survey lines across the proposed Leg 208 sites is given in Table T1.

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