Site NNB-05A
Priority: 2
Position: 45°06.2'N; 44°11.8'W
Water Depth: 4695 m
Sediment Thickness: 355 m, from stacking and wide-angle velocity models
Target Drilling Depth: 455 mbsf
Approved Maximum Penetration: 700 mbsf
Seismic Coverage: Ewing 00-07 line 2 MCS; SP 29576 (CMP 237616) (see Figs. F3, F6, F8)
Operational Program: see "Alternate Sites: Proposed Site NNB-05A" section and Table T2.
Logging and Downhole: Three logging runs (1) triple combo tool string, (2) FMS-sonic tool string, and (3) checkshot with WST. Core orientation and temperature tools if alternate plan for shallow coring occurs.
Nature of Rock Anticipated: From top to base: clays, silty clays and claystones.