Legs up to and including Leg 170 have been fully staffed. Staffing for Leg 171 A and B is currently underway. Co-Chief scientsts have been identified through Leg 175, as shown in the table below. E-mail links to Staff Scientist for leg.

Co-Chief List for Legs 165--175:

Caribbean Ocean History, Leg 165 Gary Acton, Staff Scientist
Dr. R. Mark Leckie Dr. Haraldur Sigurdsson
Department of Geosciences
University of Massachusetts
School of Oceanography
University of Rhode Island
Bahamas, Leg 166 Mitch Malone, Staff Scientist
Dr. Gregor Eberli Dr. Peter K. Swart
University of Miami
University of Miami
California Margin, Leg 167 Carl Richter, Staff Scientist
Dr. Itaru Koizumi Dr. Mitchell Lyle
Div. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Hokkaido University
Boise State University
Juan De Fuca Hydrothermal, Leg 168 John Firth, Staff Scientist
Dr. Earl E. Davis Dr. Andrew Fisher
Energy, Mines & Resources
Pacific Geoscience Centre
Earth Sciences Department
University of California/Santa Cruz
Saanich Inlet, Leg 169S John Firth, Staff Scientist
Dr. Brian Bornhold
Pacific Geoscience Centre
Geological Survey of Canada
Sedimented Ridges II, Leg 169 Jay Miller, Staff Scientist
Dr. Yves Fouquet Dr. Robert A. Zierenberg
IFREMER Centre de Brest USGS Branch of Western Mineral Resources
University of California-Davis
Costa Rica, Leg 170 Peter Blum, Staff Scientist
Dr. Gaku Kimura Dr. Eli A. Silver
University of Osaka Prefecture Earth Sciences Department
University of California, Santa Cruz
Barbados LWD, Leg 171A Adam Klaus, Staff Scientist
Dr. J. Casey Moore
Earth Sciences Board of Studies
University of California, Santa Cruz
Blake Nose, Leg 171B Adam Klaus, Staff Scientist
Dr. Richard D. Norris Dr. Dick Kroon
Department of Geology & Geophysics
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Grant Institute
University of Edinburgh
NW Atlantic Sed. Drifts, Leg 172 Gary Acton, Staff Scientist
Dr. Lloyd D. Keigwin Dr. Domenico Rio
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Universita, Dip. Di Geologia e
Iberia, Leg 173 Paul Wallace, Staff Scientist
Dr. Marie-Odile Beslier Dr. R. B. Whitmarsh
Laboratoire Geodynamique Sous-Marine-CNRS Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Southampton Oceanography Centre
New Jersey Shelf, Leg 174A Mitch Malone, Staff Scientist
Dr. James Austin Jr. Dr. Nicholas Christie-Blick
Institute for Geophysics
University of Texas at Austin
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Columbia University
Cork, Engineering, Leg 174B Mitch Malone, Staff Scientist
Dr. Keir Becker
Div. of Marine Geology
Benquela, Leg 175 Carl Richter, Staff Scientist
Dr. Wolfgang Berger Dr. Gerold Wefer
SIO-Geological Research Division
University of California
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften
Universitat Bremen
Hole 735B, Leg 176 Jay Miller, Staff Scientist
Dr. Henry Dick Dr. James H. Natland
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atm. Sci.
University of Miami

[NEW MATERIAL August 20, 1996]

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