Port Calls

Leg 164 HalifaxPR activities
Coordinating truck shipments with shipyard work
Renting liquid nitrogen dewar in Canada
Refilling liquid nitrogen during leg
Evacuations (Lawyer/Lovelace)
Positioning Mills for potential relief
Leg 165 Miami Shipping Leg 164 frozen samples in pressure vessels to Japan
Shipping Leg 164 frozen samples in liquid nitrogen
PR activities
Shipping Leg 164 special tools to USGS/WHOI/UNC
Shipping Leg 164 wet ice frozen samples to UK
Port Call in Jamaica to offload Colombian observer
Embark Honduran observer/JOIDES observer
Helicopter rendezvous off Venezuela to transfer Honduran, JOIDES, and Venezuelan observers
Leg 166 San JuanDisembark Venezuelan observers
Leg 166T PanamaSplit port call - Leg 166T Panama to load supplies
Transit personnel
Leg 167 AcapulcoAcapulco to change crews/embark Mexican observer
San Diego - offload overflow cores/disembark Mexican observer/embark Paula Weiss 2nd Curatorial representative
Store cores at WCR
Leg 168 San FranciscoExtensive PR
Offload potential record Leg 167 core recovery
Microscope service/training
XRF/XRD service/training
Possible Chemistry Laboratory service
Leg 169S VictoriaSplit port call
3 days for loading/offloading supplies, cores, equipment
Short (12 hr?) to offload Leg 169S cores/transfer crews

To Semiannual Report Contents

To Program Updates, Leg Highlights Contents