Vibration-Isolated Television

Project Engineer: Scott McGrath

The Vibration Isolated Television (VIT) frame is primarily used to provide visual observation of the seafloor during reentry of an existing borehole. Sonar capability, primarily used to locate objects such as reentry cones that are initially out of camera range, is an integral part of the system. The sonar, in conjunction with a compass attached to the VIT frame, provides primary range and bearing from the VIT frame to the reentry cone. An acoustic beacon can be attached to the VIT frame, which will allow the ship's dynamic positioning system computers to fix the position of the VIT frame relative to the ship.

The cameras and lights on the VIT are being reevaluated to see if a more efficient product is available on the market. Concepts are also being discussed that might allow the introduction of both pan and tilt for the cameras. The existing cameras on the VIT are hard mounted, and sometimes it is difficult to interpret the images of the seafloor when viewing in only one plane.

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