This volume presents scientific and engineering results from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). These results address the scientific and technical goals of the program, which are focused on the study of the dynamics of Earth’s interior and environment, the evolution of oceanic crust, the fluctuations of climate, and the study of the Earth’s deep biosphere.
Although ODP ended operations in 2003, science results from ODP’s expeditions on the JOIDES Resolution continue to emerge. The results represent the contributions of scientists and research institutions from 22 ODP member countries. International oversight and coordination of the program was provided by the ODP Council, which was made up of representatives from the member countries. Scientific and management guidance was provided by representatives from the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES).
Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc. (JOI), a nonprofit consortium of 29 U.S. oceanographic institutions, serves as the National Science Foundation’s prime contractor for ODP. JOI implemented scientific objectives, plans, and recommendations of the JOIDES committees through subcontracts to Texas A&M University (TAMU) for science operations and to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of Columbia University for geochemical and geophysical well-logging services.
JOI, TAMU, and LDEO worked together successfully for many years to manage the Ocean Drilling Program. We look forward to many exciting discoveries and continued international collaboration on the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program as we further our scientific mission.
Steven R. Bohlen
President of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions and Executive Director of the
Ocean Drilling Programs
Washington, D.C.