Leg 190: Nankai Trough

A complex interplay of deformational, diagenetic, and hydrologic processes associated with initial mountain building processes occurs within accretionary prisms. Important questions relate to the distribution of deformation, the controls on what material is accreted and what is subducted, and the role of fluids and fluid flow in the prism's deformation. The Nankai accretionary prism‹a type example of a convergent margin accreting a thick section of clastic sediments‹is ideal for mechanical and hydrologic modeling of fluid-linked diagenetic and tectonic processes in a rapidly deforming accretionary wedge. Leg 190 will be the first of a two-leg program focused on the Nankai Trough which has unparalleled seismic resolution and structural simplicity as well as data from three previous DSDP/ODP drilling legs. The first leg will consist of drilling and coring at three primary sites to compare two parts of the Nankai Trough with different wedge tapers and structural geometries. A second leg (not yet scheduled) is planned in the future for logging-while drilling (LWD) at four sites, and the emplacement of CORKs at three of these sites.

Staff Scientist: Adam Klaus

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