Leg 191: West Pacific Seismic Network

The International Ocean Network (ION) was founded to meet a critical need for long-term geophysical observatories in the deep ocean to fulfill two major scientific goals (1) uniform coverage of global terrestrial processes, and (2) long-term monitoring of active processes. The Western Pacific is the best-suited region on Earth to investigate the surface manifestations of subducting plates, from formation and evolution of island arcs and marginal seas to earthquake phenomena, and their relation to mantle convection. Leg 191 will drill one of the high-priority areas identified by ION in the Western Pacific (WP-2). A downhole seismometer will be installed at this site located seaward of the Japan trench to expand the observatory network. The objectives of the long-term observatory at Site WP-2 are to provide: (1) seismic tomography of the lithosphere, (2) constrains on the structure of the Pacific oceanic plate and underlying mantle, and (3) MORB chemistry to constrain the cooling and subsidence history of the old oceanic lithosphere. This observatory will also provide unique seismic observations on the seawater side of the Japan Trench.

Staff Scientist: Carlota Escutia

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