Leg 200
H2O Observatory
The goal of this leg is to drill at least one reentry hole at the Hawaii-2 Observatory (H2O) site in the Eastern Pacific. The H2O long term observatory site satisfies three scientific objectives of crustal drilling: (1) it is on fast spread Pacific crust, which represents one endmember for models of crustal generation and evolution; (2) it is located in one of the high priority regions for the Ocean Seismic Network; and (3) its proximity to the Hawaii-2 cable and H2O observatory make it a unique site for real time, continuous monitoring of geophysical and geochemical experiments in the crust. Ideally the hole will penetrate about 300 m into basement to acquire good quality basalt samples for geochemical studies, adequate penetration into layer 2 for paleomagnetic analyses, and good hole conditions for in situ experiments. This is a multi-disciplinary proposal which represents the interests of the of the JOI/IRIS Steering Committee for the Scientific use of Submarine cables, the Ocean Seismic Network (OSN) and the International Ocean Network (ION) groups, the Borehole Observatories, laboratories, and Experiments (BOREHOLE) group, and the oceanic lithospheric processes community.
Leg |
Prop # |
Description |
Site Prop |
Lat. Prop |
Long. Prop |
Water Depth Prop. |
Total Depth Prop |
200 |
500 |
H2O Observatory |
H2O-1 |
27°59.4'N |
140°50.5'W |
4500 |
475 |
Contact: Gary Acton
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