Leg 205
Costa Rica
We propose a drilling program off Costa Rica to test existing models and to develop an understanding of the processes associated with the seismogenic zone and with the workings of the subduction factory. Our focus is to investigate the hydrology, sediment dynamics, and geochemistry of this margin by recovering oceanic basement rocks in a lower plate reference site and by monitoring fluid flow, temperature, and geochemistry there and at two sites through the decollement. We also propose to drill two sites a short distance into basement close to the deep penetration basement site, to determine the fluid flow direction within the basement.
Leg |
Prop # |
Description |
Site Prop |
Lat. Prop |
Long. Prop |
Water Depth Prop. |
Total Depth Prop |
205 |
544 |
Costa Rica |
1039R |
9°38.5'N |
86°12'W |
4350 |
700 |
Full2 |
1039S |
9°38.3'N |
86°11.3'W |
4350 |
450 |
1039T |
9°38.7'N |
86°12.4'W |
4350 |
450 |
1040R |
9°39.7'N |
86°10.7'W |
4189 |
800 |
1043R |
9°39.2'N |
86°11.1'W |
4310 |
200 |
Staff Scientist: Adam Klaus
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Modified on Friday, 21-Sep-2001 17:46:51 CDT.