Please be aware of the current sample distribution policy, which is published in recent issues of Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. You should complete a separate request form for each research topic you wish to propose.
To be completed by the Co-Chief Scientists: Co-Chief Scientist, please indicate the fate of this request. [ ] approved [ ] deferred [ ] rejected If this request is rejected, please include a brief explanation that can be quoted to the requestor. ___________________ ___________________ Co-Chief signature Co-Chief signature
1. Proposed leg name (include number if known): 2. Name: ______________________________________ Office address: ____________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: ___________________ E-mail:____________________________________ 3. Purpose(s) of request: Please summarize the nature of the proposed research concisely in 5-7 lines. (This summary will be included in various official reports.) Provide a detailed description of the proposed research, including techniques of sample preparation and analysis, roles of individual investigators, etc., on an attached sheet. The detailed description of the project will be employed in reviewing the sample request and may be copied to other shipboard scientists. 4. What specific cruise-related research do you plan to accomplish? A specific manuscript title is to be agreed upon by you and the Co-Chiefs before the end of the cruise. Investigators who receive samples or data on board the ship or during the first year post-cruise are obligated to produce a publishable manuscript for the ODP Scientific Results. Note: Chemists, please provide an explicit list of each chemical analysis that you plan to accomplish shipboard. 5. Please describe the proposed core sampling program in sufficient detail so that those who must carry it out on board ship will understand your needs. Shipboard samples are limited to those people in support of papers for the Proceedings; other samples may be taken when 1 year has passed. Specify any other information that will be helpful in conducting your sampling program. Be aware that, if the number of samples which you are requesting is large, sampling for you is likely to be deferred until the cores reach the repository (4 to 6 months following the cruise), so it is to your advantage to keep the total number of samples small. Sample Program: Number of samples_____per [ ] core pilot study [ ] [ ] section follow-up [ ] [ ] hole Total number of samples you can analyze within 1 year __________ Particular stratigraphic or lithologic units to be sampled on the ship: Sample size (cubic centimeter):________ 6. Please describe any specialized sampling or processing techniques that you plan to use. List any specialized supplies or equipment that you want to use during the cruise. Will you bring these items with you, or do you think they will be available from ODP? 7. Please estimate the time it will require for you to obtain publishable results. For samples taken on board the ship or during the first year post-cruise, you must have publishable results ready for the Scientific Results volume within the first 18 months. 8. In what condition will the samples be, once your research is complete? [ ] washed [ ] heated [ ] destroyed [ ] sieved [ ] demag ____ a.f. other________________ Will they be useful to others? [ ] yes [ ] no other _______________ If so, for what kinds of research? 9. If you have ever before received samples from DSDP or ODP, please indicate the DSDP/ODP sample request number (if known), and the number and volumes of samples received. Were all of these samples analyzed? If not, were they returned to DSDP/ODP? If work is still in progress, please attach a brief (2-3 page) progress report. If the work has ended, please return the samples. Micropaleontologists may keep their processed residues until their professional use of the samples is completed, where upon they must be returned to the Curator. 10. If you have ever before received samples from DSDP or from ODP, please attach a comprehensive list of the publications in journals, outside of the ODP volumes, which resulted from each sample request. If you have recently submitted such a listing, you may update it with only the new publications. If you reference publications which have not yet been forwarded to the Curator, please enclose five (5) reprints of each (no reprints are required for publications in the ODP volumes). If work is still in progress, please attach a brief (2-3 page) progress report. If the work has ended, please return the residues. 11. Please summarize any other information on an attached sheet which you feel would be useful in reviewing your request.
If you want something other than samples, check one: [ ] thin sections [ ] smear slides [ ] view/photograph [ ] other ___________________________________ then skip to last page, for your signature and date.
12. Samples taken on the ship are usually sealed in plastic bags, which are stored and shipped in cardboard boxes at ambient temperatures. If your samples require special storage or shipment handling, please describe how you want the samples handled. Warning: If shipping delays from remote ports exist, you may want to make plans to hand-carry samples. cooled with blue ice [ ] frozen with blue ice, may thaw a bit [ ] ______ hours frozen - must remain frozen [ ] 13. If your samples will require special storage or shipment (for example, frozen organic samples), please complete the following: Destination airport:______________________________________ Who can clear the shipment from customs and provide transportation to final destination? Name:______________________________ Phone:_______________________________ Fax:________________________________ E-mail:_______________________________ 14. Would you prefer that we (circle one): a) ship your samples to you, b) give them to you at the end of the cruise so that you can put them in your suitcase, or c) pack them in a box and give them to you at the end of the cruise? Acceptance of samples implies willingness and responsibility on the part of the Investigator to fulfill certain obligations: (a) To publish the manuscript you agreed to produce in the ODP Scientific Results volume (the title will be listed on the final Cruise Sampling Program in the Hole Summary). (b) To acknowledge in all publications that the samples were supplied through the assistance of the international Ocean Drilling Program and others as appropriate. (c) To submit five (5) copies of reprints of all published works in outside journals to the Curator, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University Research Park, 1000 Discovery Drive, College Station, Texas 77845-9547, U.S.A. These reprints will be distributed to the repositories and to the ship. The bibliographies of all reprints received by the Ocean Drilling Program will be sent to the National Science Foundation. You need not send reprints from the ODP Initial Reports. (d) To submit all final analytical data obtained from the samples to the Data Base Supervisor, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University Research Park, 1000 Discovery Drive, College Station, Texas 77845-9547, U.S.A. Please consult recent issues of the JOIDES Journal or call 409-845-2673 for information on acceptable data formats. Investigators should be aware that they may have other data obligations under NSF's Ocean Science Data Policy or under relevant policies of other funding agencies which require submission of data to national data centers. (e) To return all unused or residual samples, in good condition and with a detailed explanation of any processing they may have experienced, upon termination of the proposed research. In particular, all thin sections and smear slides manufactured on board the vessel or in the repositories are to be returned to the Curator. Thin sections and smear slides used to describe the cores are unique representatives of the materials, and as such they are kept as components of the ODP reference collection. All unused or dry residual paleontological materials may be returned either to the Curator at ODP or to one of the designated paleontological reference centers upon completion of the investigator's use of the materials. It is understood that failure to honor these obligations will prejudice future applications for samples. All requests will be reviewed before the cruise, to begin preparing a preliminary sampling scheme. Approval/disapproval will be based upon the scientific requirements of the cruise as determined by the appropriate JOIDES advisory panel(s). In the case of duplicate proposals, shipboard scientists may be given priority over shorebased scientists. Requests for samples for post-cruise studies will be handled separately. Completion of this form in no way implies acceptance of your proposed investigation. Date:____________________ _________________________________________ Date:____________________ _________________________________________ Date:____________________ _________________________________________ Signatures of Investigators Send completed form to: Curator Ocean Drilling Program Texas A&M University Research Park 1000 Discovery Drive College Station, Texas 77845-9547 U.S.A. Internet: CURATOR@ODP.TAMU.EDU fax: (409) 845-1303 phone: (409) 845-4819
To Location Map of Legs 171B-176