SITE: 395A PRIORITY: 1 POSITION: 22¡45.35'N, 46¡04.90'W WATER DEPTH: 4490.2 m SEDIMENT THICKNESS: 93 m TOTAL PENETRATION: 664 m SEISMIC COVERAGE: DSDP Leg 45 seismic data; 1989 single channel seismic data; SeaBeam coverage on Site 395 from Conrad Cruise 3001 Objectives: Perform downhole experiments to acquire detailed permeability and fluid flow information and map fracturing. CORK the hole to monitor how the hydrologic system varies with time as the natural hydrogeological conditions re-establish. Drilling Program: None Logging and Downhole Operations: Quad combo with array sonic and DLL, FMS, BHTV, flowmeter, temperature, dipole, sonic, and VSP. Nature of Rock Anticipated:Basalt