Stichocorys peregrina Zone Reference Slide R 7
Sample Slide
85-573-10-CC R7.1 R7.2 R7.3

Stichocorys peregrina W23/0 W39/1 U30/2
Spongaster berminghami M5/3 S30/0 G8/2

F32/2 S6/0 Q15/2

Didymocyrtis penultima N9/2 X10/0 N29/1

N35/4 U7/4
Lychnodictyum audax Q25/4 R38/4 U6/0
Phormostichoartus doliolum O36/3 U14/4 U6/0
Phormostichoartus fistula M16/0 F19/1
Siphostichartus corona H13/3 F38/0 U30/3
Solenosphaera omnitubus omnitubus * U34/3 X35/1 U35/3
Solenosphaera omnitubus procera W32/2 X35/1 U35/3

*end of lineage with tubes tapered distally

Specimens are located using England Finder coordinates; radiolarian slide label positioned to the left.

Radiolarians are abundant and well preserved in this sample. There are a few diatoms present.