This section consists of two parts:

1. List of Samples: Tropical Radiolarian Zonation and Middle Latitude Radiolarian Zonation. First is a sample list showing zone, slide identification number, sample designation, and area from which the sample was obtained. Samples are identified by sequential "R" numbers from the uppermost low-latitude sample to the lowermost middle-latitude sample. Three sets of slides were prepared for this project. One set resides on the ship while the other two are kept in reserve in case of loss or breakage. Hence, each slide has a further numerical designation which indicates to which set of slides it belongs. For example, the uppermost Quaternary low-latitude zone is the Buccinosphaera invaginata Zone. Slides for this zone are labelled R 1.1 (first set of slides), R 1.2 (second set of slides) and R 1.3 (third set of slides). There is no stratigraphic significance to the number and they should not be confused with "NR" numbers used by some radiolarian stratigraphers. All samples were sieved at 63 µm and prepared using the method described in Sanfilippo et al. (1985).

In four cases, the generic designation of the taxa used for the zonal name has been changed (or is controversial) since the time of the original description of the zone. The slides are marked with the original name, but the documentation herein uses the more recent nomenclature. Please note that Artostrobium miralestensis is now Botryostrobus aquilonaris, Axoprunum angelinum is more commonly referred to as Stylatractus universus, Cryptoprora ornata is now Cryptocarpium ornatum and Carpocanistrum azyx is now Cryptocarpium azyx.

As far as possible, samples were selected from previously described core material from a single oceanic region: the Equatorial Pacific for most of the low-latitude zones and the North Pacific for all of the middle-latitude zones. We deviated from this principle in the case of the low-latitude Eocene material, which shows much better preservation in the Caribbean, and in the case of the lowermost Eocene and Paleocene material, which is best preserved in North Atlantic sediments. We have selected samples that are characteristic of the zone and that include the zonal biomarkers. In some cases, this means that species that occur over a short time span or that are very rare are not present in the reference slides.

2. Specimen Locations: Reference Slides. We have identified one or more specimens of zonal markers and other stratigraphically useful species in each slide. These specimens are located according to England Finder coordinates (Riedel and Foreman, 1961). An England Finder can be found in the box of reference slides. In using the England Finder, the radiolarian slide label and the England Finder label should be positioned to the left side of the microscope stage.