Supplementary materials
provided in the Leg 185 Initial Reports Volume include: (1) communal
samples plates and tables, and (2) descriptions of igneous mineralogy.
1. Communal samples plates and tables.
During Leg 185 a representative suite of rock samples were taken within each
geochemical unit to represent the major lithologies in the cores: massive flows,
pillowed or sheet flows, interflow material, and breccia; and also the different
alteration types: veins, halos, and pervasively altered basalt (see “Communal
and Composite Basement Samples for Geochemical Studies,” in the “Leg 185
Summary” chapter, and “Preparation of Composites,” p.25, in the
“Explanatory Notes” chapter). Communal samples were also taken from
sediments recovered at Site 1149 (see “Communal Sediment Samples,” in the
“Leg 185 Summary” chapter, and “Preparation of Composites,” in the
“Explanatory Notes” chapter). Basement and sediment plates show digital
images of the core intervals from which the communal samples were taken.
Communal samples tables contain information about sample number (i.e., core
interval), type of lithology, alteration type when pertinent, and sample weight
(g) for the basement samples.
2. Igneous mineralogy tables.
Tables describing igneous mineralogy from samples collected at Sites 801 and