Start-Up Procedure

1. Empty drain bottle if needed.
2. Check peristaltic pump tubing is not flattened. Replace if necessary.
3. Turn on cooling water.
4. Turn on exhaust fan.
5. Turn on argon at tank/regulator.
6. Turn on peristaltic pump and begin pumping DI water.
Operating Conditions

Plasma flow: 12-14 L/min

Pump speed: 20

Nebulizer pressure: ~3 bar

Argon humidifier: ON for basalts and fusions, OFF for interstitial waters

7. Pump DI at least 5 min prior to ignition. Check IN and OUT flow.
8. Initiate start-up procedure through the Windows software.
9. Recheck plasma.
10. Let instrument warm up for at least one-half hour...

Shut-Down Procedure

1. Pump rinse solution for at least 5 min.
2. Pump DI for at least 3 min.
3. Initiate stop procedure through the Windows software.
4. Maintain gas flow and pump DI for 3 min.
5. Remove input tubing from DI and pump until nebulizer and spray chamber are dry.
6. Turn peristaltic pump off, release clamp, and unhook pump tubing.
7. Turn off recirculating water.