In the construction of this Technical Note we have drawn heavily on the expertise and input of a number of different individuals and institutions. At Boston University, we particularly thank Terry Plank, Katie Kelley, Lauren Vigliotti, Joel Sparks, and Eric Grunwald for their feedback and assistance during the refinement of some of the methodologies described herein. We also thank Gilles Poncet and his colleagues at the Jobin-Yvon Emission Division of Instruments SA, Inc., for their responsiveness and assistance. At the Ocean Drilling Program, the efforts of Dennis Graham, Chieh Peng, Anne Pimmel, Jaque Ledbetter, Brad Julson, Tim Bronk, Don Sims, Johanna Suhonen, and other members of the scientific and technical staff eased the transition of installing and operating the ICP-AES device on board the ship during Legs 187-189.
The scientific community responded positively to this installation and development effort, and in particular we acknowledge the support of the Leg 185 igneous and pore-water scientists, as well as Eric DeCarlo, Dave Christie, Vaughn Balzer, Mitch Malone, and other members of the Legs 187-189 scientific and technical parties.
We acknowledge the support of the U.S. National Science Foundation and the U.S. Geological Survey of the Boston University Analytical Geochemistry Facility, where protocols were tested for the ODP shipboard environment. We also thank the US Department of Energy for financial support associated with the acquisition of the ODP shipboard ICP-AES instrument.