This publication is supplemented by International Ocean Discovery Program Chemistry Laboratory User Guides:

Introduction to Shipboard Organic Geochemistry on the JOIDES Resolution1, 2

A. Pimmel3 and G. Claypool4


Organic geochemical capabilities on the JOIDES Resolution have a twofold purpose. The first is to fulfill the hydrocarbon monitoring requirements that have become standard at most sites cored by the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP). The second is to provide measurements of the quantity and quality of organic matter in cored sediments in support of the scientific objectives of ODP.

The main hazard in ocean drilling with respect to safety and pollution prevention is the possibility of encountering a charged reservoir, allowing oil and hydrocarbon gas to escape in large quantities into the sea and the atmosphere (Ocean Drilling Program, 1992). The primary responsibility of the organic geochemist is to provide the operations manager and the co-chief scientists with advice concerning the probable risks of an uncontrolled release of petroleum hydrocarbons. The chemistry technicians’ responsibility is to help the organic geochemists in collecting data that will be used for making decisions about safety and pollution prevention.

1Pimmel, A., and Claypool, G., 2001. Introduction to shipboard organic geochemistry on the JOIDES Resolution. ODP Tech. Note, 30 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web: <>. [Cited YYYY-MM-DD]
2See Disclaimer.
3Ocean Drilling Program, 1000 Discovery Drive, College Station TX 77845-9547, USA.
48910 West 2nd Avenue, Lakewood CO 80226, USA.