AACT = aluminum activation clay tool
ADN = Azimuthal Density Neutron tool
APC = advanced piston corer
bbl = barrel(s)
BHA = bottom-hole assembly [drilling]
BHTV = Borehole Televiewer tool
BOP = blowout preventer
BSR = bottom-simulating reflector
CD = compact disc
CDP = common depth point
CDR = Compensated Dual Resistivity tool
CD-ROM = compact disc read-only memory
CMP = common midpoint
CNT-G = Compensated Neutron Tool
CSES = conical side-entry sub [drilling]
dB = decibel
DIT = Dual Induction Tool
DLL = Dual Laterolog (resistivity) [logging]
DP = dynamic positioning
DSD = Drilling Services Department
DSDP = Deep Sea Drilling Project
DSI = Dipole Sonic Imager
EXCOM = Executive Committee
FMS = Formation MicroScanner
ft = foot or feet
gal = gallon(s)
GHMT = Geological High Resolution Magnetic Tool
GLT = Geochemical Logging Tool
gm/cm3 = grams per cubic centimeter
gpm = gallons per minute
H2S = hydrogen sulfide
HLDS = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde
HLDT = Hostile Environment Litho-Density Tool
HNGS = Hostile Environment Gamma Ray Sonde
HRRS = hard rock reentry system
JOI = Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc.
JOIDES = Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling
kt = knot(s)
lb = pound(s)
lb/ft3 = pounds per cubic foot
LDEO = Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
LINC = LWD Inductive Coupling tool
LSS = Long Spacing Sonic Tool [logging]
LWD = logging while drilling
m = meter
MBR = mechanical bit release
mbsf = meters below seafloor
MCS = multichannel seismic
MDCB = motor-driven core barrel
MLS = Marine Laboratory Specialists
MWD = measurement while drilling
NGT = Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool
nmi = nautical mile
OBS = ocean-bottom seismometer
ODP = Ocean Drilling Program
OIM = Offshore Installation Manager
OPCOM = Operating Committee
PCOM = Planning Committee
PCS = pressure core sampler [drilling]
PDR = precision depth recorder
ppg = pounds per gallon
ppm = parts per million
PPSP = Pollution Prevention and Safety Panel
psi = pounds per square inch
PVT = pressure-volume-temperature
RCB = rotary core barrel
SAC = Sample Allocation Committee
SCICOM = Science Committee
SciMP = Scientific Measurements Panel
SCS = single-channel seismic
Seasat = sea satellite
SID = standing instructions to drillers
SSEP = Science Steering and Evaluation Panel
SSP = Site Survey Panel
SWDWG = Shallow-Water Drilling Working Group
SWGHS = shallow-water gas hazards survey
TAMRF = Texas A&M Research Foundation
TAMU = Texas A&M University
TAMUSP = Texas A&M University Safety Panel
TEDCOM = Technology and Engineering Development Committee
VIT = vibration-isolated television
VPC = vibra-percussive corer
VSP = vertical seismic profile
WST = Well Seismic Tool (used in VSP experiments) [logging]
WWW = World Wide Web
XCB = extended core barrel