Precruise Responsibilities
Proponents, SSP, and PPSP Interaction
EXCOM presides over JOIDES and advises the ODP prime contractor, JOI, on policy issues. Scientific leadership is provided by SCICOM, which heads the JOIDES science advisory structure. Scientific proposals are reviewed by the SSEPs for Environment and Interior, which select scientifically mature proposals for external review.
SCICOM (with advice from the SSEPs) creates small, focused short-term PPGs to work with proponents to produce mature proposals that cover specific scientific themes. JOIDES service panels provide advice to the advisory structure and include the SSP, PPSP, and SciMP.
Following reviews of proposals by external panels, the SSEPs forward scientifically mature proposals to SCICOM with a recommendation for inclusion in the drilling program. SCICOM ranks all the proposals and sends them to OPCOM. OPCOM receives reports from the PPGs and recommends the drilling program schedule to SCICOM for approval. TEDCOM provides advice to ODP through OPCOM on technical matters, drilling tools, and techniques to meet scientific objectives, and monitors the progress of their development. The SSP provides advice to ODP through OPCOM on the adequacy of and need for site survey information relating to proposed drilling targets. The PPSP provides advice to ODP through OPCOM regarding potential safety and pollution hazards that may exist because of general or specific geology of the seafloor or as a consequence of human activities.
Both the JOIDES PPSP and the ODP/TAMUSP give advice and make recommendations that are considered in the final decision on whether a specific site will be drilled.
Science Operator
The operation of the drillship, which includes planning and implementation of cruises, is managed from ODP facilities at TAMU in College Station, Texas. This facility also houses the Gulf Coast Repository, which contains cores from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. As science operator, TAMU is responsible for
Selecting Co-Chief Scientists (based on recommendations from SCICOM);
Implementing science planning and operations;
Approving final drilling plans;
Guiding engineering development and improvement of drilling technology;
Selecting scientists for the shipboard scientific parties;
Designing, furnishing, and maintaining shipboard and shore-based laboratories necessary to meet the needs of the shipboard scientific staff;
Curating and distributing all core samples and data;
Maintaining shipboard safety;
Obtaining clearance to drill/core;
Publishing scientific results; and
Providing public information about ODP
Staff Scientist/Leg Project Manager
The advisory structure of ODP determined in 1996 that the program would incorporate the principles of project management as an operational paradigm. With this shift, the Staff Scientist was assigned as the LPM. This position is pivotal for successful completion of each cruise, coordination of the leg team, and management of leg-related resources. LPM/Staff Scientists are supervised by the Deputy Director for Operations, who oversees LPM tasks, and the Manager of Science Operations, who oversees all other job functions. The Staff Scientist is responsible for ensuring the successful implementation and completion of the cruise-based science plan as defined by the JOIDES panels through project management of the cruise-related resources. As cruise project manager, the Staff Scientist
Interacts with Co-Chief Scientists,
Coordinates the shipboard scientific party before and during the cruise, and
Coordinates operational planning.
In addition, the Staff Scientist
Coordinates development of shipboard measurement procedures and laboratory equipment;
- Interfaces with scientists as customers and with the JOIDES advisory and planning structure;
Contributes to shaping ODP's future through continued improvements in strategies, policies, and services; and
Conducts scientific research to maintain and expand the expertise required to act effectively as a Staff Scientist.
Specific duties of the Leg Project Manager/Staff Scientist include:
Coordinating a leg project team composed of representatives from each department to ensure efficient precruise and cruise operations;
Working closely with the Co-Chief Scientists to prepare the cruise Scientific Prospectus in a timely manner;
Scheduling, coordinating, and hosting precruise meetings with the Co-Chief Scientists to complete precruise planning and related ODP policies and procedures; and
Providing a link at ODP/TAMU for communication with shipboard scientists and ensuring that all pertinent cruise information is sent to them prior to the cruise.
Co-Chief Scientists
The Co-Chief Scientists are responsible for the scientific success of the cruise. Their responsibilities include
Aiding ODP staff in refining the scientific objectives of the cruise, taking into account operational constraints and ensuring that the necessary geologic, geophysical, oceanographic, and meteorological data are assembled;
Aiding ODP Site Survey Data Bank personnel as necessary in preparation of the safety package for formal review by JOIDES (PPSP);
Reviewing scientists' applications for participation on the cruise and making recommendations to the ODP Manager of Science Services for the selection of participants.
Participating in the Co-Chief Scientists' precruise meeting to finalize cruise planning and meet ODP personnel:
Finalizing cruise operation strategy;
Finalizing the Scientific Prospectus
Ensuring agreement between Co-Chief Scientists, panels, and TAMU/LDEO concerning cruise operations in meeting cruise objectives;
Providing shipboard participants with specific cruise strategy for completion of individual sample requests; and
Processing clearance documents; and
Providing guidance concerning services available from ODP/TAMU and LDEO;
Completing the cruise scientific prospectus for distribution to cruise participants and the JOIDES community by the end of the precruise meeting;
Reviewing requests for samples from the cruise, aiding curatorial personnel in addressing "problem" requests prior to the cruise, and preparing a letter to participants addressing a team approach;
Arriving at the ship the first day of port call; and
Crossing over with previous Co-Chief Scientists during port call, when appropriate.
Logging Staff Scientist
Shortly after the drillship schedule has been set by SciCOM at the August meeting, ODP Logging Services appoints a Logging Staff Scientist for each scheduled leg. The Logging Staff Scientist is considered to be the leader of the Logging Services project team. In addition to all shipboard participants, the team usually consists of the following personnel:
LDEO Manager of Technical Services, for tool deployment and engineering issues;
Engineering Assistant, for shipping issues;
Manager of Information Services, for data handling issues;
Log Analysts, for log processing services;
CD-ROM coordinator, for issues involving the Logging Data CD; and
Systems Analyst, for any computer or software issues.
In addition, there may be other engineering or scientific personnel involved if special projects are planned for the cruise. The LDEO Deputy Director of Operations is responsible for coordinating the activities of the LPMs and is available, along with the Director of Operations, to assist as needed.
The Logging Staff Scientist is responsible for ensuring the successful implementation of the logging program for each cruise. He/she provides a link between ODP Logging Services and the shipboard scientists before, during, and after the cruise. The role of the Logging Staff Scientist during the cruise includes
Coordinating all leg-related logging activities;
Training new logging scientists; and
Interfacing with the Co-Chief Scientists, TAMU Staff Scientist, JOIDES Logger, Geophysical Properties Specialist, Operations Manager, and Drilling Superintendents.
Co-Chief Scientists
The Co-Chief Scientists are responsible for the scientific success of the cruise. At sea they are responsible for optimum use of the vessel's time, except as abridged by policies set by the ODP Program Plan (available from ODP/TAMU), safety considerations, and/or laws of the sea. The Co-Chief Scientists are charged with implementing the recommendations of the JOIDES Planning Committee for drilling, coring, and logging, after the recommendations have been reviewed operationally and approved by ODP management.
Specific cruise duties include:
Representing the JOIDES community in the shipboard leadership team (with the LPM/Staff Scientist, Operations Manager, Laboratory Officer, and Curator) in coordinating the shipboard science activities toward attaining cruise objectives set by the JOIDES scientific and operational committees;
As a member of the Sample Allocation Committee (SAC), supervising the implementation of the cruise sampling plan and seeing that all shipboard scientists help in its completion;
Ensuring that scientific data obtained during the cruise are entered into the ODP database by the shipboard scientific party;
Sharing with the Operations Manager the responsibility of avoiding drilling into hydrocarbon accumulations by ensuring that all hydrocarbon monitoring procedures are carried out and that recommendations of the JOIDES PPSP are followed during the cruise;
Determining when and what types of underway geophysical data are collected while under way between sites and to and from ports;
Providing ODP with a concise report of the scientific results obtained at each site immediately upon its completion (Site Summary) and providing a weekly science progress summary when sites are occupied for extended times;
Reporting information generated during the cruise in a cruise
Preliminary Report and a cruise press release. These reports must be completed prior to docking at the end of the cruise; and
Completing a Cruise Evaluation Form, or otherwise provide written assessment of performance of equipment, procedures, and ODP and Transocean personnel to the manager of Science Services.
Staff Scientist/Leg Project Manager
The ODP Staff Scientist/LPM is responsible for the following:
Aiding the Co-Chief Scientists in preparing and finalizing the cruise sampling plan;
Acting as liaison to further communication between the Co-Chief Scientists, Operations Manager, and scientific party;
Acting as liaison between internal departments and the external science community concerning leg activities;
Ensuring that departments comply with appropriate regulations concerning shipments to foreign ports where the research vessel is locating;
Ensuring that shipboard reports for the Initial Reports are properly written and submitted in a timely manner (including Site Reports, Leg Summaries, and Barrel Sheets);
Ensuring that the Weekly Reports and press releases are properly written and submitted in a timely manner;
Coordinating science meetings during the cruise;
Coordinating shipboard measurements, including use of standard and special instrumentation; data quality control; data archiving; and use of data acquisition, analyses, and reporting programs;
Assisting the Operations Manager and Co-Chief Scientists in daily operations planning;
Acting as a member of the shipboard scientific party;
Compiling a draft table of contents for the
Initial Reports and
Scientific Results volumes with the shipboard party; and
Ensuring successful implementation of port call activities, including shipping and receiving.
Operations Manager
The Operations Manager is the senior ODP/TAMU representative aboard ship. He/she is responsible for
Executing the recommendations and procedures made by the JOIDES Safety Panel and approved by ODP/TAMU;
Dealing with all matters affecting the technical and operational success of the expedition;
Planning and directing the activities of shipboard Transocean personnel through their designated supervisors;
Ensuring that the best possible techniques, equipment, and work efforts are used to maximize scientific results with minimum risk of loss of equipment or personal safety;
Representing ODP/TAMU in determining acceptable drilling conditions;
Dealing with matters pertaining to discipline of the ship, drilling, and scientific crews;
Approving on-site changes in equipment or drilling and coring procedures; and
Completing accurate reports of drilling, coring, and ship operation/maintenance, and for transmitting this information ashore (daily operations reports).
The Operations Manager, if necessary, reminds the Co-Chief Scientists and other scientific party members that if any hole at a site is drilled to a depth >400 m, at least one of the holes must be logged. All communications with Transocean personnel regarding cruise operations or any other business matters must go through the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager also has direct supervision of the Operations Engineer. It is the Operations Manager's obligation, after consulting the Co-Chief Scientists and Staff Scientist, to terminate drilling operations whenever necessary to prevent any possible release of hydrocarbons. Final authority to terminate drilling/coring resides with the Operations Manager.
The Contract between Texas A&M Research Foundation (TAMRF) and Ocean Drilling Limited (Transocean) specifies that the ODP Operations Manager is the only ODP contract representative on board who is authorized to issue orders to Transocean (the Contractor). All ODP instructions and business with the Contractor must come from the Operations Manager and should be given (preferably in writing) to the Transocean OIM.
The Operations Manager is responsible for working with the Contractor's supervisory personnel to ensure compliance with the contract and ensure the most effective safe use of time and materials in compliance with the Scientific Prospectus, science plan, and leg operations. The ODP/TAMU Administration Department is responsible for administering and interpreting the Contract. The Contract can have numerous amendments and additions that modify and extend the contract. A copy of the Contract is maintained in the Operations Manager's office on board the ship. The ODP Administration Department should be contacted for the latest additions and interpretation of the contract.
In addition, action by the Planning Committee (PCOM) and JOI have clarified policy with regard to the role of the Operations Manager in operational decision making. These interpretations concern not only logging and downhole instrumentation, but overall scientific site objectives.
Paragraph 562 of the JOI ODP Policy Manual states: "The ODP Operations Manager is the official representative of the Ocean Drilling Program and has the responsibility of seeing that the SCICOM (formerly PCOM) drilling and logging guidelines are followed during the cruise operations."
This is not to imply that the Operations Manager has the authority to make or alter scientific decisions. The operational plans and scientific objectives described in the cruise prospectus reflect the official directives and policies to be followed on a given leg.
Logging Staff Scientist
The LDEO Logging Staff Scientist is responsible for the following:
Training new logging scientists sailing on the cruise;
Interfacing with the Co-Chief Scientists, TAMU Staff Scientist, JOIDES Logger, Geophysical Properties Specialist, Operations Manager, and Transocean OIM;
Cruise and postcruise reporting of logging objectives and operations;
Participating in and supervising at-sea logging operations, including data acquisition, interpretation, and integration, and data distribution;
Supervising and assuming responsibility for quality control of Schlumberger data acquisition; and
Conducting scientific research to maintain and expand the expertise required to act effectively as a Logging Staff Scientist.
Master and Transocean Offshore Installation Manager
Maritime law states that the ultimate and overall responsibility for safety on board the ship resides with the Master of the vessel (i.e., the Captain). Transocean company policy is that the Transocean OIM is the senior Transocean representative on board and is in charge of Transocean drilling-related operations when the ship is in DP mode (except where the safety of the ship is involved). The vessel's viability as everyone's life-support system has first priority. The safety of individuals has priority over the safety of the drill string and other equipment.
Specific responsibilities of the Master include
Overseeing safety, vessel stability, barge control, deck and hull load distribution, draft and trim adjustments, position of rig over hole, and monitoring of weather;
Supervising navigation, port entry/exit, running and retrieving anchors, towing and steaming, material/personnel transfer, and crane operations;
Supervising maintenance of safety equipment, operation of thrusters, preventive maintenance programs, pollution control, mooring systems, rig bulk systems, bilge alarm systems, and cathodic protection systems;
Monitoring structural integrity of ship and supervises systematic inspections;
Overseeing maintenance of medical, communications, sanitation, food preparation, and handling and storage facilities;
Ensuring that rig meets all regulatory requirements;
Assisting and planning crew training and oversees adherence to safety policies and procedures; and
Directing and training crew in emergency operations.
Specific duties of the OIM include
Supervising coring and drilling, including casing and cementing, out-of-the-ordinary operations, well control measures, and weather monitoring;
Overseeing preventative and planned maintenance programs on equipment;
Overseeing maintenance of medical, communications, sanitation, food preparation, and handling and storage facilities;
Directing crew in emergency situations and making decisions to evacuate/abandon rig; and
Preparing crew schedules and training crew.
Tool Pusher
Specific duties of the Tool Pusher include
Supervising coring operations; drilling, including casing and cementing; and out-of-the-ordinary operations;
Monitoring vessel stability, rig stationing on location, and weather;
Overseeing preventative and planned maintenance programs on equipment;
Directing crew in emergency situations; and
Preparing crew schedules and training crew and overseeing company rig training program and adherence to requirements of the regulatory agency.
Laboratory Officer
While at sea, the Laboratory Officer reports to the Operations Manager and is responsible to the Co-Chief and Staff Scientists for (1) the direct supervision, performance, and safety of the ODP technical staff in the collection of core material and recording of data and (2) proper, efficient, and safe operation and maintenance of the ship's laboratories and related equipment. On most cruises, a member of the technical staff is designated Assistant Laboratory Officer, handling part of these responsibilities. The technical staff on board JOIDES Resolution usually consists of a Laboratory Officer, eight Marine Laboratory Specialists (laboratory technicians), one photographer, one yeoperson, two chemists, two electronics technicians, two computer system managers, and one curatorial representative. In normal practice, the Laboratory Officer directs these activities in a way consistent with the guidelines and overall priorities, policies, and assignments made by ODP/TAMU.
The Laboratory Officer is responsible for all shipboard scientific equipment and supply items. All samples, data, and equipment, including necessary paperwork, are prepared for shipment under his direction.
The Laboratory Officer works with Transocean through the Operations Manager when his areas of responsibility involve ship's personnel, equipment, or operations.
SCICOM/Safety Panel
It is rare in ODP operations that the prospectus can be followed in its entirety. Time limitations, delays, and unexpected drilling results usually dictate that certain objectives or operations must be deleted or changed. The authority to alter the science objectives does not reside on the drillship. Changes can be effected only with the approval of the SCICOM and/or the Safety Panel through communications with ODP/TAMU management. Changes to the approved operational plan require the approval of ODP/TAMU management.
It is the Operations Manager's responsibility to keep the Co-Chief Scientists and ODP management sufficiently informed about events that will force a departure from the prospectus plan. Co-Chief Scientists may need to be reminded to submit their recommendations for alternative plans to ODP management for discussion with SCICOM and/or PPSP, as appropriate. If it is avoidable, resolution of a situation should not be postponed, forcing a last-minute shipboard decision.