File line
Field name
format |
Content (Long Core notes)
Database and upload notes
1 | run_number | 6 | zero-padded 6-digit whole number | Uploads to pmag_run_num of pmag_run, pmag_run_data, and pmag_section_data. |
run_date_time | 13 | mm/dd/yy hhmi | In SQL use to_date format mm/dd/rr hh24mi. rr accomodates appropriate handling of 4-digit years. pmag_calib.pmag_calib_date_time |
2 | system_id | 20 | CRYO | SPINNER | Value ignored by uploader, hard-coded as pmag_run.system_id=1 |
3 | run_type | 20 | SAMPLE | Ignored by uploader |
measurement_type | 20 | CONTINUOUS | DISCRETE | pmag_run.pmag_meas_type |
core_status | 20 | WHOLE | ARCHIVE | WORKING | pmag_run.pmag_core_status |
4 | X_response | 7.4 |
pmag_calib.pmag_response_x |
Y_response | 7.4 |
pmag_calib.pmag_response_y |
Z_response | 7.4 |
pmag_calib.pmag_response_z |
X_calibration | 11.4E3 | SQUID calibration constant (emu/flux_quanta) | pmag_calib.pmag_calib_x |
Y_calibration | 11.4E3 | SQUID calibration constant (emu/flux_quanta) | pmag_calib.pmag_calib_y |
Z_calibration | 11.4E3 | SQUID calibration constant (emu/flux_quanta) | pmag_calib.pmag_calib_z |
5 | Demag_axis | 4 | For alternating frequency (AF) demagnetization yields any combination of the characters XYZ. Will be NONE if a non-AF treatment is applied. | XYZ when present populates pmag_run.pmag_demag_x|y|z_flag. Presence of XYZ causes pmag_section_data.pmag_demag_type to be set to "AF." |
Applied demagnetization level | 7.2 | milliTesla (mT). When demag axis = NONE this and the following field are omitted. Intervening tabs also omitted. | pmag_section_data.pmag_demag_level |
Unit |
For demag treatments this is always mT (milliTesla). Long Core acquisition doesn't currently define anything else. | Mapped to pmag_run.pmag_alternate_treatment when XYZ combination is present. |
6 | alternate_treatment | 40 | Comment field | pmag_run.pmag_alternate_treatment. Presently not used by Long Core. |
7 | core_length | 5.1 | Empty if measurement type = DISCRETE (cm) | pmag_run.pmag_core_length |
requested_daq_interval | 5.1 | Empty if measurement type = DISCRETE (cm) | pmag_run.pmag_req_daqs_interval |
number_daqs_samples | 3 | # of measurements taken at a point and averaged | pmag_run.pmag_num_daqs_sample |
8 | tray_corrected | 3 | YES | NO | YES = 1, NO = 0; pmag_run.pmag_tray_corr_flag |
tray_date_time | 13 | empty if tray corrected = NO. Intervening tab is preserved. | pmag_run.pmag_tray_date_time |
9 | drift-corrected | 3 | YES | NO | pmag_run.pmag_drift_corr_flag |
bkgnd_1_X | 11.4E3 | when drift-corrected = NO, this and subsequent fields on the line are blank. Intervening tabs are preserved. | pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_1_x |
bkgnd_2_X | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_2_x |
bkgnd_1_Y | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_1_y |
bkgnd_2_Y | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_2_y |
bkgnd_1_Z | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_1_z |
bkgnd_2_Z | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_2_z |
bkgnd_1_time | 10 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_1_time |
bkgnd_2_time | 10 |
pmag_run.pmag_drift_bkgd_2_time |
10 | section_id | 7 | 0 | pmag_section_data.section_id looked up based on L/S/H/C/T/S keys provided in sample data. Upload fails if no match. |
11 | number of data points | 4 |
Ignored by uploader. |
"N" rows of data follow. | Used by uploader to flag start of repeated body records. |
13 | <extra space> | 1 | SampleID is formatted according to the old ODP standard. | These keys are used to look up the database section IDs in the core log. |
Leg | 3 | For continuous runs, L/S/H/C/T/S are the same for each sample record. In discrete runs, these values are different, but each run goes in its own separate file (i.e., only one sample point per discrete run-file vs many points in a single continuous run-file). | pmag_run.leg, pmag_section_data.leg, pmag_run_data.leg |
sub leg | 1 |
Ignored by uploader. |
site | 4 |
Hole | 1 |
Core | 4 |
Type | 1 |
Section | 2 | Section number or CC | pmag_section_data.section_id |
top_interval | 5.1 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_top_interval. For discretes uploader looks up PMAG sample table IDs based on this information. Plugged into pmag_section_data.pmag_sample_id and pmag_section_data.pmag_sam_location |
bottom_interval | 5.1 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_bottom_interval |
corrected_inclination | 6.2 |
pmag_section_data.pmag_inclination |
corrected_declination | 7.2 |
pmag_section_data.pmag_declination |
corrected_intensity | 11.4E3 |
pmag_section_data.pmag_intensity |
corrected_X_intensity | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_corr_intensity_x |
corrected_Y_intensity | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_corr_intensity_y |
corrected_Z_intensity | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_corr_intensity_z |
corrected_X_moment | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_corr_moment_x |
corrected_Y_moment | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_corr_moment_y |
corrected_Z_moment | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_corr_moment_z |
uncorrected_X_moment_mean | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_uncorr_moment_x_mean |
uncorrected_X_moment_sd | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_uncorr_moment_x_sd |
uncorrected_Y_moment_mean | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_uncorr_moment_y_mean |
uncorrected_Y_moment_sd | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_uncorr_moment_y_sd |
uncorrected_Z_moment_mean | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_uncorr_moment_z_mean |
uncorrected_Z_moment_sd | 11.4E3 |
pmag_run_data.pmag_uncorr_moment_z_sd |
sample_time | 10 | Zero-padded relative time from a high-frequency counter | pmag_run_data.pmag_sample_time |
core_diameter | 5.2 | Present when measurement type = CONTINUOUS. Otherwise blank. Intervening tabs are preserved. | pmag_run_data.pmag_core_diam |
sample_volume | 5.2 | Present when measurement type = DISCRETE. Otherwise blank. Intervening tabs are preserved the core_diameter is blank and sample_volume is present. | Not uploaded. Already logged in sample.volume |
data_type | 20 | LEADER | TRAILER | SAMPLE | pmag_run_data.pmag_data_type |
13+N | END OF DATA |
Marks the beginning of data points |