"Appendix A" describes the "University Research Facilities and Laboratories Security" plan devised by TAMU on 25 October 2001. This plan has been adapted by ODP to reflect the JOIDES Resolution environment both in port and at sea.

Security in Port

Personnel Access Control

Only individuals on the approved boarding list are allowed to board the JOIDES Resolution in port without an escort. Employees or subcontractors working for either the ship's owner or ODP are automatically approved and will be issued a JOIDES Resolution photo identification (ID) card. This ID must be worn at all times when working on board or on the dock and must be presented to the gangway watch when boarding the ship during personal time. Therefore, the ID should be carried at all times when the individual leaves the ship. The JOIDES Resolution photo ID must be turned in when the individual leaves the employment of the ship's owner or ODP.

Scientists, consultants, and observers that are leaving or boarding the ship for the next scientific cruise or have worked aboard the JOIDES Resolution in the past and are familiar with the ship's safety concerns are issued a color-coded visitor's card. A photo ID (passport or driver's license) is necessary to verify identification before a visitor's card can be issued. The card must be worn at all times when working on board or on the dock and must be presented to the gangway watch when boarding the ship during personal time. Therefore, the visitor's card should be carried at all times when the individual leaves the ship. Visitor's cards must be turned in when the visitor leaves the ship for the last time.

The visitor's card color changes each leg and is available from the ship's Yeoperson. In addition, port officials, shipping agents, and service representatives can be issued a visitor's card by ship officers and department heads, ODP Operations Manager, Laboratory Officer, and Staff Scientists.

All other individuals boarding as part of a tour group must wear a guest tag and be escorted at all times by the tour guide while aboard the ship. Guest tags are issued when the individual boards the ship and must be returned when they leave.

Gangway Watch

In unsecured ports, a gangway watch will be posted 24 hr per day. The gangway watch is charged with ensuring that all individuals boarding the ship are on the approved boarding list or are wearing a JOIDES Resolution photo ID, a valid visitor card, or a guest tag.

While in port, an ODP official will be available (on board or by phone contact) to assist with identification of visitors.

Hazardous Material Delivery and Access

Before any hazardous material is allowed on board the JOIDES Resolution, the Laboratory Officer will determine that the material can be used safely and the Captain will give his approval to load the material on board. All bulk chemical storage cabinets will be locked while the ship is in port.

Security at Sea

At sea, the JOIDES Resolution is isolated from public access, with the exception of piracy. Policies regarding piracy are covered in the ship's safety and policy procedures. Ship personnel are not required to wear their JOIDES Resolution photo ID or visitor's tag while at sea.

General Shipboard Safety Policies and Procedures


Personnel not directly involved in dealing with an emergency are to report to their assigned stations immediately upon hearing an alarm. This facilitates assignment of additional help or directing abandon-ship procedures. Depending on the severity of an emergency, the Captain may call upon any or all hands aboard for assistance; therefore, everyone must be ready to respond to any order the Captain or ship's officers may issue in a drill or real emergency.

Types of Alarms

There are different emergency alarms to signify unsafe conditions aboard ship:


Use of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is forbidden. In 1988 the U.S. Government enacted the Drug-Free Workplace Act, which contains a requirement for federal contractors and grant recipients to maintain drug-free workplaces by adhering to certain requirements. The act specifically prohibits the "unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance" in the workplace. Workplace is defined as all areas of the vessel. Failure to comply with this law may result in loss of government funding.

ODP and Transocean prohibit alcohol and drugs aboard the scientific research vessel JOIDES Resolution, not only to comply with the relevant laws and regulations, but also to reduce the risk of injuries to persons and property. Accordingly, ODP relies upon the integrity, professional attitude, and good judgment of all cruise participants to refrain from engaging in these types of activities.

Compassionate Emergencies

It is the policy of the ODP not to interrupt or alter the course of a cruise for the purpose of evacuating an ODP employee or a cruise participant in the event of a personal emergency on shore. Personal emergencies include but are not limited to a death in the family or the serious illness of a family member. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the ODP/TAMU Director or Deputy Director. An exception would be based in part on the location of the ship, availability of resources for evacuation, and the nature of the emergency.


Personnel are prohibited from going aloft in the derrick because of safety issues.


The scientific work of the JOIDES Resolution takes her to areas where immediate assistance is unavailable. Thus, it is necessary to rely upon the knowledge and experience of the ship's crew to avoid potentially dangerous situations. This is done in a systematic way developed through the practice of weekly drills. These drills are required by law, and the ship takes pride in the serious manner in which they are organized and executed. Fire drills, man overboard drills, and abandon ship drills are held at least once weekly; attendance is mandatory. Helicopter emergency drills are held less frequently. Procedures and details connected with these drills are explained at the first drill, which is held a few hours out of port.

Hard Hats

Hard hats and safety glasses must be worn by all ODP and Transocean personnel when outside on catwalks, rig floor, or aft decks (on the way to the helipad or underway geophysics lab, for example).


Firearms or other weapons cannot be transported or possessed on board ship.


If you should discover a fire or a similar dangerous situation, do not try to combat it! The first and most important action to take is to notify the bridge immediately (see Fig. F1 for instructions) and stand by to aid or point out the area involved to the Emergency Squad as they arrive. If in your judgment you would be able to help by using an extinguisher on a fire at its inception, you may do so only after you notify the bridge. After the Emergency Squad has taken control, go to your assigned emergency station.

Halon Fire Extinguisher System

The shipboard computer facility is protected by a Halon fire extinguisher system, which is located in the Koomey room on the upper 'tween deck. This system protects the computer machine room, system manager's office, and computer user's area. Only the Captain may authorize manual activation of the Halon system in the event of a fire. A loud alarm sounds, and protected areas must be evacuated immediately and all doors tightly closed. Halon is nontoxic but it must be contained within the air-tight protected area to be effective. As in all emergency situations, the bridge must be notified first.


The JOIDES Resolution is equipped with four motor-propelled, self-contained, totally enclosed lifeboats, each with a 56-person capacity. The boats contain oxygen breathing systems to be used when operating in a fire area. There is also a complete exterior water-spray system to prevent buildup of excessive interior temperatures. Lifeboats are located above the bridge deck, two each on port and starboard. They are launched and boarded from the fo'c'sle deck. In addition to the lifeboats, the ship has inflatable life rafts.

Lifeboat Assignments

Lifeboat assignment and emergency signals are posted in passageways and personnel stations. This information must be thoroughly and carefully read; the Chief Mate or Captain can answer any questions.

Life Jackets

Life jackets are worn during every boat drill by all persons. Regulation-type jackets are kept aboard for all personnel. They are stored in each cabin and near each lifeboat. Immersion suits are also stored in each cabin and in the labstack.

Rig Floor

In the interest of preventing accidents it is requested that, while on site, all persons not directly connected with drilling operations stay off the rig floor. For those who are not familiar with the machinery and its operation or who do not take proper precaution, crossing the rig floor while pipe operations are in progress can be extremely hazardous. The driller and his team are operating equipment that handles loads of over 300 tons under dynamic conditions, and that activity is unforgiving of error. The driller is responsible for the safety of everyone on the rig floor; a lapse in concentration on the driller's part could easily result in a serious or fatal accident to a visitor or crew member. It could also cause a "wreck" with disastrous consequences to the equipment, drill string, or even the voyage.

The following guidelines must be observed on the rig floor:

  1. Wear a hard hat and safety glasses outside the deck house and lab stack areas, and wear safety shoes on the rig floor and around machinery or moving loads.
  2. Avoid the drill floor during pipe handling operations unless you have specific business there, and then walk around behind the drawworks as an alternative to crossing the drill floor. Don't visit with or otherwise distract the driller while he is operating machinery.
  3. Don't ever walk between the iron roughneck or the dual elevator system and the centerwell, and don't walk on the pipe-racker catwalk unless you have a real need to do so and are fully aware of the current operational situation.
  4. Be constantly alert for men working aloft in the derrick and for crane loads being swung overhead, and DON'T stand underneath!
  5. Don't use the rig floor as a route of convenience to the underway geophysics or logging winch areas.


Smoking is permitted only in non-dangerous areas and is never allowed where "No Smoking" signs are posted. Smoking is permitted in the living quarters only where signs are posted stating it is a "designated smoking area."