The TAMU HazCom describes how TAMU complies with THCA. To view the full text of the TCHA, see http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/statutes/statutes.html. A copy of the most recent version of the TAMU HazCom program is provided in "Appendix C." The full text can be obtained from ESHD.

Implementation and compliance with TAMU HazCom aboard the JOIDES Resolution requires ODP to complete the following:

  1. Develop a written procedure that describes the method of implementing the TAMU HazCom program in the workplace (ship: Workplace Implementation Plan) and designated work areas in the workplace (laboratories; Work Areas Implementation Plan). The Workplace Implementation Plan will be completed by the designated department official, not by each Principal Investigator or Supervisor. Copies of the Workplace and Work Areas Implementation Plan are kept in the Laboratory Officer's Office aboard the JOIDES Resolution and in the Human Resources Office at ODP Headquarters in College Station, Texas.
  2. Compile and maintain an annual workplace chemical inventory (WPCI) of all the chemicals stored on board the JOIDES Resolution.
  3. Maintain a file of current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals purchased and stored on the JOIDES Resolution and ensure proper labeling of chemicals to conform to the MSDS identification.
  4. Ensure that the employees (and science party) have received proper training before working with or in an area containing hazardous chemicals.
    Note: There are instances in which granting agencies require grantees to have a Chemical Hygiene Plan (as specified by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA] Laboratory Standard) in place. The THCA does not include a laboratory standard component. However, the completed Chemical Safety Manual fulfills the requirements of the OSHA Laboratory Standard.

For a complete description of the JOIDES Resolution Workplace and Work Areas Implementation Plans, refer to the Laboratory Safety and Hazard Communication Compliance Manual (Section 1) (B. Mills, unpubl. document, 2002 [N1]). Section 1 of this manual also addresses issues related to workplace and work areas inventories, MSDS and labeling of chemicals, and training of the science party.