Table T9. ICP-AES standard reference materials.
ICP-AES standard
Rock type
152-11 A MORB
152-75 A MORB
AGV-1 A Andesite
AII-92-29-1 A MORB/Basalt
AII-92-29-1 X MORB/Basalt
AMERSIL A Blank for background
BA-0500 A Line overlap standard
BA-1000 A Line overlap standard
BA-2000 A Line overlap standard
BAS-140 A Diabase (504B)
BAS-148 A Basalt
BE-N A Basalt
BE-N (BR) A Alkali basalt
BE-N (PP) A Basalt Pressed pellet
BHVO-1 A Tholeiite/Basalt

BHVO-1 TR1 Pressed pellet
BHVO-2 A Basalt
BIR-1 A Basalt
BR-1 A Basalt
CaCO3 A Blank for background ULTREX
CE-0500 A Line overlap standard
CE-1000 A Line overlap standard
CE-2000 A Line overlap standard
DNC-1 A Diabase
DR-N A Diorite Leg 173, 12:1 ratio with Flux VII, NT-2100 bead
FE2O3 A Blank for background
Flux IX A Blank bead
G-2 A Granite
G-2 (PP) A Granite Pressed pellet
GBM-1 A Garnet
JA-1 A Andesite
JA-2 A Andesite
JA-3 A Andesite
JB-1A A Basalt
JB-2 A Basalt
JB-3 B Basalt
JF-1 A Feldspar
JF-2 A Feldspar
JG-1a A Granite MAJOR
JG-1a B Granodiorite TRACE
JG-2 A Granite
JG-3 A Granodiorite
JGB-1 A Gabbro
JP-1 A Peridotite
JR-1 A Rhyolite
JR-2 A Rhyolite
K1919 A Tholeiite
LI2B407 A Blank for background
MAG-1 A Sediment
MGO A Blank for background
Mica-Fe A Biotite
Mica-Mg A Phlogopite
MRG-1 A Gabbro
NBS-1c A Limestone
NBS-278 A Obsidian
NBS-688 A Basalt
NIM-D A Dunite
NIM-P A Pyroxenite
PCC-1 A Peridotite
RB-0500 A Line overlap standard
RB-1000 A Line overlap standard
RB-2000 A Line overlap standard
RGM-1 A Rhyolite
SCo-1 A Shale
SCo-1 B Cody shale Pressed pellet
SCo-1 TR1 Pressed pellet
SCo-1 X Cody shale
SDC-1 A Mica schist
SR-0500 A Line overlap standard
SR-1000 A Line overlap standard
SR-2000 A Line overlap standard
STM-1 A Syenite
SY-2 A Syenite
TI-0500 A Line overlap standard
TI-1000 A Line overlap standard
TIO2-9.3% A Line overlap standard
UB-N A Serpentinite Leg 173, 12:1 ratio with Flux VII, NT-2100 bead
UB-N (PP) A Serpentinite Pressed pellet
V-0500 A Line overlap standard
V-1000 A Line overlap standard
V-2000 A Line overlap standard
W-2 A Diabase
Y-0500 A Line overlap standard
Y-1000 A Line overlap standard
Y-2000 A Line overlap standard

Note: ICP-AES = inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy, MORB = mid-ocean-ridge basalt.