LEG 100
Shakedown - Northeastern Gulf of Mexico
The Ocean Drilling Program, successor to the Deep Sea Drilling Project, commenced its field
operations on 11 January 1985 with an 18-day shakedown cruise. The cruise came after an
extensive conversion and overhaul of the newly chartered drilling vessel, JOIDES Resolution. This
drillship is 470 ft long and 70 ft wide with a displacement of 16,596 tons, a derrick towering 217 ft
above the waterline, and the ability to employ a drillstring of 30,000 ft (9,146 m) in water depths
up to 27,000 ft (8,632 m). The drill ship offers dedicated facilities for studies in sedimentology,
paleontology, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, paleomagnetics, and physical properties
accommodated within its twelve on-board laboratories spanning seven decks of the ship in addition
to facilities for photography, electronics, and refrigerated core storage.
During the inaugural cruise, three holes were drilled at Site 625 on the west Florida Shelf to
document the sedimentological, paleontological, geochemical, geotechnical, and geomagnetic
characteristics of the sedimentary sequences, to correlate alternating sedimentary and erosive
sequences to world-wide changes in sea level over the past several million years, and to test the
advanced piston coring (APC) and extended core barrel (XCB) drilling and coring systems. Hole
625B was the deepest of the three holes drilled and penetrated to 235.2 m subbottom. This hole
was continuously cored with the APC system through 197.1 m of Plio-Pleistocene section. The
XCB system continued to termination depth in the Lower Pliocene. At the third hole (Hole 625C),
an attempt was made to obtain a complete section of the uppermost Quaternary by overlapping the
APC cores taken in the previous hole between 5 and 44.5 m subbottom. A visual comparison
between the overlapping piston cores indicates that the sequences in each are closely matched. On
the basis of physical properties and magnetic susceptibility data, we believe that no more than
about 10 cm of material remained unsampled after the double APC coring.
During Leg 100, the on-board scientific, drilling, and operational equipment was tested under
varying sea conditions and generally performed to, or even exceeded, expectations. Following Leg
100, the ship was able to depart Miami on 31 January, after only two days in port, for Leg 101, the
first fully operational, internationally staffed cruise of the Ocean Drilling Program.