LEG 111
Costa Rica Rift
Technical difficulties associated with deep penetration hampered earlier DSDP attempts to document
the lithostratigraphy, alteration history, and geophysical properties deep within the oceanic crust
and to test the validity of the inferred analogous relationship to ophiolites. Hole 504B, located in
5.9-Ma crust approximately 200 km south of the Costa Rica Rift, was a unique exception, where
DSDP Legs 69, 70, and 83 cased through 274.5 m of sediment and cored 1075.5 m of the
basement; 571.1 m of pillow lavas and minor flows of oceanic layers 2A and 2B underlain by a
209-m zone of transition into 295 m of sheeted dikes and massive units of layer 2C.
During Leg 111, Hole 504B was deepened by 212.3 m to a total depth of 1,562.3 mbsf (1,287.8
m into basement), recovering slightly altered, phyric to highly phyric, fine- to medium-grained
olivine tholeiitic basalts, chemically similar to basalt recovered from the shallower basement DSDP
cores. Deep in the hole, the temperature gradient is linear, decreasing from 116ūC/km in the pillow
lavas to 61ūC/km in the dikes. The chemical composition of sampled borehole waters is apparently
controlled by vertical convection in the borehole and exchange of borehole water with the ocean
bottom water that flows downhole into the upper 100-200 m of basement. Hole 504B was also
logged with an extensive set of tools and, when calibrated against the properties of the recovered
basalt, yielded a nearly continuous geophysical, geochemical, and lithological characterization of
the basement, documenting that alteration products are tightly confined to fractures along
boundaries between individual extrusive or intrusive events and that the boundary between pillow
lavas and dikes is a relic of early listric faulting between pillows over the dikes in the rift valley.
Sediment coring was also conducted at local heat-flow maximum and minimum sites near Hole
504B (Sites 678 and 677, respectively) to enable high-resolution studies of the Plio-Pleistocene
biostratigraphy and chemical studies of the pore waters to differentiate advective from diffusive
exchange between the ocean-bottom water and the basement through the sediment cover. The
profiles of sediment pore-water composition versus depth differ greatly between these sites and
indicate that ocean-bottom seawater flows down through the 300-m-thick sediment into basement at
the low heat-flow site, whereas significantly altered seawater formed in basement upwells through
the 180-m-thick sediment into overlying seawater at the high heat-flow site; rates of flows are
estimated at a few mm/yr at both sites. The similarity in pore-water composition from basal
alteration products at both sites suggests that the advective flow rates in sediment are negligible
compared to those in basement.