LEG 112
Peru Continental Margin
During Leg 112, 10 sites (Site 679 to Site 688) were drilled along western South American in the
Lima, Salaverry, Trujillo, and Pisco forearc basins and the accretionary complex of the Peru
continental margin. Drilling verified that continental crust extends to within 15 km of the trench axis
of the Peru-Chile Trench. During the Eocene to late Miocene, the front of the overriding continent
subsided; unusual in an active continental setting, indicating erosion of the continental plate and
subduction of the sediment on the oceanic plate rather than accretion to the edge of the continent. In
the accretionary wedge, the oldest accreted sediments recovered are diatomaceous mudstones,
deposited between 6.8 and 6.1 Ma, and accreted to the continent between 5 and 4 Ma. That period
of subsequent continental growth, as opposed to initial continental erosion, occurred just after
subduction of the Nazca Ridge.
Superimposed on the crustal subsidence are a rapid uplift and an accelerated Pliocene subsidence of
the Lima Basin not evident in the Trujillo Basin. The basin sediments comprise sequences of
diatomites and diatomaceous muds derived from the shelf and upper slope at centers of coastal
upwelling. The occurrence of upper Miocene sediment in upwelling facies 150 km from shore
indicates that the critical depth zone of coastal upwelling migrated landward in response to margin
subsidence and sea-level fluctuation. The sediments deposited on the slope and accreted complex are
predominantly produced in the shifting coastal zone characterized by upwelling and intense currents
and are subsequently reworked, transported by slumping, and then redeposited in deeper water on
the continental slope. The centers of sedimentation of the distinct upwelling facies are located on the
shelf and upper slope where the oceanographic oxygen-minimum zone intercepts the seafloor at
depths of 100-400 m. The Plio-Pleistocene upwelling facies is characterized by cycles of laminated
and non-laminated, meter-scale units recording global-scale changes in climate and sea-level
fluctuations and local tectonism. The adjacent Lima and Trujillo basins were at approximately the
same water depth until the middle Miocene, when the basins began to respond differently to deep
crustal tectonism. The position of coastal upwelling regimes has not been stationary but is controlled
by the tectonics of each segment of the margin; thus some modern coastal upwelling centers are
ephemeral. An abundant supply of organic-rich matter to the sediments that underlie areas of coastal
upwelling on the shelf allows sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogens to dominate diagenesis and
creates environments ideal for the formation of sulfides, calcite, dolomite, and phosphorites. Pore-
water sampling indicated a saline brine underlying the upper 300 m of sediments which replenishes
the supply of dissolved sulfate and enhances bacterial degradation.