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D&A Lab Working Team

D&A Working Team meetings

Supervising Scientist: Peter Blum

JOIDES Resolution Depth and Age Lab

Calculation of depth and age variables for ODP core and downhole data

The ultimate goal of most geological field programs is to collect data in form of time series. For drill holes and cores, data acquisition is associated with particular depth measurements including intrinsic errors ("depth 1"). Intervals measured or recovered from multiple holes with the same tools, or from the same hole with different tools, can be correlated and spliced to obtain more continuous time series for a hole or site ("depth 2"). Depth scales can be further improved by applying corrections for artifacts such as gas voids or for core expansion relative to the drilled interval. Using age information obtained from cores and the most appropriate depth scale, one or more age models can be constructed for a hole or site. The age model then allows calculation of age as an independent variable for core and downhole data.

The purpose of the Depth and Age (D&A) lab working team is to coordinate development of database components and user interfaces towards full implementation of age as an independent variable. Minutes of the bimonthly overview meetings and related information can be found through links listed below.

Depth and Age Lab Working Team (D&A LWT)

    Peter Blum (Staff Scientist, coordinator)
    John Firth (Curator, coordinator)
    All Information Services Dept. personnel involved in or affected by D&A development
    Staff Scientists with D&A input

Depth and Age Working Team Meetings

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Modified on Tuesday, 24-Apr-2001 16:39:59 CDT.