7. EXISTING LABORATORY EQUIPMENT: The CTF cryogenic magnetometer (which measures discrete samples, typically 5-15 cc) that resides in the Geology & Geophysics (G&G) building is not functioning and will unlikely be repaired. We are in the process of moving other equipment from the G&G building to the ODP building, to create one functional laboratory. The overall paleomagnetism facilities at TAMU include:
(a) 2G Enterprises 760R long-core cryogenic magnetometer with an in-line AF demagnetization unit (see full description below);
(b) Schonstedt DM2220 digital fluxgate magnetometer;
(c) Schonstedt GSD-1 AF demagnetization unit;
(d) Schonstedt TSD-1 magnetically-shielded oven;
(e) ASC IM-10 Pulse magnetizer;
(f) CTF cryogenic magnetometer (NON-FUNCTIONAL);
(g) Magnetically shielded room (currently in the Geology & Geophysics building, but may be moved to ODP building); and
(h) Bartington susceptibility loop/meter
Cryogenic Magnetometer
The 2G 760-R superconducting rock (cryogenic) magnetometer is used primarily for continuous
remanence measurements on archive halves of cores. AF coils arranged on-axis with the magnetometer and
set within the magnetometer's mu-metal shielding allow uniform demagnetization of the cores, so that
both NRM and demagnetized remanences can be measured. Whole cores can be run providing that their
diameters are first checked to assure that no bulges are present; otherwise, cores may become stuck.
The cryogenic magnetometer may also be used to measure and demagnetize discrete samples.
Measurements on the cryogenic magnetometer are initially made in units of magnetic flux, phi0;
calibration to magnetic moment (mA·m2) depends on the geometry of the coils, and so varies from axis to axis.
Prior to Leg 121, calibration factors were
x-axis, 1 phi0 = 1.740 x 10E-4 mA·m2;
y-axis, 1 phi0 = 1.646 x 10E-4 mA·m2;
z-axis, 1 phi0 = 1.215 x 10E-4 mA·m2.
Since Leg 121, the calibrations have been
x-axis, 1 phi0 = 1.77 x 10E-4 mA·m2;
y-axis, 1 phi0 = 1.57 x 10E-4 mA·m2;
z-axis, 1 phi0 = 1.32 x 10E-4 mA·m2.
After processing, measurements are reported in units of mA/m. Raw x, y, and z files are not routinely saved.
The theoretical noise level of the superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) sensors is 3 x 10-5 phi0.
The noise level observed on the JOIDES Resolution depended, in part, on the amount of roll of the ship.
Measurements of the empty sample boat indicate a magnetic moment (within the measuring region, which is
equivalent to a volume of about 150 cm3 when a full archive half is being measured) on the order
of 10E-6 mA·m2 (10E-6 emu). On shore, the magnetometer should be about 5 times more sensitive
based on results from similar instruments. The strongest samples that have been measured with
the cryogenic magnetometer are half cores of basalt with intensities up to 8000 mA/m.
The results produced by the shipboard cryogenic magnetometer have been compared with those produced by the shipboard spinner magnetometer and with those obtained using shorebased equipment. Good correlation has been demonstrated, as illustrated below.
The cryogenic magnetometer lies inside three concentric mu-metal cylinders (see photograph). Its AF coil assembly is also contained within these shields. Prior to Leg 123, a system was installed that increased degaussing potential from 9 to 25 mT. Prior to Leg 132, the axis control boxes were upgraded to improve flux-jump counting capabilities. A superconducting lead shield surrounds the sensing region and maintains an absolutely stable field within that region.
8. LABORATORY LAYOUT: The laboratory is located on the far south end of the ODP building next to the refrigerated core storage area and the core lab, both of which comprise the Gulf Coast Repository. It is roughly a 10 x 9 m room, which will be shared with the geochemists and a small workstation area.
Laboratory layout
The lab could not have been setup without the hard work and expertise of several individuals.
In particular, Margaret Hastedt played the most critical role in helping disassemble
the magnetometer at the end of Leg 167 in San Francisco, unpack it and reassemble it in
College Station, build a new wooden frame for it to sit upon, and help with refilling and
tuning the magnetometer. Bob Olivas and Brad Julson assisted with efforts to get the
magnetometer back to College Station in full functioning order.
Randy Current, Sandy Dillard, Bob Kralich, and several student workers assisted
Margaret with the design and construction of the large wooden frame in September 1996
and subsequent reconfigurations.
Will Sager and Texas A&M University provided additional lab equipment.
Bill Mills provided the software and has assisted with track design.
Eric Meissner, Trevor Cobine, Larry Obey, Charlie Endris, and Matt O'Regan assisted
with tuning and refills. Bill Goree gave us valuable information over the phone when
minor problems arose.
Several photos taken during installation of the magnetometer.