5/86: M.S. Geology, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories/San Jose State University, CA.
5/83: B.A. Geology, University of Pennsylvania, PA.
4/99: Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
2/93-11/97: Staff Scientist, Assistant Research Scientist, Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
11/94-11/97: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
8/91-1/93: National Science Foundation and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellow, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan
9/87-8/91: Graduate Research Assistant, SOEST, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
5/86-9/87: Lab Manager, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA
9/86-1/87: Instructor- Oceanography, Oholone Junior College, Fremont, CA
5/84-5/86: Research Assistant, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA
1/85-6/85: Laboratory Instructor- Oceanography, Moss Landing Marine Labs, Moss Landing, CA
9/82-5/83: Laboratory Technician, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
1999-2000: Editor, Geologic Society of London Special Publication: Western North Atlantic Paleogene and Cretaceous Paleoceanography.
1999: Volunteer Science Judge at regional National Ocean Sciences Bowl
1995-1999: Ph.D. dissertation committee member (TAMU). J. Kim, Evolution of Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific evidence from gravity and magnetic modeling.
1994-: Co-Principal investigator. Origin and Evolution of Shatsky Rise Project.
1996: Cochairman IBM geophysical investigations and ocean drilling sessions. US-Japan Izu Bonin/Mariana workshop: Geochemical and Geophysical Studies of the Izu-Bonin and Mariana arc system-Cooperative studies between Japan and the United States.
1996: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Researcher. Izu-Bonin Digital Terrain Map Synthesis Project; Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo.
1992: Cochairman American Geophysical Union (AGU) session. Geophysical constraints on lithosphere structure.
1991: Convenor AGU special session. Tectonic, structural, and volcanic evolution of island arcs.
1991: Participant. National Academy of Sciences conference on continental margins.
1990: Cochairman Western Pacific Geophysics AGU Session. Rifting, backarc basins, and tectonics.
1988: Cochairman AGU session. Multichannel seismics/subduction zones and passive margins.
1988: Ocean Drilling Program Logging School.
1986: SEPM marine geology field trip. Sedimentation on the North Carolina continental margin.
1985: SEPM short course. Modern and ancient submarine fan sedimentation.
1984: SEPM research conference. Fine-grained sedimentation.
1996: Project Management (American Management Association)
1996: Performance Evaluation Training (Texas A&M Human Resources)
1995: Project Management (American Management Association)
1994: Coaching and Counseling Skills for Managers (Padgett-Thompson)
1994: Team Building Seminar (Management Training Service, Texas Engineering Extension Service, Texas A&M University System)