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Undergraduate Student Trainee Application Form

Leg(s) number(s): ______________________________________________________________________________

Name (last, first, middle): ______________________________________________________________________

Institution (include street address): _________________________________________________________________


Telephone (Work): ______________________ (Home) ____________________ (Fax) ______________________

E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Present academic status: _______________________________________________________________________

Primary/secondary fields of study: _______________________________________________________________

Country of citizenship: ____________________________________ Passport No. _________________________

Place passport was issued (city and country): ______________________________________________________

Date passport was issued: _____________________________ Date of expiration: _____________________________

Place of birth (city and country): _________________________________________________________________

Date of birth (day/month/year): ___________________________ Gender: __________________________________

Personal and/or academic references (names and addresses):

1) ___________________________________________________________________________________________


2) ___________________________________________________________________________________________


3) ___________________________________________________________________________________________


Previous sea-going experience? (Y) ______ (N) ______. If so, what was the nature of this involvement? (e.g., previous

cruise participant, shore-based participant, etc.): ______________________________________________________



  • Applicants should include a letter from their primary advisers, documenting the student's academic status and accomplishments.

  • Applicants from JOIDES partner countries must include a letter of recommendation from their respective national ODP office.

  • Undergraduate trainee staffing decisions are made by the Manager of the Science Services Department at ODP.

  • The number and availability of trainee positions is dependent upon the predicted workload on each leg, the availability of berth space, and the availability of a mentor.

    Please return this form, via your national ODP office, to:
      Manager of Science Services
      Ocean Drilling Program
      Texas A&M University Research Park
      1000 Discovery Drive
      College Station, Texas 77845-9547
      Fax: (979) 845-0876

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    Modified on Tuesday, 24-Apr-2001 15:14:13 CDT.