Interactive ODP Site Map: Region 5
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Leg 100, Site 625: Gulf of Mexico
Leg 101, Sites 626-636: Bahamas
Leg 102, Site 418: Bermuda Rise
Leg 103, Sites 637-641: Galicia Margin
Leg 104, Sites 642-644: Norwegian Sea
Leg 105, Sites 645-647: Baffin Bay and Labrador Sea
Leg 106, Sites 648-649: Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Leg 107, Sites 650-656: Tyrrhenian Sea
Leg 108, Sites 657-668: Eastern Tropical Atlantic
Leg 109, Sites 669-670,395,648: Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Leg 110, Sites 671-676: Northern Barbados Ridge
Leg 111, Sites 677-678,504: Costa Rica Rift
Leg 112, Sites 679-688: Peru Continental Margin
Leg 113, Sites 689-697: Weddell Sea, Antarctica
Leg 114, Sites 698-704: Subantarctic South Atlantic
Leg 115, Sites 705-716: Mascarene Plateau
Leg 116, Sites 717-719: Distal Bengal Fan
Leg 117, Sites 720-731: Oman Margin
Leg 118, Sites 732-735: Southwest Indian Ridge
Leg 119, Sites 736-746: Kerguelen Plateau and Prydz Bay
Leg 120, Sites 747-751: Central Kerguelen Plateau
Leg 121, Sites 752-758: Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge
Leg 122, Sites 759-764: Exmouth Plateau
Leg 123, Sites 765-766: Argo Abyssal Plain and Exmouth Plateau
Leg 124, Sites 767-771: Celebes and Sulu Seas
Leg 124E, Sites 772-777: Philippine Sea/Engineering Tests
Leg 125, Sites 778-786: Bonin/Mariana Region
Leg 126, Sites 787-793: Izu-Bonin Arc-Trench System
Leg 127, Sites 794-797: Japan Sea
Leg 128, Sites 798-799,794: Japan Sea
Leg 129, Sites 800-802: Old Pacific Crust/Pigafetta and Mariana Basins
Leg 130, Sites 803-807: Ontong Java Plateau
Leg 131, Site 808: Nankai Trough
Leg 132, Sites 809-810: Western and Central Pacific
Leg 133, Sites 811-826: Northeast Australian Margin
Leg 134, Sites 827-833: Vanuatu, New Hebrides
Leg 135, Sites 834-841: Lau Basin
Leg 136, Sites 842-843: Hawaiian Arch
Leg 137, Site 504: Costa Rica Rift
Leg 138, Sites 844-854: Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Leg 139, Sites 855-858: Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Leg 140, Site 504: Costa Rica Rift
Leg 141, Sites 859-863: Chile Triple Junction
Leg 142, Site 864: East Pacific Rise/Engineering Tests
Leg 143, Sites 865-870: Northwest Pacific Atolls and Guyots
Leg 144, Sites 871-880,801: Northwest Pacific Atolls and Guyots
Leg 145, Sites 881-887: North Pacific Transect
Leg 146, Sites 888-893,857: Cascadia Margin
Leg 147, Sites 894-895: Hess Deep Rift Valley
Leg 148, Sites 896,504: Costa Rica Rift
Leg 149, Sites 897-901: Iberia Abyssal Plain
Leg 150, Sites 902-906: New Jersey Sea-Level Transect
Leg 150X: New Jersey Coastal Plain
Leg 151, Sites 907-913: North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways I
Leg 152, Sites 914-919: East Greenland Margin
Leg 153, Sites 920-924: Mid-Atlantic Ridge/Kane Fracture Zone
Leg 154, Sites 925-929: Ceara Rise
Leg 155, Sites 930-946: Amazon Deep-Sea Fan
Leg 156, Sites 947-949: Barbados Ridge Accretionary Prism
Leg 157, Sites 950-956: Gran Canaria and Madeira Abyssal Plain
Leg 158, Site 957: TAG Hydrothermal Mound
Leg 159T, Site 958: Eastern Canary Basin
Leg 159, Sites 959-962: Côte D'Ivoire-Ghana Transform Margin
Leg 160, Sites 963-973: Mediterranean I
Leg 161, Sites 974-979: Mediterranean II
Leg 162, Sites 980-987: North Atlantic-Arctic Gateways II
Leg 163, Sites 988-990: Southeast Greenland Margin
Leg 164, Sites 991-997: Blake Ridge and Carolina Rise
Leg 165, Sites 998-1002: Caribbean Ocean History
Leg 166, Sites 1003-1009: Bahamas Transect
Leg 167, Sites 1010-1022: California Margin
Leg 168, Sites 1023-1032: Juan de Fuca Ridge
Leg 169S, Sites 1033-1034: Saanich Inlet
Leg 169, Sites 1035-1038,856-858: Sedimented Ridges II
Leg 170, Sites 1039-1043: Costa Rica Accretionary Wedge
Leg 171A, Sites 1044-1048: Northern Barbados Accretionary Prism LWD
Leg 171B, Sites 1049-1053: Blake Nose Paleoceanographic Transect
Leg 172, Sites 1054-1064: Northwest Atlantic Sediment Drifts
Leg 173, Sites 1065-1070: Return to Iberia
Leg 174A, Sites 1071-1073: Continuing the New Jersey Sea-Level Transect
Leg 174AX: New Jersey Coastal Plain
Leg 174B, Sites 1074,395: CORK Hole 395A
Leg 175, Sites 1075-1087: Benguela Current
Leg 176, Site 735: Return to Hole 735B
Leg 177, Sites 1088-1094: Southern Ocean Paleoceanography
Leg 178, Sites 1095-1103: Antarctic Glacial History and Sea-Level Change
Leg 179, Sites 1104-1107: Hammer Drilling and NERO
Leg 180, Sites 1108-1118: Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
Leg 181, Sites 1119-1125: Southwest Pacific Gateways
Leg 182, Sites 1126-1134: Great Australian Bight Carbonates
Leg 183, Sites 1035-1142: Kerguelen Plateau-Broken Ridge
Leg 184, Sites 1143-1148: South China Sea
Leg 185, Sites 1149,801: Izu-Mariana Margin
Leg 186, Sites 1150-1151: Western Pacific Geophysical Observatories
Leg 187, Sites 1152-1164: Australian-Antarctic Rifting
Leg 188, Sites 1165-1167: Prydz Bay-Cooperation Sea, Antarctica
Leg 189, Sites 1168-1172: Tasmanian Gateway
Leg 190, Sites 1173-1178: Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism
Leg 191, Sites 1179-1182: West Pacific ION Project/Hammer Drill Engineering
Leg 192, Sites 1183-1187: Basement Drilling on the Ontong Java Plateau
Leg 193, Sites 1188-1191: Manus Basin Hydrothermal System
Leg 194, Sites 1192-1199: Marion Plateu, Northeast Australia
Leg 195, Sites 1200-1202: Seafloor Observatories and the Kuroshio Current
Leg 196, Sites 1173,808: Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism LWD and ACORK
Leg 197, Sites 1203-1206: Hawaiian Hotspot Motion
Leg 198, Sites 1207-1214: Cretaceous-Paleogene Climate, Shatsky Rise
Leg 199, Sites 1215-1222: Paleogene Equatorial Transect
Leg 200, Sites 1223-1224: Hawaii-2 Observatory and Nuuanu Landslide
Leg 201, Sites 1225-1231: Microbial Communities, Eastern Equatorial Pacific and Peru Margin
Leg 202, Sites 1232-1242: Southeast Pacific Paleoceanographic Transects
Leg 203, Site 1243: Equatorial Pacific Ion Multidisciplinary Observatory
Leg 204, Sites 1244-1252: Drilling Gas Hydrates on Hydrate Ridge, Cascadia Continental Margin
Leg 205, Sites 1253-1255: Fluid Flow and Subduction Fluxes Across the Costa Rica Convergent Margin
Leg 206, Site 1256: Upper Oceanic Crust Created by Superfast Seafloor Spreading (Guatemala Basin)
Leg 207, Sites 1257-1261: Demerara Rise: Equatorial Cretaceous and Paleogene Paleoceanography
Leg 208, Sites 1262-1267: Early Cenozoic Extreme Climates: the Walvis Ridge Transect
Leg 209, Sites 1268-1275: Drilling Mantle Peridotite Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14 to 16 deg N
Leg 210, Sites 1276-1277: Drilling the Newfoundland Half of the Newfoundland-Iberia Transect
The maps were produced using the
Generic Mapping Tools
(GMT) of Wessel and Smith.
If you have questions regarding these maps, contact
Katerina Petronotis
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Modified on Thursday, 13-Nov-2003 13:48:11 CST.