Leg 202 Weeks 2-4

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It's a Boy!!!! Tomohisa Irino, a few hours after Soh Irino was born (13:34, April 18, 2002). The day shift celebrating the new Daddy status of Tomo. From left: Liviu Giosan (Romania/USA, Physical Properties), Becky Robinson (USA, Sedimentologist), Tomo Irino (Japan, Sedimentologist), Jerry McManus (USA, Sedimentologist), Isabel Cacho (Spain/UK, Sedimentologist), Leah Joseph (USA, Sedimentologist) Joe Stoner (USA, Paleomagnetist).

The night shift. Clockwise from left: Min-Te Chen (Taiwan, Sedimentologist), Ulysses Ninnemann (USA, Logging Staff Scientist), Heather Benway (USA, Sedimentologist) Frank Lamy (Germany, Sedimentologist), Jerry McManus (USA, Sedimentologist), Alan Mix (USA, Co-chief), Steve Lund (USA, Paleomagnetist), Robert Herrera (Peru, Observer), Arne Sturm (Germany, Physical Properties), Michael Wara (USA, Stratigraphic Correlator), Pedro Crignola (Chile, Observer), and Kikki Kleiven (Norway, Sedimentologist).

The night shift Paleontologists at their microscopes. Clockwise from left: Fatima Abrantes (Portugal), José-Abel Flores (Spain), and Ann Holbourn (Germany).

The day shift Paleontologists comparing notes. From left: Wuchang Wei (USA), and Masao Iwai (Japan).

Marine Lab Specialists enjoy the sun and barbecue on deck. From left: Lisa Crowder (Core Lab), Heather Paul (Core Lab), Debbie Partain (Yeoperson), Sandy Dillard (Downhole Tool/Thin Section Lab), and Mads Radsted (Paleomagnetism Lab).

In the chemistry lab. Peggy Delaney (USA, Inorganic Chemist), and Dennis Graham (Chemistry Lab).

The best Marine Computer Specialists on Leg 202! From left: John Davis and Mike Hodge.

Juan Carlos Tapia (Ecuador, Observer) warming up in the computer lab.

Weeks 5-7