abrupt contacts

thickness vs. depth, A:367
vs. depth, A:366

absolute age, volcanic glass, B:147–148

abundance, relative, planktonic foraminifers, B:442–447

acoustic imagery, downhole measurements, B:323

actinolite, petrography, B:358

advection, basement, B:296, 299, 303

Aeolian Arc

pyroclastics, B:150, 152
rare earths, B:367–368

African Plate

convergence, B:557
extensional basins, A:5–11


argon isotopes, B:300–305
biostratigraphy, B:472
calibration fixpoints, B:474
control points, B:483
fission tracks, B:299
insolation cycle, B:160
Messinian, B:547
nannofossil datums, B:176
oxygen isotopes, B:482
planktonic foraminifers, B:471–476
sedimentary cover, B:561–562
volcanic pebbles, B:568–569
volcanic rocks, B:357–373
vs. measured mean fission–track length, B:300
vs. oxygen isotopes, B:475–476, 499
vs. salinity, B:499
See also chronostratigraphy; geochronology; isochrons

age, astronomical, biostratigraphic datums, B:163, 165–166, 169–170

age vs. depth

Site 974, A:76; B:151, 162, 212
Site 975, A:138; B:164, 212
Site 976, B:34, 167
Site 977, A:313, 318; B:34, 168
Site 978, A:375
Site 979, A:403; B:171
Sites 975–976, B:514

Al-Mansour Seamount

post-rift sediments, A:15, 309
sediment sources, A:362
sediments, B:80
tectonics, A:318; B:95, 347–348, 352, 568–569
volcanic rocks, B:574

albite, plagioclase composition, B:269

Alboran Basin

biostratigraphy, B:164–169, 185–195, 223–237
brittle deformation, B:331–344
extensional basins, A:8–9; B:319–329
geochronology, B:295–305
lithofacies, B:21–36
Messinian basins, B:543–551
metamorphic-rock correlation, B:307–317
metamorphism, B:251–261, 263–279, 281–294
organic matter, B:385, 391–400
origin and tectonic history, B:555–580
sand provenance, B:37–56
sedimentary sequences, B:69–76, 83–97
See also Eastern Alboran Basin; Southern Alboran Basin; Western Alboran Basin

Alboran Channel, tectonics, B:352–354

Alboran Domain

collisional tectonics, B:310
orogenic belts, A:7
sediments, B:70–71
terrains, B:557–558

Alboran Island, basalt and andesite, B:574

Alboran Ridge

extensional basins, A:8–9
tectonics, A:399; B:95, 347, 570
volcanics, A:309

Alboran Sea

bacteria, B:433–438
crustal stretching, B:576
extensional basins, A:5–11
gases, A:319
geochemistry, B:375–379
Messinian, B:529–541
Miocene subduction, B:357–373
paleogeography, B:556–559
pore water, B:424, 426–431
Quaternary paleoceanography, B:441–455, 469–479, 505–518
Quaternary paleoenvironment, B:457–468
sedimentation, B:46–50

Alboran Sea NW, lithofacies, B:57–68

Alboran Trough, extensional basins, A:8–9


biogenic components, B:78–80
Messinian, B:543–546
photomicrograph, B:54

algae, coralline, photograph, B:79

Algerian Current, sea-surface temperature, B:490

Algerian Margin, brines, A:405

alkali basalts

basins, A:11
lava, B:350


diagenesis, A:146, 236
pore water, A:89, 320–321, 380, 403–405
redox, A:236, 238
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260–261, 332, 387, 412; B:419, 426–427


granites, A:216
volcanic glass, B:146
vs. silica, B:366


vs. depth, B:397
See also n-alkandiols, isomeric

alkanes. See n-alkanes

alkanols. See n-alkanols


paleotemperature, A:82, 144, 233, 318
sapropels, B:492–499
sea-surface temperature, B:489–503
vs. depth, B:493–498
See also n-alkenones

alkenones, long-chain, organic-rich layers, B:395–396

allochems, lithologic units, A:357

almandine, garnet composition, B:268, 287

Almería Basin, Messinian, B:543–551

Almería channel, sedimentation, B:50

Almería platform

sediments, B:80
tectonics, B:347

Almería–Cabo de Gata region, sediments, B:80

Alpujárride Complex

metamorphic rocks, A:230; B:290–293
metamorphic-rock correlation, B:307–317
metamorphism, B:274, 571
orogenic belts, A:7
phase equilibria, B:567
sediments, B:70–71
terrains, B:557

Alpujata peridotite massif, lithostratigraphy, B:308–314


basement/sediment contact, A:216
photograph, A:64, 68
photomicrograph, A:247

aluminosilicates, phase equilibria, B:314


amphibole, B:256
gneiss, B:283

aluminum oxide

granites, A:216
metamorphic rocks, B:375
volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. aluminum oxide/silica ratio, B:377
vs. major oxides, B:377
See also calcium oxide/aluminum oxide ratio

aluminum oxide/silica ratio, vs. aluminum oxide, B:377


organic matter, A:145–146, 236
pore water, A:83, 320–321, 405
vs. depth, A:94, 153, 260–261, 333, 387, 412; B:425–427


aluminum, B:256
calc-silicate rock, B:254–256
petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, B:261

amphibole, calcic, basement/sediment contact, A:215

amphibolite facies, metamorphic rocks, A:230

Andalucía-A1 Well, subsidence, B:73


gneiss, B:264–265, 283–284
photograph, A:228
photomicrograph, A:244–246; B:278–279, 285
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:264–265, 282–283, 312

andalusite porphyroblasts

basement/sediment contact, A:215, 220
textures, A:223–224

Andarax River

sedimentation, B:50
sediments, B:80


magmatism, B:574
petrography, B:357–359
thin sections, A:1020, 1023
volcanic pebbles, B:569

andesite, basaltic

petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, B:362


flux, A:83, 145
lithologic units, A:125–126, 128, 131
photograph, A:146

anhysteretic magnetic susceptibility

vs. depth, A:213, 216, B:512
vs. paleoclimatic curves, B:512

anhysteretic remanence susceptibility. See magnetic susceptibility/anhysteretic remanence susceptibility ratio

anisotropy. See magnetic susceptibility anisotropy


associated with peaks in magnetic susceptibility, A:309
basement/sediment contact, A:215
breccia, A:217
magnetic susceptibility, A:316
rock magnetism, cores, A:322
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237–238


breccia, A:217
high-grade schist, A:213, 215
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237–238

anorthite, plagioclase composition, B:267–268


lithologic units, A:62
sapropels, A:12


basement/sediment contact, A:215
fission tracks, B:297
schist, B:265


extensional basins, A:9
sediments, B:71–73
thermal history, B:296


lithologic units, A:118
photograph, A:120

arenite. See quartz arenite

argillite, petrography, B:39

argon isotopes

ages, B:300–305
volcanic glass, B:147–148
volcanic pebbles, B:574
volcanic rocks, B:357–373

aridity, Quaternary, B:465–466

asthenosphere, seismicity, B:371

Atlantic Ocean. See Modified Atlantic Water

Atlantic Ocean N

paleoceanography, B:190–193
See also North Atlantic Oscillation

Atlantic Ocean NE, oxygen isotopes vs. age, A:14

Atlantic-Mediterranean water exchange, circulation, A:13

atmospheric circulation, patterns, B:476

augen gneiss

deformation, A:220
metamorphic rocks, A:230
photomicrograph, A:247

Australia, methane, A:233

azimuth, orientation, A:76, 138, 207, 319, 404


backarc basins

extensional basins, A:5–11
lithologic units, A:62


carbon, A:145
sediments, B:433–438
vs. depth, B:434–435, 437

Balearic Basin

Messinian, B:529–541
See also North Balearic front; South Balearic Basin; West Balearic Basin

Balearic Margin. See South Balearic Margin

Balearic Rise, Cenozoic paleoceanography, B:489–503, 505–518

Balearic Sea, biostratigraphy, B:223–237


photograph, A:228–229, 240
textures, A:223–224


granites, A:216
sedimentation, B:29
sediments, B:28, 32–33
volcanic rocks, B:370
vs. depth, B:32–34

barnacles, biogenic components, B:78–80


ages, B:363
petrography, B:357–359
volcanic pebbles, East, B:569
See also tholeiite

basalt, andesitic, thin sections, A:1020, 1023


contour map, A:186
depth contours, B:339
extensional basins, A:9–10
geochemistry, B:375–379
geochronology, B:295–305
lithologic column, A:224–226
lithologic units, A:195
metamorphic rocks, B:565–568
metamorphism, B:251–261, 263–279, 281–294, 311, 576–577
photograph, A:242
physical properties, A:241
regional context, A:230
sedimentary cover, B:562
Serravallian, B:573
tectonics, A:209–230; B:319–329, 331–344

basement/sediment contact, deformation, A:210–211

basement depth, contour map, A:393


deposition, B:95
geometry and kinematics, B:576
Messinian, B:543–551
origin and tectonic history, B:555–580
paleobathymetry, B:73–75
strike-slip faults, B:348–352
terrains, B:557
See also depressions; extensional basins

basins, marginal, Messinian evolution, B:547


extensional basins, A:9
tectonics, Yusuf Basin, B:351

beach sand

petrography, B:42–51
photomicrograph, B:56


structure, A:373–374
See also cross laminations; graded bedding

Benarraba imbrications, structure, B:310

Beni-Busera peridotite, extensional basins, A:9–10

Bermeja peridotite massif, lithostratigraphy, B:310

Betic Cordillera

basement, A:230; B:302
crustal stretching, B:576
metamorphic rocks, B:290–291, 307–317
metamorphism, B:571
Miocene, A:6–8
paleogeography, B:556–559
pollen sources, B:463
sediments, B:69–76
See also Western Betic Cordillera

biocalcarenite, petrography, B:6, 42

biochronology, planktonic foraminifers, B:187–190, 442–447


composition, B:78–80
petrography, B:86–87
photograph, A:364; B:79
vs. depth, A:399; B:15

bioevents, nannofossil datums, B:176–180, 224–226

biogenic components

carbonates, B:78–80
sedimentation, B:32, 34, 59–67
vs. depth, A:399
See also detrital components

bioherms. See reefs

bioherms, corals, B:544–546


paleoceanography, B:193–194
Pleistocene, B:170, 176–180

biomarkers, paleotemperature, A:82, 144, 233, 318

biometrics, Scyphosphaera, B:239

biomicrite, petrography, B:6, 42

biomicrite, sandy, photomicrograph, B:18

biostratigraphic datums

astronomical ages, B:163, 165–166, 169–170
paleoceanography, B:193–194

biostratigraphic events, age, A:76, 138, 207, 319, 378, 404; B:209, 211, 213


age, B:472
calcareous nannofossils, B:159–183
planktonic foraminifers, B:185–195, 469–479
Quaternary, B:441–455, 505–518
Site 974, A:64–73
Site 975, A:132–137
Site 976, A:197–204
Site 977, A:309, 311–313
Site 978, A:362–363, 365–367
Site 979, A:397–399

biostratigraphy, high-resolution, foraminifers, B:197–221


argon-isotope age, B:147–155, 300–305
gneiss, B:267, 283–284
high-grade schist, A:213, 215, 220
isochrons, B:304
mineral chemistry, B:269–271
photograph, A:199, 233, 312
photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 243–246; B:276, 278–279, 286–287, 344, 362
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
sandstone, B:334–335
schist, B:264–266, 283, 288
textures, A:223–224
thermobarometry, B:288, 290–293
X-ray diffraction data, A:230


lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–120, 128, 196, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 393–394; B:85–86
petrography, B:59
photograph, A:69, 71, 120–121, 193, 310, 362, 364–368

biozones, correlation, A:135, 204, 312–313, 365–366, 398


biogenic components, B:78–80
photograph, B:79

Blake Event, sediments, B:508

Blanca Group, lithostratigraphy, B:308–314

blebs, sandy, photograph, B:87

borehole deviation, vs. depth, B:322, 325

boreholes, rupture, B:325–326

boudinage, sediments, A:316

boudinage, brittle, photograph, A:146

Bouguer anomalies, extensional basins, A:9

Bouma sequence, petrography, B:59, 62, 64

Braarudosphaera Chalk, paleoecology, A:136

brachiopods, biogenic components, B:78–80


basement/sediment contact, A:210–211, 216; B:332–335
clasts, A:235
deposition, B:95–96
photograph, A:68, 236, 241–243; B:341
photomicrograph, B:342–344
thin sections, A:994, 1013, 1015
See also fault breccia

breccia, cataclastic, brittle deformation, A:222–223

breccia, cemented

petrography, B:334–335
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237

breccia, intraclastic

lithologic units, A:304–305, 309, 396
photograph, A:310–311, 401

breccia, polymictic, deformation, B:332–334


basement/sediment contact, B:335–336
brittle deformation, B:568
photograph, A:374, 381


evaporites, A:83; B:430–431
incursion, B:436
Messinian, A:235–236
pore water, A:321, 405
redox, A:236, 238

brines, saline, origin, B:427–429


pore water, A:235
vs. chloride, B:427–429
vs. depth, A:260

Brunhes Chron, sediments, B:508

Brunhes/Matuyama boundary, magnetostratigraphy, A:77, 140; B:162

bryozoans, biogenic components, B:78–80


extensional basins, A:9
sediments, B:70–73

burrow fills

lithologic units, A:188–189
photograph, A:368


lithologic units, A:118–120, 128, 188–189, 191–193, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 393–394
photograph, A:39, 120, 191–192, 197–198, 360–361, 364–367, 372, 374; B:86


Cabo de Gata

tectonics, B:568–569
volcanics, A:309, 362

calc-silicate rock

basement/sediment contact, A:211, 215
fission tracks, B:295–300
metamorphism, B:251–261
mineral composition, A:226
photograph, A:231–232
structure, B:310
thin sections, A:995–997, 1008, 1010–1014, 1016


Messinian, B:543–546
photomicrograph, B:18
See also biocalcarenite


backscattered electronic images, B:104–105, 107–108
breccia, A:217
hemipelagite, B:101–104
lithologic units, A:130–131
metamorphism, B:258
petrography, B:59–65, 86–87, 357–359
photograph, A:241
photomicrograph, B:260–261
sand, B:105
schist interlayers, B:264–265
vs. age, B:102–103
vs. carbonate content, B:63, 65, 88
vs. clay, B:32, 34
vs. depth, B:14, 22–24
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237
See also carbonate content; clay/calcite ratio; quartz/calcite ratio

calcite flux

hemipelagite, B:102–104
vs. age, B:106
See also mass accumulation rates

calcite marble, basement/sediment contact, A:215


diagenesis, A:236, 319
evaporites, A:83
garnet, B:267
gypsum, A:145
pore water, A:235, 321, 381, 403, 405
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260–261, 332, 387, 412; B:425–427
See also magnesium/calcium ratio; strontium/calcium ratio

calcium/chloride ratio, vs. depth, B:430–431

calcium carbonate, sediments, A:230, 232

calcium oxide

granites, A:216
volcanic rocks, B:364–369

calcium oxide/aluminum oxide ratio, volcanic rocks, B:364–369

calibration, sapropels, B:172–173, 175

caliper logs

gouge, B:334
vs. depth, A:101–104, 107–108, 162–165, 170–173, 267–270, 273–275, 335–341, 344, 348–350, 415–418, 421–423; B:322, 328

capillary pressure, compressibility, B:125–127

carbon, sediments, A:81, 87–89, 142–143, 147–149, 232, 252–255, 318, 324–327, 374, 382–384, 403, 406–407

carbon, carbonate, Quaternary, B:464

carbon, organic

frequency distribution, A:196
frequency plot, A:308
Quaternary, B:464, 513
sapropels, B:402–408, 492
sediments, B:384–385
vs. carbon/nitrogen ratio, B:386
vs. depth, A:90, 150, 256, 328, 384, 408; B:393–394, 406–408, 459–460, 463, 493–498, 506, 507, 510
vs. hydrogen index, A:90, 150, 256; B:387

carbon, total organic

basin geographic variability, B:523–525
maximum content, B:525
sapropels, B:521–524
sediments, B:522
vs. depth, B:435–436, 515
vs. sulfur, B:514
weight distribution, B:521

carbon/nitrogen ratio

organic matter, A:81–82, 143–144, 233, 318, 374–375, 403; B:384–386, 389, 506, 507, 510
vs. organic carbon, B:386

carbon isotopes

organic matter, B:408
paleoceanography, B:481–488
pore water, B:413–421
sapropels, B:401–411
vs. depth, B:406–408, 419

carbon number, sterols, B:400

carbonate compensation depth, lithologic units, A:61–62, 362

carbonate content

lithologic units, A:304
petrography, B:59, 62
Quaternary, B:464
sapropels, B:492
sediments, A:401
vs. age, B:93–94
vs. calcite + dolomite, B:88
vs. calcite, B:63, 65
vs. depth, A:90, 150, 256, 306, 328, 363, 384, 408; B:89, 90–92, 101, 200, 206, 393–394, 459–460, 463, 493–498
vs. grain size, B:63, 65
See also calcite; calcium carbonate

carbonate domes, basin margins, B:548–549

carbonate minerals, associated with peaks in magnetic susceptibility, A:309


debris flows, B:77–81
deposition, B:96
diagenesis, A:89, 146, 236, 319, 380–381, 403–404
photograph, A:243
provenance, B:94–95
schist/gneiss contact, B:283
structure, B:310
Tortonian/Messinian, B:546–548
See also dolomicrosparite; packstone

carbonates, post-evaporite, sedimentation, B:16

cataclasis, brittle deformation, B:568


breccia, B:334–336, 340
photograph, B:341
photomicrograph, B:342–344

Celebes Sea, gases, A:319


lithologic units, A:131
sediments, B:11

cells, dividing and divided, sediments, B:434–436


breccia, B:334–335
volcanic pebbles, B:568

Cenozoic, sea-surface temperature, B:489–503

cerium, vs. lanthanum, B:366

chalk, petrography, B:5–7

chalk, foraminifer-nannofossil, photomicrograph, B:18

chalk, gypsiferous

lithologic units, A:125–126, 128, 131
petrography, B:5
photograph, A:132
photomicrograph, B:19

chalk, nannofossil

lithologic units, A:358–359, 362
photograph, A:367

chemical weathering, sedimentation, B:32, 34


petrography, B:47
volcanic pebbles, B:568

chert, argillaceous, photomicrograph, B:55


gouge, B:333
pore water, A:235, 378, 405
vs. bromine, B:427–429
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260, 332, 387, 412; B:425–427
vs. iodide, B:428–429
vs. sodium, A:387; B:427–429
See also calcium/chloride ratio; magnesium/chloride ratio; sodium/chloride ratio; strontium/chloride ratio


high-grade schist, A:215
petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, A:247; B:277
schist, B:265
sedimentation, B:30
sediments, B:24
vs. depth, B:29
X-ray fluorescence data, A:238


circulation, A:12–13
See also Deep Chlorophyll Maximum

cholestan, organic-rich layers, B:396–397

cholesterol, organic-rich layers, B:396–397


lithologic units, A:118, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 394, 396
photograph, A:120, 197, 361, 364–366

chromium, volcanic rocks, B:364–369

Chron 3n, magnetostratigraphy, A:372–373

Chron C1n/C1r.1r boundary, magnetostratigraphy, B:162

Chron C1r.2r, magnetostratigraphy, A:77

Chron C1r.2r–2n/C2n boundary, magnetostratigraphy, B:161

Chron C2n, magnetostratigraphy, A:77


nannofossils, B:226
Quaternary, B:507–508
See also age; geochronology

chrons, vs. depth, A:379

clastic dikes, photograph, A:375


basement/sediment contact, A:216
breccia, A:235
carbonates, B:78
foraminifers, B:207
lithologic units, A:195, 306
petrography, B:42
photograph, A:68, 236, 310; B:341, 533
photomicrograph, B:362
volcanic pebbles, B:568
See also intraclasts; limestone clasts; quartzite

clasts; rip-up clasts; volcanic clasts

breccia, B:335
lithofacies, B:59, 62–64
lithologic units, A:59–64, 125–126, 128, 131, 304–305
lithostratigraphy, B:84–86
petrography, B:86–87
photograph, A:401
textures, B:89–90
vs. calcite, B:32, 34
vs. depth, B:14, 22–24, 90–92
vs. phyllosilicates, B:63, 65
See also quartz/clay ratio

clay, calcareous

lithologic units, A:118–120, 128, 393–397
lithostratigraphy, B:85–86
photograph, A:311

clay, micritic, lithologic units, A:120–121, 125, 130–131

clay, nannofossil

lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–120, 128, 189–193, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 393–397
photograph, A:68, 121–122, 126, 191–192, 311, 362, 364; B:86–87

clay, silty

lithofacies, B:63
lithologic units, A:59–64, 125–126, 128, 131, 188–189, 304–305, 357–358, 361, 393–397
lithostratigraphy, B:84–86
photograph, A:70–71, 121–122, 126–127, 198, 200, 368
textures, B:89–90

clay/calcite ratio

sediments, B:11
vs. depth, B:14

clay mineralogy

backscattered electronic images, B:104
basement/sediment contact, A:216–217
sediments, B:24, 27–31
vs. age, B:102–103
vs. depth, B:90–92
See also illite; illite/smectite ratio; kaolinite; mixed-layer clays; montmorillonite; palygorskite; sepiolite; smectite


lithologic units, A:359–360, 362
photograph, A:374

claystone, calcareous, lithologic units, A:191–193, 358–359, 362; B:86

claystone, nannofossil

lithologic units, A:191–193, 358–359, 362
photograph, A:197

claystone, nannofossil-foraminifer, lithologic units, A:191–193

claystone, sandy, lithologic units, A:191–193

claystone, silty

lithologic units, A:358–360, 362
photograph, A:372–375

cleavage. See crenulation cleavage

cleavage, disjunctive, photograph, A:227

clinochlore, high-grade schist, A:215

clinohumite, marbles, B:313–314


basement/sediment contact, A:215
calc-silicate rock, B:254–255
petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, B:260–261, 362


basement/sediment contact, A:215; B:256
metamorphism, B:258

cobalt, volcanic rocks, B:364–369

coccolithophores, organic-rich layers, B:395–396

Coccolithus pelagicus

abundance, B:236–237
See also Discoaster brouweri/Coccolithus pelagicus ratio

collisional tectonics, extensional basins, A:5–11; B:310

color banding

lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–121, 125, 128, 188–189; B:85–86
photograph, A:66, 122–123, 308

color index

lithologic units, A:393
lithology, A:61, 119
vs. depth, A:360, 396
See also Munsell index

color reflectance, vs. depth, A:82, 144, 219

Colorado, rock magnetism, A:322

compaction, overpressure, B:118–127

composite depths

correlation, A:209
Site 974, A:78–81
Site 975, A:141–142
Site 976, A:209, 217

compressibility, sediments, B:121–127


rupture, B:325–326
Tortonian/Messinian boundary, B:75

compressional faults, structure, B:348, 352

compressional wave velocity

cores, A:240–241
sediments, A:90, 150–151, 323, 408
vs. depth, A:266, 271–272


Messinian, B:545
See also microconglomerate

conjugate fractures, sediments, A:141

continental environment

Cenozoic, B:539
pollen, B:462–464
Quaternary, B:457–468
See also paleoenvironment; terrigenous environment

contourite facies

lithofacies, B:28
Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:64–65

contours. See depth contours

contractive structures

evolution, B:573, 577
post-Miocene, B:569–570

convergent plate boundaries, extensional tectonics, B:574–576

cooling, metamorphic rocks, B:296, 303


sediments, B:28, 32–33
vs. depth, B:32–34

corals, bioherms, B:544–546


gneiss, B:264–265, 267, 283–284
leucosomes, B:288
mineral chemistry, B:271
photomicrograph, A:247; B:278–279
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:313–314
textures, A:224

cordierite porphyroblasts, basement/sediment contact, A:215

cores, splitting, B:135

coring, disturbance of physical properties, A:152–153


between holes, B:90–94
biozones, A:135, 204, 312–313, 365–366, 398
composite depths, A:79–80, 140, 209
core-to-core, A:84
metamorphic rocks, B:307–317
organic matter, B:410
organic-rich layers, A:65
sapropels, B:161–170, 491–492, 524–526
sedimentary sequences, B:69–76, 560
seismic profiles, B:560
well-logs, A:166


gneiss, B:284
photomicrograph, A:245
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:266, 283
textures, A:223

crabs, biogenic components, B:78–80

crenulation cleavage

basement/sediment contact, A:218–219
photomicrograph, A:241, 244–246

crenulation folds, photomicrograph, B:313

cross laminations

lithologic units, A:59–64, 360
photograph, A:372–373
See also ripple-cross laminations


evolution, B:570–577
extensional basins, A:9–10
friction, B:325
structure, B:572
thinning, A:10–11
See also lithosphere

crustal stretching

basins, B:576
rifting, B:573
See also lithospheric stretching

crustal thickening, collisional tectonics, B:310

crystal age, apatite, B:298

crystal growth, backscattered electron images, B:109


gneiss, B:272, 284
schist, B:283–284, 287–288

cyclic sedimentation

deposition, B:14–16, 95–96
lithologic units, A:196, 361–362
pre-evaporites, B:546–547
Quaternary, B:515–517

cyclicity, foraminifers, B:202


D1 Assemblage, high-grade schist, A:228

D2 Assemblage, high-grade schist, A:228

D3 Assemblage, melting, A:228, 230


ages, B:362–364
petrography, B:357–359
volcanic pebbles, B:568

dark beds, vs. depth, A:366–367

De Marchi Seamount, sedimentation rates, B:509

debris flows

lithofacies, B:28
uppermost Pliocene, B:77–81
See also gravity-flow facies


mineral assemblages, B:314
pressure-temperature conditions, B:273–274

Deep Chlorophyll Maximum, circulation, A:12

deep water, circulation, A:13


basins, B:561
drilling, B:134–135, 326–327
photomicrograph, A:246
pressure-temperature conditions, A:250; B:282–288, 290–293, 315
See also microstructure

deformation, brittle

basement/sediment contact, B:331–344
faulting, B:568
quartz veins, A:221–223

deformation, ductile, basement/sediment contact, A:217

deglaciation, Quaternary, B:464–466

degradation, organic matter, A:83, 85, 89, 145–146, 236, 320–321, 404–405; B:420

dehydration, metamorphic rocks, B:290


extensional tectonics, A:6; B:574–576
See also mantle

demagnetization, sediments, A:73–77, 206, 367, 369, 372, 399

demagnetization, alternating-field, sediments, A:79–80, 140, 210–211, 405

demagnetization, thermal, sediments, A:215

density, vs. depth, A:94–98, 100–103, 154, 156–163, 262–265, 267–268, 333, 388, 413

density, bulk, vs. depth, A:100, 161, 265, 334, 388, 414

density, grain, vs. depth, A:100, 161, 265, 334, 388, 414

density, GRAPE, vs. depth, A:220, 223

density correction logs, vs. depth, A:101–102, 162–163, 267–268, 273, 275, 335–337, 340, 415–416

density logs

vs. depth, A:101–102, 162–163, 267–268, 273, 275, 335–337, 340, 342–344, 415–416
See also gamma ray–density–porosity logs


deposition, B:95, 352–354
post-Miocene, B:569–570
sedimentary cover, B:562–565


environment, B:14–16
Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:57–68
See also paleoenvironment; sedimentation


post-Miocene, B:569–570
See also basins

depth contours, basement, B:339


Messinian, A:14
salt, B:547

detachment faults

lithosphere, B:371
terrains, B:557

detrital components

deposition, B:95–96
lithologic units, A:308–309
sedimentation, B:31–32, 34, 46, 59–67
vs. depth, A:200, 306, 360, 399
See also
biogenic components; epiclastic components

dewatering veinlets, photograph, A:68, 368

diachronism, nannofossil datums, B:178


carbonates, A:89, 146, 236, 319, 380–381, 403–404;B:13-14 dolomite, B:425
evaporites, B:430–431
lithologic units, A:131
magnetic susceptibility, A:140
organic matter, B:410, 513
sulfates, B:417

diapirism, sedimentary cover, B:563

diatexite, photomicrograph, B:313

diatom content, vs. depth, A:399

diffusion, brines, B:427–429


basement/sediment contact, A:215
See also granite dikes

dikes, neptunian, breccia, B:335


marine environment, B:459–462
vs. depth, B:460, 462
See also palynomorphs


organic-rich layers, B:394–395
Quaternary, B:457–468
See also palynomorphs

dinosterol, organic-rich layers, B:397

diols, organic-rich layers, B:395–396


basement/sediment contact, A:215
marbles, B:313–314


foliation, A:227–228; B:325
soft sediments, A:80–81
vs. depth, B:320
See also foliation dip

Discoaster brouweri, abundance, B:236–237

Discoaster brouweri/Coccolithus pelagicus ratio, Pliocene paleoclimatology, B:233–234


diagenesis, A:146
evaporites, B:414–418, 420, 430–431
gypsum, A:145, 405
halite, A:235
hemipelagite, B:103
petrography, B:41
pore water, A:321–322

docosan. See n-docosan

dolomicrosparite, thin sections, A:1023


associated with peaks in magnetic susceptibility, A:309
breccia, A:217; B:335
diagenesis, A:146, 319; B:425
hemipelagite, B:104
petrography, B:86–87
photograph, B:341
photomicrograph, B:36, 342–344
pore water, A:404
sand, B:105
schist interlayers, B:264–265
sedimentation, B:29
sediments, B:11
volcanic pebbles, B:568
vs. carbonate content, B:88
vs. depth, B:14, 22–24
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237

dolomite marble, basement/sediment contact, A:215


breccia, B:335–336
brittle deformation, B:568

downhole measurements

Site 974, A:91–93
Site 975, A:153
Site 976, A:242–244
Site 977, A:323–328
Site 979, A:409

drilling, deformation, B:134–135

Dryas. See Oldest Dryas; Younger Dryas


Eagle Mine, rock magnetism, A:322

Eastern Alboran Basin

biostratigraphy, B:166–168
debris flows, B:77–81
marine sediments, B:85–86
post-rift sediments, A:15
sedimentation, B:50
tectonics, A:303; B:345–355, 568

eastonite, biotite composition, B:269–271

eccentricity. See orbital eccentricity

echinoids, biogenic components, B:78–80

eclogite facies

metamorphic rocks, A:230
metamorphism, B:312–314

Eemian interglacial, sediments, B:508

electrical conductivity, vs. depth, B:328

elongate crystals

photomicrograph, A:244
textures, A:223–225

Eolian Arc. See Aeolian Arc

epiclastic components, geochronology, B:148


calc-silicate rock, B:254, 256
petrography, B:357–359

equatorial fauna, planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454


lithologic units, A:196
pre-evaporites, B:547

Escalate Group, lithostratigraphy, B:308

ethane, sediments, A:378, 403

ethylcholest, organic-rich layers, B:396–397

Eurasian Plate, extensional basins, A:5–11

European Plate, convergence, B:557


diagenesis, B:430–431
flux, A:83, 145, 321, 378–380, 405
lithologic units, A:125–126, 128, 131; B:12–14
Messinian, B:543–551, 547–548
sedimentation, B:14–16
sulfur isotopes, B:414–416
See also celestite; gypsum; halite; salt


basement, B:296, 303, 339
extensional tectonics, B:571

Exmouth Plateau, methane, A:233

extensional basins, geology, A:5–11; B:557–559

extensional faults, structure, B:348–350

extensional tectonics

age, B:577
breccia, B:335–340
evolution, B:571–577
geochronology, B:304
metamorphism, B:310, 312
middle Miocene, B:331–344
models and causes, B:574–576
thermal history, B:561



basement/sediment contact, A:217–221; B:340
breccia, B:334–335
deformation, B:332–334
gneiss, B:266–267
photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 243–244, 246
See also magnetic fabric; microfabric

fabric, ductile

basement, B:565–568
schist, B:265

fabric, mylonitic, photomicrograph, A:246

Facies Class E, lithologic units, A:196

fan deltas, basin margins, B:548–549

fatty acids

organic-rich layers, B:394–395
See also n-fatty acids

fault breccia, schist/gneiss contact, B:283

fault gouge

basement/sediment contact, A:211, 216
photograph, A:241
X-ray fluorescence data, A:238

fault planes

brittle deformation, A:222–223
photograph, A:241


basement/sediment contact, B:335–336
brittle deformation, B:568
stress fields, B:323, 325


collisional tectonics, B:310
displacements, B:329
Pliocene–Pleistocene succession, A:399
sedimentary cover, B:562–565
seismic unit V, A:248, 250
well-logging, B:328–329
See also compressional faults; detachment faults; extensional faults; grabens; microfaults; normal faults; oblique-slip faults; reverse faults; shear zones; strike-slip faults; thrust belts; thrust faults

fecal pellets, photograph, A:362


basement/sediment contact, A:215
hemipelagite, B:104
petrography, B:39–46
photomicrograph, A:246
scanning electron microscopy, B:95
sedimentation, B:29
vs. age, B:102–103
vs. depth, A:200, 306, 360, 399; B:90–92
See also orthoclase; plagioclase; potassium feldspar

ferrimagnetic minerals, sources, B:513

ferrimagnetic susceptibility, vs. depth, A:213

ferromagnetic grains

anisotropy, B:132
low-temperature magnetic susceptibility curves, B:114

ferromagnetism, hemipelagite, B:111–116

fibers, photograph, A:241


gneiss, B:266–267, 272, 283–284
photomicrograph, A:246–247; B:276, 278–279
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:265, 282–283
textures, A:223
See also sillimanite

fissility, Pliocene–Pleistocene succession, A:399, 401

fission tracks, basement, B:295–300

fissures, photograph, A:242–243

fluid circulation, breccia, B:335–336

fluid flux, volcanic rocks, B:370

fluid mixing, brines, B:427–429

fluids, overpressure, B:117–128

Flysch Complex, orogenic belts, A:7

Flysch Trough Units, terrains, B:557


metamorphism, B:310
photograph, A:240
photomicrograph, A:243; B:276, 313
schist, B:283
See also crenulation folds; microfolds; slump folds

folds, disharmonic, sediments, A:316

folds, isoclinal

photograph, A:322

photomicrograph, B:285


basement/sediment contact, A:215, 217–221
dip, A:227–228
gneiss, B:266–267, 283–284
magnetic fabric, A:77–78
metamorphism, B:312–314
microstructure, B:284, 287–288
photograph, A:228–229, 231, 238–241
photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 243–246; B:276–278, 285, 313, 343
schist, B:282–283
structure, B:310
vs. depth, A:216
See also magnetic foliation

foliation dip, vs. depth, B:320

foraminifer datums, occurrence, B:190

foraminifer ghosts, photomicrograph, B:342

foraminiferal zones

Site 974, A:74–76
Site 975, A:136–138
Site 976, A:203–205
Site 977, A:316–317
Site 978, A:376–377
Site 979, A:401–402


backscattered electronic images, B:104, 107–108
biogenic components, B:78–80
Messinian, B:529–541
paleoecology, A:313, 366–367, 399
photograph, A:365; B:207
photomicrograph, B:19
scanning electron microscopy, B:95
vs. depth, B:15, 509, 399, 515

foraminifers, benthic

biostratigraphy, A:72, 134–135, 204, 312, 363, 365, 398; B:202–204
distribution curves vs. cycles, B:211
frequency curves, B:211
Messinian, B:537

foraminifers, planktonic

abundance and preservation, A:69, 133, 200, 202, 311, 363, 397; B:209
basin margins, B:549
biostratigraphy, A:69–72, 133, 202–204, 311–312, 363, 397–398; B:185–195, 201, 206
Messinian, B:544–545
modern analogs, B:190–193
morphotype and species abundances, B:186–189
oxygen isotopes, B:500–501
photograph, B:533–536
Pleistocene, B:469–479
Quaternary, B:441–455
sapropels, B:516
species diversity, B:200, 206
statistical analysis, B:190–194
vs. magnetic susceptibility, B:509
See also equatorial fauna; intermediate fauna; modern analogs; polar fauna; subpolar fauna; subtropical-tropical fauna

forests, Quaternary, B:465

Formation MicroScanner imagery, basement, B:320–324

Formation MicroScanner logs, vs. depth, A:103–104, 107–108, 164–165, 269–270, 281–285

forsterite, marbles, B:313–314


isotopes, B:414–420
volcanic pebbles, B:569


basement/sediment contact, A:217
lithostratigraphy, B:347
photograph, B:341
See also conjugate fractures, microfractures

fractures, dilational, photograph, A:380–381

fractures, stylolitic, photograph, A:146


basement/sediment contact, B:335–336
brittle deformation, B:568
See also hydraulic fracturing

frequency domain analysis, planktonic foraminifers, B:472–475

frequency spectra, planktonic isotope records, B:474


crust, B:325
vs. stress, B:329

friedelan-3-one, organic-rich layers, B:396

fucosterol, organic-rich layers, B:397

Fuengirola Canyon, sedimentation, B:65–66


  gamma ray–density–porosity logs

Site 974, A:109
Site 975, A:172–173
Site 976, A:286–290, 297
Site 977, A:351–353

gamma ray–porosity logs, A:424–426

gamma ray–resistivity–sonic logs

Site 974, A:107–108
Site 975, A:170–171
Site 976, A:281–285, 296
Site 977, A:348–350
Site 979, A:421–423

gamma rays

matrix magnetic susceptibility, B:114
vs. depth, A:99, 101–104, 156–160, 221, 223, 262–270, 273–275, 333, 388, 413; B:112, 322, 328

gamma-ray logs

gouge, B:334
Site 974, A:110
Site 975, A:174–175
Site 976, A:291–292
vs. depth, A:101–104, 107–110, 267–270, 273–275, 340–344, 415–416, 421–426


basement/sediment contact, A:215
calc-silicate rock, B:254–255
composition, B:256
gneiss, B:267
mineral chemistry, B:267–269
photomicrograph, A:239, 244; B:260, 277–278, 285–287, 313
porphyroblasts, B:254
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:264–266, 282–283, 312
textures, A:223, 225; B:284, 287–288
thermobarometry, B:288, 290–293
See also grossular; pyrope; spessartine

garnet, idiomorphic, photomicrograph, A:244

gas saturation, porosity, B:125–127

gases, headspace

methanogenesis, A:144
sediments, A:82, 233, 258, 318–319, 331, 375, 377–378, 386, 403, 410

gases, vacutainer, sediments, A:259

gastropods, biogenic components, B:78–80


gneiss, B:274
metamorphic rocks, B:288, 290–293
schist, B:273–274

geochemical indicator ratios, geochemical logs, A:271

geochemical logs

Site 974, A:111
Site 975, A:176–177
Site 976, A:293–294
vs. depth, A:101–104, 109–110, 162–166, 271


basement, B:375–379
extensional tectonics, B:575
lithofacies, B:21–36
pore water, B:413–421, 423–432
volcanic pebbles, B:568–569
volcanic rocks, B:357–373

geochemistry, inorganic

Site 974, A:82–83, 85, 87–89
Site 975, A:144–146, 149–150
Site 976, A:233–238
Site 977, A:319–323
Site 978, A:378–381
Site 979, A:403–408

geochemistry, organic

Site 974, A:81–82; B:401–411
Site 975, A:142–144
Site 976, A:230, 232–233
Site 977, A:318–319; B:391–400
Site 978, A:374–375, 377–378
Site 979, A:401, 403


basement, B:295–300
volcaniclastics, B:137–156
See also age; chronostratigraphy; isochrons

geology, Alboran Sea, A:5–19


gneiss, B:274
metamorphic rocks, B:288, 290–293, 296, 299
schist, B:273–274

Gibraltar Arc, extensional basins, A:6–8

Gibraltar Strait, paleogeography, B:556–559

glacial/interglacial cycles

oxygen isotopes, B:473, 475–477, 485–487
Quaternary, B:465
sapropels, B:409–410


circulation, A:13
global cycles, A:14–15
marine environment, B:460
Quaternary, B:464–466
See also Last Glacial Maximum


lithologic units, A:193–194
petrography, B:41
photomicrograph, B:342
sandstone, B:334–335
vs. depth, A:399

Globigerina bulloides, oxygen-isotope profile, B:471–473

Globigerinoides spp., vs. depth, B:200, 206


basement, B:565–568
basement/sediment contact, A:215
gouge, B:333
mineral composition, A:226
photograph, A:241
photomicrograph, A:246–247; B:278–279, 286
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
rock magnetism, A:207–209
sandstone, B:334–335
structure, B:310
thin sections, A:1004–1009
X-ray fluorescence data, A:234

gneiss, garnet, mineral assemblages, B:313–314

gneiss, high-grade, structure, B:283–284

gneiss, migmatitic

basement/sediment contact, A:215
melting, A:228, 230
mineral composition, A:226
photograph, A:231
photomicrograph, A:247
structure, B:283–284
textures, B:266–267

gneiss, pelitic

composition, B:264–265
fission tracks, B:295–300
textures, B:266–267


fluids, B:568
See also fault gouge

gouge, clay-rich

basement/sediment contact, B:332–335
photograph, B:341


faults, B:349
sedimentary cover, B:563
seismic profiles, B:338–339

gradational contacts

thickness vs. depth, A:367
vs. depth, A:366

graded bedding, deposition, B:95–96

grain size

gypsum, A:131
lithofacies, B:62
petrography, B:87
vs. carbonate content, B:63, 65

Granada-D1 Well, subsidence, B:73, 563


basement/sediment contact, A:215
bulk chemistry, A:215–216
metamorphism, B:310
mineral composition, A:227
photomicrograph, B:313
thin sections, A:1001, 1006, 1008
X-ray fluorescence data, A:234

granite dikes, basement/sediment contact, A:215

granitic rocks, classification, A:235

granulite facies, metamorphic rocks, A:230


photomicrograph, A:239, 241, 245; B:276–277, 285
schist, B:265, 283
grasses, Quaternary, B:465


lithologic units, A:305–307
Messinian, B:568

gravel, carbonate, photograph, B:79

gravel, extraformational, lithologic units, A:193–194

gravity currents, deposition, B:95–96

gravity-flow facies

lithofacies, B:28
Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:63
sedimentary cover, B:562
See also debris flows

grossular, garnet composition, B:267–268, 287

Group G2, lithologic units, A:196

Guadaiza Unit, lithostratigraphy, B:308–314


correlation, B:560
dissolution, B:414–416
flux, A:83, 145
lithologic units, A:125–126, 128, 131
Messinian, B:425–426, 544–548
petrography, B:5–7
photograph, A:129–132; B:9–11
photomicrograph, A:131
pore water, A:322–323, 381, 405
See also selenite

gypsum, crenulated, photograph, B:11

gypsum, detrital, photomicrograph, B:20

gypsum, laminated

petrography, B:5–7
photograph, A:129–130; B:10

gypsum, lenticular, photomicrograph, B:19

gypsum, nodular, photograph, A:129–130

gypsum, pinch-and-swell

petrography, B:7
photograph, B:13
photomicrograph, B:20

gypsum crystals, photomicrograph, B:19

gypsum cycle, lithofacies, A:133; B:12–14, 16–17

gyres, circulation, A:13–14


Habibas Escarpment, brines, A:405


dissolution, A:235
fluxes, A:83, 145
pore water, A:378, 405
See also evaporites; salt

heat flow

contours, A:346, 419
extensional basins, A:10
Site 976, A:277


petrography, B:357–359
schist, B:265

hemipelagic facies

lithologic units, A:304–305, 307–309, 393–397
Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:58–59

hemipelagic sedimentation, lithologic units, A:62


backscattered electronic images, B:104–105
lithofacies, B:28
magnetic susceptibility, B:111–116
mineralogy, B:101–104
photomicrograph, B:36
sedimentary cover, B:562
See also marl

heptatriaconta-8(E), 15(E), 22(E)-triene, organic-rich layers, B:395–396

heptatriaconta-15(E), 22(E)-diene, organic-rich layers, B:395–396


photomicrograph, B:285
schist, B:266, 283
textures, A:223


planktonic foraminifers, B:447

See also interval I; Pleistocene–Holocene succession; Pliocene–Holocene succession

holotypes, image analysis, B:239–247

Huang-Meinschein diagram, sterol carbon number, B:400

hydraulic fracturing, photograph, A:374

hydrogen index

organic matter, A:233, 318, 403
Quaternary, B:464
vs. organic carbon, A:256; B:387
vs. oxygen index, A:90, 150, 256, 329, 385, 409; B:387
vs. temperature, B:389

hydrogen index, Rock-Eval, vs. organic carbon, A:90, 150


circulation, A:12–13
oxygen isotopes, B:500–501

hydrothermal alteration, breccia, B:335–336

hydroxydotriacontan-15-one, organic-rich layers, B:395–396

hydroxytriacontan-15-one, organic-rich layers, B:395–396


matrix magnetic susceptibility, B:112–113
parameter ratios, B:115



methane, A:233
See also South Iberian paleomargin; Spain

Iberian Abyssal Plain, gases, A:319

ichnofacies, lithologic units, A:396


breccia, A:217
sediments, B:24
vs. depth, B:29
X-ray fluorescence data, A:237

illite/smectite ratio, normalized formula, B:31


garnet, B:312
gneiss, B:266–267
marbles, B:313–314
photomicrograph, B:277
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:266, 283

image analysis

basement, B:320–323, 326
calcareous nannofossil holotypes, B:239–247


basement/sediment contact, A:215
gneiss, B:266–267
metamorphic rocks, B:284, 287–288
photomicrograph, A:131, 241, 244–247; B:276–277, 285–287, 313
schist, B:282–283

index properties

cores, A:240–241
sediments, A:90–91, 151–152, 323, 408

insolation cycle

ages, B:160
atmospheric circulation, B:476
calibration, B:172–173
oxygen isotopes, B:472
sapropels, A:11–12; B:161–175

intermediate fauna, planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454

intertidal environment, lithologic units, A:131

interval I

carbon isotopes, B:485
oxygen isotopes, B:483
planktonic foraminifers, B:443, 449, 454
See also Holocene

interval II

carbon isotopes, B:485
oxygen isotopes, B:483–484
planktonic foraminifers, B:443, 449, 454
See also Pleistocene, lower

interval III

carbon isotopes, B:485
oxygen isotopes, B:484
planktonic foraminifers, B:443, 447, 449, 454
See also Pleistocene, lower

interval IV

carbon isotopes, B:485
oxygen isotopes, B:484–485
planktonic foraminifers, B:447, 449, 454
See also Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary


carbonates, B:78
photograph, A:364, 401; B:79
See also clasts

iodide, vs. chloride, B:428–429


biotite, B:288
cordierite, B:288
garnet, B:267, 287
gouge, B:333
redox, A:236, 238
reduction, A:320–321
schist, B:283
staurolite, B:271–272
vs. depth, A:261

iron oxide

volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. aluminum oxide, B:377

Ischia eruption, pyroclastics, B:152


argon-isotope ages, B:392, 304, 364
biotite, B:150
lithofacies, B:72


extensional tectonics, B:575–576
sapropels, B:401–411
See also stable isotopes


sand provenance, B:52
sapropels, A:11


Jubrique Group, lithostratigraphy, B:308–312

Jubrique Unit

lithostratigraphy, B:308–312
metamorphic rocks, A:230



fault gouge, A:217
sediments, B:24
vs. depth, B:29
X-ray fluorescence data, A:238


organic-rich layers, B:395–396
vs. depth, B:397

ketones, pentacyclic triterpenoid, organic-rich layers, B:396

kinematics, orogenic belts, A:6–8


associated with peaks in magnetic susceptibility, A:309
basement/sediment contact, A:215
X-ray fluorescence data, A:238


metamorphic rocks, B:288, 290
schist, B:312


lacustrine environment, Cenozoic, B:539

Lago Mare facies

basin margins, B:549
lithologic units, A:64
ostracodes, B:537
paleoecology, A:72, 137

laminae, planar-cumulus, origin, B:13–14

laminae, planar-wavy, origin, B:13–14


brittle deformation, A:222–223
lithologic units, A:59–64, 118–121, 125–126, 128, 130–131, 189, 191; B:13–14
petrography, B:5–7
photograph, A:70, 122, 127, 130, 132, 194, 198, 311, 361; B:9–11
photomicrograph, B:20
See also cross laminations; ripple-cross laminations

laminites, lithologic units, A:130–131

lamproite, Messinian, A:11


correlation, B:560
sediments, B:70–73
See also Serravallian–Langhian succession


vs. cerium, B:366
vs. neodymium, B:366
vs. tantalum, B:366
vs. thorium, B:366
vs. zirconium, B:366

Last Glacial Maximum, vegetation, B:464–465

lava, alkali basalts, B:350

lava, shoshonitic, Messinian, A:11

layering, differentiated, quartz/biotite, A:223, 229

lead, volcanic rocks, B:370


basement/sediment contact, A:215; B:283
metamorphism, B:571
photograph, A:233; B:310


basement, B:565–568
gneiss, B:266–267, 283–284, 290
plagioclase, B:268–269
schist, B:265

leucosomes, granitic

photograph, A:231
photomicrograph, A:247; B:279
textures, A:225

lignin, organic-rich layers, B:397

Ligurian Sea, circulation, A:13

limestone, petrography, B:39

limestone clasts, photograph, A:312


magnetic fabric, A:77–78
photograph, A:241
See also magnetic lineation

lipids, Cenozoic, B:489–503

lithic fragments

petrography, B:39, 41–42, 46
photomicrograph, B:54
sand provenance, B:52

lithic fragments, carbonate, photomicrograph, B:18

lithic fragments, tachylitic, photomicrograph, B:18


evaporites, B:430–431
organic matter, A:236
pore water, A:85, 235, 321, 379, 405
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260, 332, 387, 412; B:425–427

lithodensity logs, vs. depth, A:101–102, 162–163, 267–268, 335–337, 340, 415–416


carbonates, B:78
correlation with lithostratigraphy, B:67
gypsum cycle, A:133; B:12–14, 16–17
mineralogy, B:21–36
Pliocene–Pleistocene, B:57–68
See also Facies Class E; hemipelagic facies; ichnofacies

lithologic column, basement, A:224–226

lithologic units

correlation with seismic data, A:278
Site 974, A:58–64
Site 975, A:118–132
Site 976, A:188–197
Site 977, A:304–309
Site 978, A:357–362
Site 979, A:393–397
Unit I, A:59–64, 118–120, 128, 188–189, 196, 304–305, 357–358, 361–362, 393–397; B:5, 7, 11–12
Unit II, A:60–64, 120–121, 125, 130–131, 189, 191, 196, 305–307, 358–359, 362; B:5, 7, 11–12
Unit III, A:60–61, 64, 125–126, 128, 131, 191–193, 196, 359–360, 362; B:5, 12
Unit IV, A:193–196


basement/sediment contact, A:211–213, 215–217
color, A:61, 119

lithoseismic units

seismic profiles, B:336–338
See also seismic units; well-log units


extensional basins, A:6–12
geophysical data, B:560–561
phase equilibria, B:568
subduction, B:371
See also crust

lithospheric stretching

basins, B:576
See also crustal stretching


correlation with lithofacies, B:67
Neogene, A:190
Pliocene–Holocene succession, B:83–86
Site 974, A:58–64
Site 975, A:118–132
Site 976, A:188–197
Site 977, A:304–309
Site 978, A:357–362
Site 979, A:393–397

Lithotype 1, basement/sediment contact, A:213, 215

Lithotype 2, basement/sediment contact, A:215

Lithotype 3, basement/sediment contact, A:215

Lithotype 4, basement/sediment contact, A:215

Lithotype 5, basement/sediment contact, A:215

Lithotype 6, basement/sediment contact, A:215

Lithotype 7, basement/sediment contact, A:216

Lithotype 8, basement/sediment contact, A:216

log unit I

well-log units, A:242–243
well-logs, A:328

log unit II

well-log units, A:243
well-logs, A:328

log unit III, well-log units, A:243

Los Castaños, sills, B:547–548

Lujar-Gador Group, lithostratigraphy, B:308

lup-20(29)-en-3-one, organic-rich layers, B:396


M Reflector

gravel, B:574
Miocene/Pliocene boundary, B:538–539
seismic profiles, B:338
seismic unit V, A:248, 250
seismic units, B:72
strike-slip faults, B:569–570
unconformities, B:348–349

Maghrebian Chain, Miocene, A:6–8

Maghrebian paleomargin, terrains, B:557


evolution, B:359, 369–371

extensional tectonics, B:575

Miocene, B:574

Magnaghi Seamount, pyroclastics, B:150


cordierite, B:271–272
diagenesis, A:146, 236, 319
pore water, A:235, 403
vs. depth, A:92, 152, 260–261, 332, 387, 412; B:425–427

magnesium/calcium ratio, vs. depth, B:432

magnesium/chloride ratio, vs. depth, B:430–431

magnesium oxide

volcanic rocks, B:364–369
vs. aluminum oxide, B:377

magnetic declination

sediments, B:132
vs. depth, A:320, 378–379, 404–405; B:133

magnetic declination, core-coordinate, vs. depth, A:77–79, 139–140, 208–209

magnetic declination, geographic, vs. depth, A:320

magnetic domains, rock magnetism, A:140

magnetic fabric

geometry, B:132–135
sediments, A:77–78
vs. depth, A:216

magnetic fabric, coring-induced, sediments, B:129–136

magnetic foliation, vs. depth, A:216

magnetic inclination, vs. depth, A:77–80, 139–141, 208–209, 211, 320, 378–379, 404; B:508

magnetic intensity, vs. depth, A:77–79, 139–140, 208–209, 320, 378–379, 404

magnetic lineation, cores, B:135

magnetic minerals

sources, B:513
See also hematite; magnetite

magnetic polarity, magnetostratigraphy, A:372–373

magnetic reversals, demagnetization, A:211

magnetic susceptibility

hemipelagic marls, B:111–116
matrix contribution vs. depth, B:114
matrix contribution vs. initial susceptibility, B:114
periodicity, A:399
rock magnetism, A:206–207
sapropels, A:140
sediments, A:80
sources, A:314, 316
vs. depth, A:83, 94–98, 141, 143, 154, 156–160, 218, 262–265, 308, 320, 322, 333, 343, 379, 388, 397, 413; B:509, 512, 514
vs. planktonic foraminifers, B:509
See also anhysteretic magnetic susceptibility

magnetic susceptibility anisotropy

sediments, A:80, 209, 216; B:130–136
vs. depth, A:266; B:131

magnetic susceptibility, bulk, vs. depth, B:111–112

magnetic susceptibility, low-field, vs. depth, A:213, 405

magnetic susceptibility, matrix, hysteresis, B:112

magnetic susceptibility, mean, vs. depth, A:216

magnetic susceptibility/anhysteretic remanence susceptibility ratio, vs. depth, A:322

magnetic susceptibility/saturated isothermal remanence susceptibility ratio, vs. depth, A:321


gneiss, B:267
magnetic susceptibility, B:115
mineral chemistry, B:271
petrography, B:357–359
photomicrograph, B:278
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567
schist, B:265
sources, B:513

magnetosomes, bacterial, sources, B:513

magnetostratigraphy, sediments, A:77, 140, 372–373

Maimonides Ridge, sediment sources, A:362

major elements

basement, B:375–379
volcanic glass, B:139–148
volcanic pebbles, B:569
volcanic rocks, B:364–369

major oxides

vs. aluminum oxide, B:377
vs. silica, B:366

Málaga Graben, sedimentary cover, B:563

Málaga margin

deposition, B:66–67
tectonics, B:347

Málaguide Complex

sediments, B:70–71
terrains, B:557


garnet, B:267
mobilization, A:146
organic matter, A:320–321
pore water, A:89
redox, A:236, 238
vs. depth, A:93, 153, 260–261, 333, 387, 412


delamination, B:574–576
geophysical data, B:560–561
structure, B:572

mantle depletion

basin evolution, B:576
extensional tectonics, B:576


basement/sediment contact, A:211, 215
breccia, B:333
composition, B:252, 254
photograph, A:231–232; B:341
photomicrograph, B:260
schist interlayers, B:264–265
structure, B:310, 313–314
thin sections, A:1001–1003, 1013
See also calcite marble; dolomite marble

marginal environment, Messinian, B:543–551

marine environment

Cenozoic, B:539
dinocysts, B:459–462
lithologic units, A:128, 195
Messinian, B:543–551
Pleistocene, B:391–400
Quaternary, B:457–468
Marker 2, pyroclastics, B:151
Marker 3, pyroclastics, B:151–152
Marker 4, pyroclastics, B:152
Marker 5, pyroclastics, B:152
Marker 6, pyroclastics, B:152


basin margins, B:549
magnetic susceptibility, B:111–116
See also hemipelagite

marl, dolomitic, lithologic units, A:120–121, 125, 130–131

Marsili Seamount, pyroclastics, B:150

mass accumulation rates. See calcite flux; sedimentation rates

Matuyama Chron. See Brunhes/Matuyama boundary

median destructive field

sediments, A:314
vs. depth, A:321

Mediterranean Outflow Water, salt, A:14

Mediterranean Ridge, sapropels, B:401–411

Mediterranean Rise, sapropels, B:409–410

Mediterranean Sea, hydraulics, B:464–467, 475–477, 486–487

Mediterranean Sea E

organic matter, B:401–411
sapropels, B:519–527

Mediterranean Sea W

bacteria, B:433–438
biostratigraphy, B:159–195, 197–221, 223–237
fluid overpressures, B:117–128
geochemistry, B:413–421
geology, A:5–19
magnetic fabric, B:129–136
magnetic susceptibility, B:111–116
Messinian paleoenvironment, B:529–541
organic matter, B:383–390
pore water, B:412–432
sapropels, B:519–527
sediments, B:99–110

melobesioids, biogenic components, B:80


aluminosilicates, B:314
gneiss, B:272, 283–284
migmatitic gneiss, A:228, 230
See also partial melting

Menorca, Triassic, B:16

Menorca Ridge, organic matter, B:385, 389

Menorca Rise

biostratigraphy, B:162–164, 185–195
circulation, A:15
Quaternary paleoceanography, B:441–455, 481–488
sedimentation, B:3–16


basins, B:543–551
brines, A:235–236
correlation, B:560
dessication, A:14
foraminifers, B:201, 213
gravel, B:568
gypsum, A:145; B:425–426, 430–431
lamproite, A:11
lithologic units, A:120–121, 125, 130–131
paleoecology, A:137
paleoenvironment, B:529–541
petrology, B:3–20
reefs, B:546
sedimentary cover, B:562
sediments, B:70–76
seismic profiles, B:338
seismic unit II, A:247–248
stratigraphy, B:545
sulfate reduction, B:416
volcanic pebbles, B:574
See also Tortonian/Messinian boundary

metabasite, metamorphism, B:310

metabolization, organic carbon,A:145

metacarbonate, basement, B:565–568

metamorphic grade

assemblages, A:230
See also amphibolite facies; eclogite facies; granulite facies

metamorphic rocks

ages, B:295–305
basement, B:565–568
correlation, B:307–317
mineral composition, A:248–249; B:289
physical properties, A:241
rock magnetism, A:207–209
See also marble; metabasite; metapelite; metasedimentary rocks; quartzite


lithostratigraphy, B:308
phase equilibria, B:257–258
pressure-temperature conditions, A:227–228, 230; B:263–279
tectonics, B:319–329, 331–344
terrains, B:557, 560
textures, A:225–230

metamorphism, high-grade

mineral assemblages, B:313–314
pressure-temperature conditions, B:281–294, 339


basement, B:565–568
metamorphism, B:252, 254
photomicrograph, B:260, 313
pressure-temperature conditions, B:264–265, 283

metasedimentary rocks, volcanic pebbles, B:568

metasomatism, extensional tectonics, B:576


compressibility, B:125–127
oxidation, B:434–436
sediments, A:144, 233, 258–259, 375, 377–378, 403
vs. depth, A:257, 318–319, 330, 385, 409; B:419, 435–436


bacterial populations, B:436
organic matter, B:420
pore water, B:427
redox, A:238

methylcholesta, organic-rich layers, B:396–397


basement/sediment contact, A:213, 215
petrography, B:39–46
photomicrograph, A:247; B:36
vs. depth, A:200, 306, 360, 399; B:90–92
See also biotite; muscovite

mica, detrital, sedimentation, B:29


lithologic units, A:120–121, 125–126, 130–131
Messinian, B:529–541
petrography, B:86–87
photograph, A:70, 126–127; B:532–536
sediments, B:11–12
vs. depth, A:363; B:15

micritization, diagenesis, A:146

microbes, basin margins, B:548–549

microconglomerate. See conglomerate

microconglomerate, intraclastic, photograph, B:11


sediments, B:99–110
See also fabric


soft sediments, A:80–81
See also faults


gneiss, B:284
photomicrograph, B:285
See also folds


sedimentation rates, A:399
See also foraminifers; nannofossils; palynomorphs


breccia, B:335–336
See also fractures

microlitic textures, photograph, A:368

microporosity, backscattered electronic images, B:104


petrography, B:42
See also dolomicrosparite


metamorphic rocks, B:284–288
photomicrograph, B:286


fission tracks, B:295–307
gneiss, B:283–284
metamorphism, B:310
mineral assemblages, B:313–314

Milankovitch cycles

deposition, B:96
paleoceanography, B:387–389

millipede structure, photomicrograph, B:285

mineral assemblages

high-grade schist, A:228, 230; B:271–272, 282–283
metamorphism, B:252, 254
pelitic and migmatite gneiss, B:272–273
pressure-temperature conditions, B:566–567

mineral chemistry

calc-silicate rock, B:255–256
metamorphic rocks, B:284, 287–288


lithofacies, B:21–36
sediments, B:7, 11–12, 99–110

mineralogy, bulk

sand, B:39–46
sediments, B:22–27, 59, 61–65, 90–94
vs. age, B:102–103


correlation, B:560
lithofacies, B:21–36
lithologic units, A:60–64, 120–121, 125–126, 128, 130–131, 191–196, 306–307, 359–360, 362
magmatism, B:574
metamorphism, B:293
orogenic belts, A:6–8
rifting, B:573
subduction, B:357–373

Miocene/Pliocene boundary

high-resolution biostratigraphy, B:197–221
lithologic units, A:60, 64
lithology, B:201, 204
M Reflector, B:538–539
nannofossils, B:226–227
ostracodes, B:538
sedimentary cover, B:562
sediments, B:3–20
unconformities, B:568

Miocene, middle, extensional tectonics, B:331–344

Miocene, upper, paleogeography, B:548

mixed-layer clays

normalized formula, B:31
sedimentation, B:29

mizzonite, metamorphism, B:257–258

modern analogs, planktonic foraminifers, B:449, 451–452, 454

Modified Atlantic Water, sea-surface temperature, B:490

molecular indicators, paleoenvironment, B:391–400

monoclines, syntectonic deposition, B:350, 352

Mont Saint Hilaire, rock magnetism, A:322

Montemayor tectonic slices, lithostratigraphy, B:310

montmorillonite, basement/sediment contact, A:215


Miocene, A:6–8
paleogeography, B:556–559
pollen source, B:462

mottling, photograph, A:191

mud, lithofacies, B:59

mud balls, lithofacies, B:64–66

mud diapirs, lithofacies, B:72


carbonates, B:78
lithologic units, A:131
photograph, A:380–381; B:79

mudstone, dolomitic, thin sections, A:1020

Munsell index

vs. depth, A:360, 396
See also color index


argon-isotope ages, B:300–305
gneiss, B:272–273
high-grade schist, A:215
isochrons, B:304
photomicrograph, B:278
schist, B:265, 282–283, 313–314
textures, A:225

myrmekitic textures, photomicrograph, A:247