Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B drilling

ODP Leg 171B was designed to recover a series of 'critical boundaries' in the Earth's history during which abrupt changes in climate and oceanography coincide with often drastic changes in the Earth's biota. Some of these events, such as the Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-P) extinction and the late Eocene tektite layers, are associated with the impacts of extraterrestrial objects, such as asteroids or meteorites, whereas other events, including the benthic foraminifer extinction in the late Palaeocene and mid-Maastrichtian events, are probably related to intrinsic features of the Earth's climate system. Three of the critical intervals, early Eocene, the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval and the late Albian, are characterized by unusually warm climatic conditions when the Earth is thought to have experienced such extreme warmth that the episodes are sometimes described as 'super-greenhouse' periods. The major objectives of Leg 171B were to recover records of these critical boundaries, or intervals, at shallow burial depth where microfossil and lithological information would be well preserved, and to drill cores along a depth transect where the vertical structure of the oceans during the boundary events could be studied. The recovery of sediments characterized by cyclical changes in lithology in continuous Palaeogene or Mesozoic records would help to establish the rates and timing of major changes in surface and deep-water hydrography and microfossil evolution.

Accordingly, five sites were drilled down the spine of the Blake Nose, a salient on the margin of the Blake Plateau where Palaeogene and Cretaceous sediments have never been deeply buried by younger deposits (Fig. 1). The Blake Nose is a gentle ramp that extends from c. 1000 to c. 2700 m water depth and is covered by a drape of Palaeogene and Cretaceous strata that are largely protected from erosion by a thin veneer of manganiferous sand and nodules. We recovered a record of the Eocene and Palaeocene epochs that, except for a few short hiatuses in mid-Eocene time, is nearly complete. Thick sequences through the Maastrichtian, Cenomanian and Albian sequences have allowed us to create high-resolution palaeoclimate records from these periods. The continuous expanded records from Palaeogene and Cretaceous time show Milankovitch-related cyclicity that provides the opportunity for astronomical calibration of at least parts of the time scale, particularly when combined with an excellent magnetostratigraphic record and the presence of abundant calcareous and siliceous microfossils. Our strategy was to drill multiple holes at each site as far down as possible to recover complete sedimentary sequences by splicing multisensor track (MST) or colour records.

Lithostratigraphy and seismic stratigraphy of Blake Nose

The sedimentary record at Blake Nose consists of Eocene carbonate ooze and chalk that overlie Palaeocene claystones as well as Maastrichtian and possibly upper Campanian chalk (Fig. 2). In turn, Campanian strata rest unconformably upon Albian to Cenomanian claystone and clayey chalk that appear to form a conformable sequence of clinoforms. A short condensed section of Coniacian-Turonian nannofossil chalks, hardgrounds and debris beds is found between Campanian and Cenomanian rocks on the deeper part of Blake Nose. Aptian claystones are interbedded with Barremian periplatform debris, which shows that the periplatform material is reworked from older rocks. The entire middle Cretaceous and younger sequence rests on a Lower Cretaceous, and probably Jurassic, carbonate platform that is more than 5 km thick in the region of Blake Nose (Shipley et al. 1978; Dillon et al. 1985; Dillon & Popenoe 1988).

Seismic records show the presence of buried reef build-ups at the landward end of the Blake Nose (Fig. 3). Fore-reef deposits and pelagic oozes, built seaward of the reef front, rest on relatively flat-lying Barremian shallow-water carbonates and serve largely to define the present bathymetric gradient along Blake Nose (Benson et al. 1978; Dillon et al. 1985; Dillon & Popenoe 1988). Single-channel seismic reflection data (SCS) lines collected by the Glomar Challenger over Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 390 and our reprocessed version of multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) line TD-5 show that more than 800 m of strata are present between a series of clinoforms that overlap the reef complex and the sea bed. ODP Leg 171B demonstrated that most of the clinoform sequence consists of Albian-Cenomanian strata and that a highly condensed sequence of Santonian-Campanian rocks is present in places between the lower Cenomanian and the Maastrichtian sequences (Norris et al. 1998). The Maastrichtian section is overlapped by a set of parallel, continuous reflectors interpreted as being of Palaeocene and Eocene age that become discontinuous updip. Most of the Eocene section is incorporated in a major clinoform complex that reaches its greatest thickness down dip of the Cretaceous clinoforms.

Early Albian black shale event (OAE 1b c. 112 Ma)

ODP Leg 171B recovered upper Aptian-lower Albian sediments at Site 1049 consisting of green, red, tan and white marls overlying Barremian and Aptian pelletal grainstones and carbonate sands. A similar succession is present at DSDP Sites 390 and 391 drilled during DSDP Leg 44 as well as in DSDP holes drilled on the Bahama platform. The distal equivalents of these sediments are present at DSDP Site 387 on the Bermuda Rise, where they are light grey limestones interbedded with chert and green or black claystone deposited at water depths of over 4 km (Tucholke & Vogt 1979).

On Blake Nose, the multicoloured claystones contain a single, prominent laminated black shale bed (sapropel) about 46 cm thick (Fig. 4). The sapropel is laminated on a millimetre scale and contains pyrite nodules and thin stringers of dolomite and calcite crystals. Total organic carbon content ranges from c. 2 wt % to over 11.5 wt % and has a hydrogen index typical of a type II kerogen (Barker et al. this volume). A bioturbated interval of marl about 1 cm thick occurs in the middle of the black sapropel. The lower contact of the sapropel is gradational into underlying green nannofossil claystone. In contrast, the upper contact is sharp below bioturbated olive green nannofossil claystone. The planktonic foraminifer assemblage (characteristic of the upper Hedbergella planispira Zone) together with the nannoflora (representing biozone CC7c) suggest an early Albian age and a correlation with OAE 1b.

Ogg et al. (1999) estimated sedimentation rates during and after deposition of the OAE 1b sapropel. Spectral analysis of physical property records suggests that the dominant colour cycles (between red, green and white marls) are probably related to the eccentricity and precession cycles and yield average sedimentation rates of c. 0.6 cm ka-1 across the OAE. Sapropel deposition persisted for at least c. 30 ka (Ogg et al. 1999). This duration for OAE 1b is probably an underestimate, as it is common for organic matter in sapropels to be partly removed once oxic conditions return to the sea floor (e.g. Mercone et al. 2000). Therefore, the OAE 1b sapropel may originally have been thicker and represented a longer period of disaerobic seaoor conditions than is at present the case.

By any measure, the OAE 1b sapropel represents a remarkably long interval of disaerobic conditions. Sapropels formed during Plio-Pleistocene time in the Mediterranean basins were deposited on time scales of no more than a few thousand years (e.g. Mercone et al. 2000). The best studied example of OAE 1b in Europe is the Niveau Paquier in the Southeast France Basin. There, the upper Aptian-lower Albian sequence is characterized by numerous black shales, all of which, with the exception of OAE 1b, are not present at Blake Nose. On the basis of the ecology and distribution of benthic foraminifers, Erbacher et al. (1999) demonstrated the synchroneity of OAE 1b between Blake Nose and France.

The distribution of the foraminifera was extensively studied across OAE 1b by Erbacher et al. (1999) and Holbourn & Kuhnt (this volume). Sediments deposited before OAE 1b contain a low-diversity fauna of opportunistic phytodetritus feeders: foraminifera that feed on the enhanced carbon flux to the ocean floor. This unique fauna replaced a highly diverse fauna and is indicative of the large environmental changes leading to the OAE 1b. The finely laminated black shale itself contains a very impoverished microbiota indicating disaerobic conditions at the sea floor. Although faunal turnovers have been found to be associated with the OAEs, Holbourn & Kuhnt (this volume) concluded from their foraminiferal distributional study that there were no foraminiferal extinctions associated with OAE 1b.

Erbacher et al. (in press) showed new stable isotope data on foraminifera from early Albian OAE 1b. Those workers demonstrated that the formation of OAE 1b was associated with an increase in surface-water runoff, and a rise in surface temperatures, that led to decreased bottom-water formation and elevated carbon burial in the restricted basins of the North Atlantic. The stable isotope record has similar features as the Mediterranean sapropel record from the Pliocene-Quaternary period inasmuch as there is a large negative shift in 18O of planktic foraminifera in both instances that probably reflects the freshening and perhaps temperature rise associated with the onset of sapropel formation. However, the geographical extent of the OAE 1b is much larger and its duration is at least four times longer than any of the Quaternary sapropels. Hence, current results suggest that OAE 1b was associated with a pronounced increase in surface-water stratification that effectively restricted overturning over a large portion of Tethys and its extension into the western North Atlantic.

Mid-Cretaceous sea surface temperatures and OAE 1d and 2

A thick section of Albian-Cenomanian continental slope and rise sediments were recovered in Holes 1050C and 1052E on Blake Nose. In Hole 1052E, 215 m of black and green laminated claystone, minor chalk, limestone and sandstone were recovered, representing the uppermost Albian and lowermost Cenomanian interval. Sandstones recovered at the base of the hole give way to dark claystones with laminated intervals and thin bioturbated limestones higher in the sequence. A partly correlative sequence was recovered in Hole 1050C where the section starts in latest Albian time and continues through most of Cenomanian time. The Turonian, Santonian and Coniacian periods are represented in a highly condensed sequence of multi-coloured chalk just above the last black shales and chalks of the Cenomanian sequence.

The upper Albian-lower Cenomanian strata in Hole 1052E preserve a biostratigraphically complete sequence from calcareous nannofossil Zone CC8b to CC9c ( planktonic foraminifer biozones Rotalipora ticinensis to R. greenhornensis). The time scales of Gradstein et al. (1995) and Bralower et al. (1997a) and the biostratigraphy from Site 1052 suggest the sequence records c. 8 Ma of deposition between c. 94 and c. 102 Ma. Sedimentation rates drop off dramatically in the upper c. 25 m of the Cenomanian sequence about 98 Ma. The remainder of the sequence was deposited within a 2 Ma interval at sedimentation rates of about 9-10 cm ka-1. The termination of these high sedimentation rates coincides with a lithological change from black shale to chalk deposition, probably reflecting the sea-level rise in early Cenomanian time.

The section across the Albian-Cenomanian boundary in Hole 1052E is correlative with OAE 1d. Black and green shales become increasingly well laminated and darker in colour approaching the Albian-Cenomanian boundary and are accompanied by interbeds of white to grey limestone. High-resolution resistivity (Formation Microscanner; FMS) logs from Hole 1052E demonstrate that the OAE is not a single event, but represents a gradual intensification of the limestone-shale cycle that terminated abruptly at the end of the OAE (Kroon et al. 1999; Fig. 5).

Cyclostratigraphy suggests there is a lowfrequency cycle (seen best in the unfiltered FMS log) with a wavelength of c. 9-10 m that is expressed in cycles of increasing and then decreasing FMS amplitude. In turn, the 10 m cycle consists of bundles of 1.8-2 m cycles. Filtering the FMS record (that is sampled at better than 1 cm resolution) with a 70 cm-20 m window reveals these dominant cycles clearly. There is a still higher frequency cycle about 10-15 cm wavelength that is particularly well expressed in the claystone interbeds and are expressed by high FMS resistivity. These high-resistivity claystones contrast with the low resistivity of more carbonate-rich beds, including the limestone beds that are prevalent in the interval around the Albian-Cenomanian boundary.

The ratios of the 10 and ~2 m cycles are about right to represent the 100 ka and c. 21ka bands of orbital precession (Fig. 5). The higher-frequency cycles do not correspond neatly to orbital bands. We suggest that either our initial guess is wrong that the longer-wavelength cycles represent eccentricity or differential compaction around the limestone stringers has altered the relative spacing of cycles sufficiently to obscure the duration of the high-frequency cycles. However, if we assume that the low-frequency cycle is in the eccentricity band, we can estimate an average sedimentation rate of c. 9.0-10.0 cm ka1. The whole interval represented by the increasing cycle amplitude to the termination of the OAE (between c. 575 and 506 mbsf (metres below sea floor)) represents a little over a 750 ka interval of which the peak of OAE 1d lasts for c. 400 ka of earliest Cenomanian time.

Norris & Wilson (1998) have shown that the planktonic foraminifera found in the shale beds are extremely well preserved and record an original stable isotopic signature of the oceans across OAE 1d. They found that the subtropical North Atlantic had sea surface temperatures on average warmer than today at between 30 and 31oC. Temperatures peaked at about the level (c. 510 mbsf) where the maximum amplitude of the FMS cycle is also recorded. Apparently the increase in intensity of the OAE was directly mirrored by a rise in surface temperatures. Temperature and the vertical thermal gradient both collapsed near the termination of the OAE, suggesting a fundamental change in ocean circulation and stratification near or at the end of OAE 1d.

The Cenomanian-Turonian boundary interval was investigated at Site 1050 at Blake Nose by Huber et al. (1999). This important interval is characterized by one of the major Cretaceous Anoxic Events (OAE 2). Although the sequence at Site 1050 is not entirely complete, Huber et al. (1999) were able to measure stable isotopes of unaltered calcareous planktonic and benthic foraminifera across the Cenomanian-Turonian transition. One of the astonishing results is the massive warming of middle bathyal temperatures based on benthic oxygen isotope results. Bathyal temperatures were already rather high (15oC) before the boundary but rose to about 19oC within OAE 2. This deep-water warming does not seem to be mirrored by sea surface water temperatures and therefore (Huber et al. 1999) concluded that most heat during OAE 2 time, a super-greenhouse event, was transported via the deep ocean. The warming may have been responsible for the extinction of deeper-dwelling planktonic foraminiferal genera such as Rotalipora.

Mid-Maastrichtian extinctions and palaeoceanographic events

The calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy shows that the Maastrichtian sediments, although slumped in parts, are biostratigraphically complete (Self-Trail this volume). The mid-Maastrichtian interval is characterized by a series of important biological and palaeoceanographic events. Extinction of deep-sea inoceramid bivalves and tropical rudist bivalves occurred at the same time with geochemical shifts in deep-sea biogenic carbonates and a pronounced cooling of high-latitude surface waters. It is not clear how all these events are related. Blake Nose middle Maastrichtian sediments, although complicated in places by slumping and coring gaps, yield conclusive evidence in the form of stable isotopes from foraminifera and extinctions concerning the subtropical palaeoceanographic evolution of the area. In contrast to cooling at high-latitude sites, Blake Nose surface waters show a temperature rise of about 4oC (MacLeod & Huber this volume). Blake Nose results highlight regional mid-Maastrichtian differences. The benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes do not show a marked shift in mid-Maastrichtian time in contrast to southern Ocean and Pacific stable isotope records. Therefore, MacLeod & Huber (this volume) excluded build up of ice during the course of Maastrichtian time as the force behind the chain of mid-Maastrichtian events, although the details of mid-Maastrichtian palaeoceanography and cause of extinctions remain enigmatic.

Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary impact

The ODP Leg 171B recovered a conspicuous Cretaceous-Palaeogene (K-P) boundary interval at Blake Nose (Fig. 4). At the deepest Site 1049 three holes were drilled through the K- P interval. The boundary layer, mostly consisting of green spherules, was interpreted to be of impact origin and ranges in thickness from 6-17 cm in the three holes at Site 1049. The largely variable thickness suggests reworking of the ejecta material down slope after deposition. Martínez-Ruiz et al. (this volume a & b) have shown that the green spherules represent the diagenetically altered impact ejecta from Chicxulub. Martínez-Ruiz et al. (this volume b) described the now predictive sequence of meteorite debris and associated chemistry across the K-P boundary at Blake Nose: the impact-generated coarse debris or tektite bed is followed by finegrained pelagic ooze of the earliest Danian period rich in iridium.

One of the remarkable features of the pre-impact sediments at Blake Nose is deformation and large-scale slope failures probably related to the seismic energy input from the Chicxulub impact, some of it clearly induced before the emplacement of the ejecta from the impact (Norris et al. 1998; Smit 1999; Klaus et al. 2000). Mass wasting as a response to the impact occurred at a large scale. Correlation between Blake Nose cores and seismic reflection data indicates that the K-P boundary immediately overlies seismic facies characteristic of mass wasting (Klaus et al. 2000). Sediments 1600 km away from the Chicxulub impact on the Bermuda Rise were 'shaken and stirred'. Norris et al. (this volume) found that the seismic reflector associated with mass wasting at the K-P boundary is found over nearly the entire western North Atlantic basin, suggesting that much of the eastern seaboard of North America had catastrophically failed during the K-P impact event. Norris et al. (unpubl. data) made a survey of rise and abyssal sediment cores off North America, Bermuda and Spain, and concluded that indeed mass wasting may well have disrupted pelagic sedimentation at the K-P boundary in all those places.

The biostratigraphy of the K-P interval at Blake Nose is typical of an Atlantic seaboard deep-sea K-P section (Norris et al. 1999). Ooze immediately below the spherule bed contains characteristic late Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils. The ooze above the spherule bed contains abundant extremely small Palaeocene planktic foraminifers in addition to large Cretaceous foraminifera. Norris et al. (1999) argued that the large Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera found in Darian sediments have been reworked. Small specimens of the same Cretaceous species are hardly present in the post-impact ooze, which implies that some form of sorting has changed the usual size distribution of planktonic foraminifera, which tends to be dominated by small individuals in pelagic sediments. The important conclusion is that the impact ejecta exactly coincided with the biostratigraphic K-P boundary and the planktonic foraminiferal extinction was caused by the Chicxulub impact.

Late Palaeocene Thermal Maximum

Drilling at Blake Nose recovered a continuous sequence of the Palaeocene-Eocene transition at a relatively low-latitude site. The upper Palaeocene section at Site 1051 consists of greenish grey siliceous nannofossil chalk that exhibits a distinctive colour cycle between 23-29 cm wavelength in Palaeocene time and c. 1 m wavelength in latest Palaeocene and early Eocene time. A distinctive bed of angular chalk clasts, now deformed by compaction, occurs at about the level at which the increase in colour cycle wavelength is seen. Norris & Röhl (1999) found that the LPTM as defined by a c. 2-3 13C excursion and the appearance of a distinctive 'excursion fauna' of planktic foraminifera occurs just above the chalk breccia. Furthermore, Katz et al. (1999) found the extinction of an assortment of cosmopolitan benthic foraminifera in site 1051 that are also known to have become extinct at the LPTM in other regions around the world. Hence, we are confident that we recovered a section typical of the LPTM on Blake Nose.

Bains et al. (1999), Katz et al. (1999) and Norris & Röhl (1999) have interpreted the chalk breccia horizon, and step-like features in the 13C anomaly as strong evidence that the LPTM was associated with rapid release of buried gas hydrates. Oxidation of released methane to CO2 would have caused a rapid increase of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and thus resulted in warming of the planet. Bains et al. (1999) showed that the onset of the carbon isotope anomaly occurred in a series of three pronounced drops in 13C separated by plateaux (Fig. 6). They interpreted the steps and intervening plateaux in 13C as intervals of rapid methane outgassing separated by intervals where the rate of carbon burial roughly balanced its rate of release into the ocean and atmosphere. Katz et al. (1999) showed that the chalk clast breccia can be reasonably interpreted as a debris flow produced by methane hydrate destabilization and venting during the initial phases of the LPTM.

The continuous sequence of Blake Nose across the Late Palaeocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM) displays very pronounced cyclicity of the sediments shown in spectral reflectance records at Site 1051. The carbon isotope anomaly within C24r coincides with a major shift in lithology and cyclicity of various physical property records including sediment colour, carbonate content and magnetic susceptibility. Norris & Röhl (1999) used the cyclicity to provide the first astronomically calibrated date for the LPTM (c. 54.98 Ma) and a chronology for the event itself using the Milankovitch induced cyclostratigraphy at Site 1051. Kroon et al. (1999) showed that the LPTM may be part of a long-term climatic cycle with a wavelength of 2 Ma by using the downhole gamma-ray log (Fig. 7). The LPTM or carbon anomaly coincides exactly with one of the gamma-ray maxima, possibly showing increased influx of terrigenous clay or less dilution by relatively reduced carbonate content.

Dickens (this volume) reported the results of a numerical modelling study designed to evaluate the potential range for the mass of carbon released. Using the 13C record from Site 1051 as the target site, he used a simple box model to assess the implications of variations in the mass and/or isotopic composition of the primary carbon fluxes and reservoirs. Dickens (2000b) concluded that a massive release of 1800 Gt of methane hydrate explains best the carbon isotope excursion.

Palaeocene-Eocene climate variability

The Eocene sequence consists largely of green siliceous nannofossil ooze and chalk. The upper part of the sequence is typically light yellow, and the colour change to green sediments below is sharp. This colour change is diachronous across Blake Nose and probably relates to a diagenetic front produced by flushing the sediment with sea water. Planktonic foraminifers, radiolarians and calcareous nannofossils are well preserved throughout most of the middle Eocene sequence, but calcareous fossils are more overgrown in the lower middle Eocene and lower Eocene sequence. A distinct feature of the Eocene sequence is a high number of vitric ash layers that were found at each site. These ash layers can be correlated across and serve as anchor points within the highly cyclical (at the Milankovitch scale) sequences. One of the conspicuous dark upper Eocene layers at Site 1053 contains nickel-rich spinels, which indicates that this layer contains potentially extraterrestrial material as a consequence of the Chesapeake Bay impact (Smit, pers. comm.). The Palaeocene and lower Eocene sediments are relatively clay rich compared with the middle and upper Eocene deposits. The upper Palaeocene sequence contains chert or hard chalk, and preservation of most fossil groups is moderate to poor. The lower Palaeocene sediment is typically an olive green, clay-rich nannofossil chalk or ooze. Calcareous microfossils are typically very well preserved, whereas siliceous components are absent.

A number of excellent biostratigraphic studies have developed from the Blake Nose Palaeogene records. The preservation of the mid- and late Eocene calcareous fossils is very good and the preservation of the siliceous fossils is adequate to construct a detailed biostratigraphy, one of the first for late Palaeocene and early Eocene time.

Also, the organic-walled fossils including the dinoflagellate cysts appear to be very useful. The good preservation of both carbonate and siliceous microfossils led to the first well-integrated biostratigraphy of mid-latitude faunas and floras (Sanfilippo & Blome this volume). The sedimentary sequence is unique in containing well-preserved radiolarian faunas of late early Palaeocene to late mid-Eocene age. Sanfilippo & Blome (this volume) have documented 200 radiolarian biohorizons. Middle to Upper Eocene sediments contain dinocyst assemblages characteristic of warm to temperate surface waters (van Mourik et al. this volume). The absence of known cold-water species shows there was no influence of a northern water mass in the area of Blake Nose and thus subtropical conditions prevailed throughout mid-late Eocene time.

One of the main objectives for drilling Blake Nose was to recover complete sequences of Palaeogene sediments by drilling multiple holes. The recovery of continuous sequences characterized by cyclical changes in lithology would help to establish the rates and timing of major changes in surface and deep-water hydrography. Röhl et al. (this volume) have presented a study on the use of Milankovitch forcing of sediment input, expressed in the periodicity of iron (Fe) concentrations, to calculate elapsed duration of the Danian stage. A new astronomical Danian time scale emerged from counting obliquity cycles at Sites 1050C and 1001A (Caribbean Sea), which surprisingly appeared to be the dominant frequency in the record. Röhl et al. elegantly made use of the Fe records observed in the cores and various downhole logs to fill in for drilling gaps. The results from both drilling sites were neatly similar. Analysis of the cyclostratigraphy both from the cores and downhole logs appears to be successful in the older parts of the stratigraphy and useful in calibrating magnetic polarity zones.

Wade et al. (this volume) have presented the first detailed benthic and planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotope curves in combination with spectral reflectance records from late mid-Eocene time. Those workers found clear evidence of Milankovitch cyclicities at Site 1051 (Fig. 8; Wade et al. this volume). At Site 1051 in the top 30 m, the colour records document a dominant cyclicity with wavelengths of 1.0-1.4 cycles m-1 forced by precession (Fig. 8), whereas the stable isotope records demonstrate all frequencies of the Milankovitch spectrum. Changes in the 18O records of the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera are astonishingly large. Wade et al. (this volume) concluded that upwelling variations may be responsible for these large variations resulting in large sea surface temperature variations. Sloan & Huber (this volume) in a modelling study also found that changes in wind-driven upwelling and in continental runoff on a precessional time scale should be observed in regions of the central North Atlantic.

Another subject relates to the distribution of clay minerals. One of the most exciting aspects is that the origin of palygorskite clay minerals found in lower Eocene pelagic sediments in the western Central Atlantic may be authigenic (Pletsch this volume). Of particular interest and greater potential significance is the idea that authigenic palygorskite formation required the presence of relatively saline bottom waters, such as the elusive 'Warm Saline Bottom Water' (WSBW) of Brass et al. (1982). As such the distribution of palygorskite could become a palaeo-watermass tracer of WSBW.