Figures F1-F6
Tables T1-T4

F1. Gas chromatograms from the surface and deep sample of Fraction 1.

F2. Profiles of n-alkanes in surface and deep samples.

F3. Gas chromatograms from the surface and deep sample of Fraction 2.

F4. Gas chromatograms from the surface and deep sample of Fraction 3.

F5. Gas chromatograms from the surface and deep sample of Fraction 4.

F6. Profiles of fatty acids in surface and deep samples.

Tables T1-T4

T1. Sample identification and bulk properties.

T2. Nomenclature, concentrations, and accumulation rates of compounds in Fraction.

T3. Nomenclature, concentrations, and accumulation rates of compounds in Fraction.

T4. Nomenclature, concentrations, and accumulation rates of compounds in Fraction.

Figures F1-F6
Tables T1-T4