Figure F4. A. Hole 735B average and single-spot pyroxene analyses, including average core and average rim analyses from Tables T2
and T3. Compositions are plotted without correction for nonquadrilateral components. Shown for reference are the estimated composition trends of Wager and Brown for the Skaergaard Intrusion of Greenland and the composition of Hess Deep Hole 894G high-level gabbros (inset). F.Z. = fracture zone. Cpx = clinopyroxene, Opx = orthopyroxene. Di = diopside, Hd = hedenbergite, En = enstatite, Fs = ferrosilite.
B. Enstatite-diopside half of the pyroxene quadrilateral
contoured with the orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene solvus of Lindsley and co-workers
(Lindsley, 1983; Lindsley and Andersen, 1983; Lindsley and Dixon, 1976), showing
the composition field of Hess Deep Hole 894G high-level gabbros and Site 895
mantle peridotites, dunites, and gabbroic segregations from Natland and Dick
(1996), with the composition fields for dredge and dive samples from Hess Deep (Hekinian
et al., 1993).