

F1. Location of Palmer Deep (Sites 1098 and 1099).

F2. Bathymetry and location of site-survey seismic reflection profiles on Palmer Deep.

F3. East-west air gun single-channel seismic reflection profile crossing Basin I, Site 1098.

F4. 3.5-kHz sub-bottom profile at ~5 kt across Site 1098, Basin I.

F5. East-west air gun single-channel seismic reflection profile and line drawing, Basin III, Site 1099.

F6. 3.5-kHz sub-bottom profile at ~5 kt across Site 1099, Basin III.

F7. Lithostratigraphic column for Site 1098.

F8. Sand:silt:clay ratio, percent biogenic and terrigenous, pebble occurrence, and chromaticity parameter a* for Site 1098.

F9. Laminated diatom ooze, interval 178-1098B-1H-3, 69-93 cm.

F10. Deformation style in lowest sediments recovered in Holes 1098A, 1098B, and 1098C.

F11. Lithostratigraphic column for Site 1099.

F12. Sand:silt:clay ratio, percent biogenic and terrigenous, pebble occurrence, and chromaticity parameter a* for Site 1099.

F13. Massive mud-bearing diatom ooze, laminated diatom ooze, diatom-bearing silty mud base of a turbidite, and turbidite bed.

F14. Relative diatom species abundance of F. kerguelensis, Thalassiothrix spp., T. antarctica, E. antarctica, F. curta, and Chaetoceros spp. spores.

F15. Radiolarian abundance, foraminiferal assemblage zones, and depositional environments for Holes 1098C, 1099A, and 1099B.

F16. Inclination records from Basin I vs. depth.

F17. Intensity of remanence and magnetic susceptibility in Holes 1098C, 1099A, and 1099B vs. depth.

F18. Split-core and discrete sample measurements from Hole 1098C vs. depth.

F19. AF demagnetization of a typical discrete sample (178-1098C-1H-5, 44 cm).

F20. Intensity of remanence after AF demagnetization at 20 mT for split-core and discrete samples vs. depth.

F21. Relative paleointensity at Site 1098.

F22. Inorganic carbon and total organic carbon from Hole 1098C.

F23. Inorganic carbon and total organic carbon from Holes 1099A and 1099B.

F24. Profiles of interstitial water chemistry in Hole 1098C.

F25. Profiles of interstitial water chemistry in Holes 1099A and 1099B.
