

F26. Raw data for NGR, GRAPE density, magnetic susceptibility, and P-wave velocity from Hole 1098C.

F27. Amalgamated raw data for NGR, GRAPE density, and magnetic susceptibility from Holes 1099A and 1099B.

F28. GRAPE bulk density and magnetic susceptibility vs. depth for Hole 1098C.

F29. MAD bulk density from index properties and raw GRAPE density, porosity, and grain density for Hole 1098C.

F30. MAD bulk density from index properties and raw GRAPE density, porosity, and grain density for Holes 1099A and 1099B.

F31. Raw PWS3 data from Sites 1098 and 1099.

F32. Thermal conductivity measurements at Site 1098.

F33. Thermal conductivity measurements at Site 1099.

F34. Color reflectance and GRAPE density data from Site 1098 on the mcd scale.

F35. Magnetic susceptibility and GRAPE density data from Site 1099 on the mcd scale.

F36. Magnetic susceptibility, color reflectance, GRAPE density, and natural gamma ray data with correlations.

F37. GRAPE density, magnetic susceptibility, color reflectance, and natural gamma ray data with correlations.

F38. Depth offsets of Site 1098 mcd scale relative to mbsf depth.

F39. Depth offsets of Site 1099 mcd scale relative to mbsf depth.

F40. Spliced records for Site 1098: color reflectance and GRAPE density data.

F41. Spliced records for Site 1099: magnetic susceptibility and color reflectance data.

F42. Synthetic seismogram and acoustic properties of Site 1098 using Huntec signal.

F43. Synthetic seismograms and acoustic properties of Site 1099 using three different source signals.

F44. Characteristics of the Huntec deep-tow boomer signal and a filtered synthetic trace.

F45. Time-depth relationships at Sites 1098 and 1099.

F46. Deep-tow boomer profile across Site 1098.

F47. Deep-tow boomer profile across Site 1099.

F48. Synthetic seismogram and GI gun reflection seismic profile I97H-219G of Basin III.

F49. GI gun seismic profile I97H-218G across Site 1098.

F50. Air gun seismic profile I97H-228G across Site 1099.
