Figure thumbnails 61-80
F61. Strong crystal-plastic porphyroclastic foliation inclined ~30× in meta-oxide gabbros.
F62. Porphyroclastic oxide gabbro with two large clinopyroxene porphyroclasts.
F63. Olivine and clinopyroxene porphyroclasts within a matrix of recrystallized plagioclase.
F64. Porphyroclastic oxide-bearing mylonites showing felsic layering.
F65. Oxide-rich mylonite domain in contact with coarser porphyroclastic domain.
F66. Highly strained ribbon grains of plagioclase in mylonitic fine-grained matrix.
F67. Clinopyroxene porphyroclast with asymmetric tails in mylonite.
F68. Contact between intervals 115 and 116 showing mildly deformed gabbro adjacent to a strongly foliated oxide gabbro shear zone.
F69. Oxide-rich mylonitic domain with relatively strain-free small clinopyroxene porphyroclasts.
F70. Deformed leucocratic gabbro vein intruded into relatively undeformed gabbro.
F71. Smectite-clay veins within fractures in oxidized core facies.
F72. Schematic model of unroofing and exposure of the Atlantis Bank with tectonic rotation and steepening of magnetic inclination.
F73. Whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements.
F74. Filtered whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements.
F75. Split-core measurements of natural remanent magnetization showing downhole variation in declination, inclination, and intensity.
F76. Vp plotted as a function of depth for samples from Hole 1105A.
F77. Downhole logs for Hole 1105A.
F78. Downhole logs for Hole 1105A.
F79. Downhole logs for Hole 1105A.
F80. FMS image over the depth interval 93-100 mbsf in Hole 1105A.