abyssal environment, paleoenvironment, A7:25–26
accretion, drift deposits, A3:1–112
diatoms, A5:36
magnetostratigraphy, A7:159; A8:121
age models
biostratigraphic datums, A6:25–26
biostratigraphy, A7:34–36
magnetic polarity, A6:66–67; A8:66–67
magnetostratigraphy, A6:66–67; A7:34–36
sedimentation rates, A3:21; A4:17–18, 72; A5:18–19; A6:25–27; A7:34–37; A8:28–29; A9:18–19; B1:13–15, 92; B3:4
upper Miocene biostratigraphy, B1:17
age vs. depth
Site 594, B1:108
Site 1119, A3:53; B7:11
Site 1120, A4:31; B7:11
Site 1121, A5:45; B7:11
Site 1122, A6:58; B7:11
Site 1123, A7:71–72, 90, 175; B2:4–6, 15; B3:4; B7:11
Site 1124, A8:60, 74; B2:5–6; B7:11
Site 1125, A9:38, 48
Ahu Ahu Rhyolite, volcanism, B1:24
lithologic units, A1:14
pore water, A3:22; A4:18–19; A5:19; A6:28; A7:38; A8:30; A9:20
vs. ammonium, B7:10
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
Alpine Fault, tectonics, A1:3–4, 7
alteration, photograph, A5:33
biostratigraphy, A4:11–12
foraminifers, A7:19, 21; A8:17, 19
paleoclimatology, B1:5
aluminum. See barium/aluminum ratio; copper/aluminum ratio; nickel/aluminum ratio; phosphorus/aluminum ratio; potassium/aluminum ratio; silicon/aluminum ratio; titanium/aluminum ratio
lithologic units, A1:14
pore water, A3:22; A4:19; A5:20; A6:29; A7:38; A8:31
vs. alkalinity, B7:10
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
Amuri Limestone
sedimentation, B1:39
tectonics, A1:4
Anconichnus, lithologic units, A6:7
Antarctic Bottom Water, paleoceanography, A1:3; B1:10
Antarctic Circumpolar Current
paleoceanography, A1:3, 5–10; A5:6–8; A6:9–13; A8:10; B1:1–111; B3:1–21
See also Deep Western Boundary Current/Antarctic Circumpolar Current flow
Antarctic Intermediate Water, paleoceanography, A1:1–2, 11; A4:18; B1:6–7, 57–59, 90–105
Antarctic Polar Front, paleoceanography, A1:1–80; B1:51
Antarctica. See Australian–Antarctic deep-water flow gateway
Asterosoma, lithologic units, A3:5
Australia, plate tectonics, A1:3
Australian Plate, plate boundaries, A1:4
Australian–Antarctic deep-water flow gateway, paleoceanography, A1:3


bacteria, sulfate reduction, B7:1–15
Balleny Fracture Zone, paleoceanography, A1:3
barium/aluminum ratio, vs. age, B1:27; B9:5
basins, tectonics, A1:4
bathyal environment
foraminifers, A3:16–17
lithologic units, A4:8–15
paleoenvironment, A7:25–26
bathymetry, currents, A1:6
beryllium isotopes
sediments, B1:13–14, 32
stratigraphy, B1:90
biochronostratigraphy, plankton, A8:58
biopelagic accumulation, drift deposits, B1:45
biostratigraphic datums
age models, A6:25–26
foraminifers and Bolboforma, A9:81
nannofossils, A4:57; A5:9–10; A8:60; A9:80
sedimentation rates, A4:17–18
biostratigraphic events, zoning, A3:87; A4:55–56, 71; A5:18–19; A6:127; A7:173–174; A8:130–131; A9:91
Cenozoic, B1:13–19
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, B1:42–45
magnetic polarity, A6:66–67
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25–27
micropaleontology, B1:59–60
paleoenvironment, A4:13–15
phytoplankton, B1:18–19
sedimentation rates, A3:21
Site 1119, A3:11–18
Site 1120, A4:7–15
Site 1121, A5:8–15
Site 1122, A6:13–20
Site 1123, A7:13–26; B1:91
Site 1124, A8:12–23
Site 1125, A9:9–16
summary chart, A5:35; A6:57; A7:70; A9:37
lithologic units, A1:16; A3:5–8; A4:4–7; A5:4–6; A6:6–9; A7:5–9; A8:5–9; A9:4–7
paleoenvironment, A7:25–26
photograph, A5:30; A6:51, 55–56; A8:53
lithologic units, A3:7
photograph, A3:41
abundance, A9:82–83
biostratigraphic datums, A9:81
datums, A7:139; A8:108
biostratigraphy, A4:12
upper Miocene biostratigraphy, B1:17, 94
borehole offsets, vs. depth, A3:51; A4:38; A6:70; A7:86; A8:71; A9:46
Bortonian, foraminifers, A7:20; A8:18, 20
boundary currents, lithologic units, A6:7–9
Bounty Channel system
clay mineralogy, B1:26–27
currents, A1:7; A6:10; B1:9
late Neogene sediment sources, B1:51–54
Bounty Fan
lithologic units, A1:20–23
sedimentation, B1:14
See also pre-Bounty Fan
Bounty Islands, site description, A6:1–146
Bounty Trough
marine sedimentation, A1:8
paleoceanography, A6:26–27
sedimentation, B1:33
Subtropical Front, B1:37–38
tectonics, A1:3
breccia, chert, lithologic units, A5:5
brecciation, lithologic units, A7:8
Brunhes Chron
magnetic polarity, A7:28–32; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22–23; A8:25–27
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:13
Brunhes/Matuyama boundary
biostratigraphy, A6:15–16
lithologic units, A1:25
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:13
sedimentation rates, A7:10
bulk density logs
correlation, A7:46
vs. depth, A7:107–108
lithologic units, A3:5–6; A4:4–7; A7:5–9
Oligocene, B1:41
photograph, A3:41–42; A7:61, 63–64


calcite, vs. depth, A3:39
pore water, A3:23; A4:19; A5:20; A6:29; A7:39; A8:31; A9:21
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
See also magnesium/calcium ratio; strontium/calcium ratio
caldera collapse, volcanism, B1:24–25
caliper logs, vs. depth, A3:65; A7:105; A8:82; A9:53
Campbell Drift
carbonates, B8:1–5
lithologic units, A1:18–20
site description, A5:1–62
Campbell Plateau
age models, B1:13–14, 21
benthic foraminifers, B1:21
currents, A1:5
geologic cross section, A1:43
ice-rafted debris, B1:36–37
lithologic units, A1:15–18
marine sedimentation, A1:7–9
paleoceanography, A1:1–4
site description, A5:1–62
tectonics, A1:3–4
Campbell Plateau Central, site description, A4:1–77
Campbell "Skin Drift"
age models, B1:13–14
sedimentation, B1:32
Canterbury Basin
lithologic units, A1:11–14
sedimentation, A1:11; B1:39
tectonics, A1:3
Canterbury margin, lithologic units, A3:9
Canterbury Slope
age models, B1:13
site description, A3:1–112
carbon, inorganic, sediments, A3:107–109; A4:74–75; A5:61; A6:141–143; A7:177–179; A8:133–134
carbon, organic
lithologic units, A1:30, 32
sediments, A3:24; A4:20–21; A5:22, 61; A6:31; A7:40–41, 177–179; A8:33
vs. depth, A6:76; A7:97; A8:77
carbon, organic/nitrogen ratio
organic matter, A3:25, 107–109; A7:41, 177–179
sediments, A5:22, 61; A6:31, 141–143; A8:33, 133–134
carbon, total, sediments, A3:107–109; A4:74–75; A6:141–143; A7:177–179; A8:133–134
carbon, total organic
sediments, A3:107–109; A4:74–75; A5:61; A6:141–143; A7:177–179; A8:133–134; B3:4–5, 11–19
vs. age, B3:9
vs. depth, A3:58; B7:12
carbon isotopes
benthic foraminifers, B1:35; B10:1–20
marine isotope stages, B1:29–31
vs. depth, B1:101; B10:5
carbonate cement, lithologic units, A9:6–7
carbonate compensation depth
crust subsidence, A5:37
lithologic units, A5:7, 13–15
Paleocene, B1:27
paleoclimatology, B1:51
carbonate content
lithologic units, A1:14, 26, 29, 32, 102; A4:6–7, 20–21, 74–75; A8:10, 133–134; B1:104; B3:4–5; B9:1–10
measured values vs. predicted values, B4:8
models, B4:9, 11, 13–18, 20-24
predicted values vs. measured values, B4:25-32
prediction, B4:12
reflectance data, B4:42-50
sediments, A3:24; A5:22; A6:31; A7:40; A8:33; B3:4–5, 11–19; B8:1–5; B9:1–10
vs. age, B3:9
vs. depth, A3:57; A4:41; A5:47; A6:75; A7:65, 96; A8:76; B8:4
vs. reflectance, A4:29; A7:60; A8:49
See also reflectance/carbonate content ratio
carbonate fraction, models, B4:7, 33–41
carbonate proxy, reflectance, B1:29; B4:1–50
carbonate sediments, Oligocene, A1:3
dissolution, B1:21
lithologic units, A1:24
paleoceanography, B1:36
Paleocene, B1:27
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51
precipitation, A8:32; B1:35
recrystallization, A5:21; A7:38; A8:31
remineralization, A3:23–24
carbonates, authigenic, dissolved manganese, B5:1–5
biostratigraphy, A4:10
foraminifers, A8:19; A9:12, 14
lithologic units, A1:14
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:13
celestite, pore water, A7:39
biostratigraphy, B1:13–19
evolution, B1:1–111
paleoceanography, B1:6–7
paleoclimatology, B1:5
burial curve, A7:92
lithologic units, A4:5; A8:6–7
Neogene, B1:57
photograph, A7:64
upper Neogene, B1:51–54
chalk, clayey nannofossil
lithologic units, A1:32; A7:6–9; A8:7; A9:6–7; B3:2–3
photograph, A7:66
chalk, nannofossil
lithologic units, A1:21–23, 29; A6:9; A8:7
Oligocene, B1:41
photograph, A8:55
Chatham Drift N
paleoceanography, A7:1–184
sedimentation, B1:33–35
Chatham Islands, site description, A6:1–146
Chatham Rise
biogenic opal, B6:1–12
Cenozoic biostratigraphy, B1:18–19
inorganic geochemistry, B9:1–10
lithologic units, A1:23–27, 31–33
marine sedimentation, A1:10–11; B1:8
Pliocene–Quaternary paleocirculation, B1:22–23
sedimentation, B1:14–15; B3:1–21
tectonics, A1:3–5
Chatham Rise N
clay mineralogy, B1:26–27
Pliocene sea-surface temperature, B1:21–22
Chatham Slope N, Subtropical Convergence, A9:1–92
formation, A8:32
lithologic units, A1:19–20
pore water, A5:21
See also nodules, chert
chert layers, lithologic units, A8:8
pore water, A4:18; A5:19; A6:28; A7:37; A8:30; A9:19; B7:13–14
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75; A9:49
sediments, B1:26–27; B3:5–6, 20–21
vs. age, B3:10
vs. depth, A3:39; B1:100
chlorite schist, erosion, B1:27
lithologic units, A1:25; A3:5–8; A4:5; A6:7–9, 12; A7:5–11; A8:5–6, 8; A9:5–7
Marshall Paraconformity, B1:107
Oligocene, B1:41
photograph, A3:42; A6:56
Chron 26n/C25r boundary, marine isotope stages, B1:30
Chron C1n
magnetic polarity, A7:28–32; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22; A8:25
Chron C1r
magnetic polarity, A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22
Chron C1r–C2r
magnetic polarity, A7:28–32
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C1r.1n
magnetic polarity, A7:28
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22; A8:25
Chron C1r.1r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C1r.2r, magnetostratigraphy, A6:22
Chron C1r.2r–1n
magnetic polarity, A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C2An
magnetic polarity, A7:28–32; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23; A8:25
Chron C2An.1n, magnetic polarity, A7:28
Chron C2Ar
magnetic polarity, A7:28; A9:17
Chron C2Ar–C3r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C2Ar–C4n, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C2n
magnetic polarity, A7:28
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22; A8:25
Chron C2r, magnetic polarity, A9:17
Chron C2r.1n, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C2r.1r, magnetostratigraphy, A6:22
Chron C3A, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C3An, magnetic polarity, A7:28
Chron C3Ar, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C3B, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C3Bn
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C3Br, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C3n, magnetic polarity, A7:28; A9:17
Chron C3n.1n, magnetic polarity, A7:28
Chron C3n.2n, magnetic polarity, A7:28
Chron C3n.3n, magnetic polarity, A7:28
Chron C3n.4n, magnetic polarity, A1:33; A7:28
Chron C3r, magnetic polarity, A7:28, 31; A9:17
Chron C3r–C4r, magnetic polarity, A1:30
Chron C4An
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C4Ar, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C4Ar.1n
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C4Ar.2n
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C4n
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C4r
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C5AAn, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5Abn, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5Acn, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5ADn, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5An, magnetic polarity, A7:31
Chron C5Ar.1n, magnetic polarity, A7:30–31
Chron C5Ar.2n, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5Br, magnetic polarity, A7:29
Chron C5Br–C5ADn, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C5Cn
magnetic polarity, A7:30
magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C5Cr, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C5Dn, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5Dr, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5En, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5Er, magnetic polarity, A7:30
Chron C5n, magnetic polarity, A7:28–29
Chron C5n.1n, magnetic polarity, A7:29
Chron C5n.1r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:25
Chron C5r
magnetic polarity, A7:29
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C5r.1n
magnetic polarity, A1:22
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C5r.2n, magnetic polarity, A1:22
Chron C5r.2r, magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
Chron C6An, debris flows, A7:12
Chron C6Cn, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C6n
debris flows, A7:12
magnetic polarity, A1:25; A7:30–31
Chron C6r
magnetic polarity, A7:31
magnetic reversals, A1:10
Chron C7n, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C8r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C9n, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C12r
lithologic units, A1:25
magnetic polarity, A7:31
magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C13n
magnetic polarity, A7:31
magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C13r, magnetic polarity, A7:31
Chron C15n, magnetic polarity, A7:31
Chron C18, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C18r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C19, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C19n, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C19r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:26
Chron C25r
lithologic units, A1:20
magnetic polarity, A5:18
Chron C26n
lithologic units, A1:20
magnetic polarity, A5:18
Chron C26r, magnetic polarity, A5:18
Chron C27n
lithologic units, A1:20
magnetic polarity, A5:18
Chron C27r
lithologic units, A1:20
magnetic polarity, A5:18
Chron C29r, magnetostratigraphy, A8:29
Chron C30N, magnetostratigraphy, A8:29
chronostratigraphy. See biochronostratigraphy
Chrons C26–C30, magnetostratigraphy, A8:27
circum-Antarctic oceanic circulation, paleoceanography, A1:3
Circumpolar Deep Water, paleoceanography, B1:10, 35
debris flows, A7:26
lithologic units, A7:8–9
clasts, chert, lithologic units, A5:5
photograph, A5:31, 34
swelling, A8:84
well-logs, A7:46
clay, nannofossil silty, lithologic units, A8:5–6
clay, sandy, lithologic units, A1:19–20; A5:4–5
clay, silty
lithologic units, A1:11–14, 19–20; A3:5–8; A5:4–5; A6:6–8; A7:10; A8:5–6; A9:4–6
photograph, A3:40–42, 44; A5:30
clay mineralogy
Miocene–Holocene patterns, B1:26–27
vs. depth, B1:100
See also chlorite; illite; kaolinite; mixed-layer minerals; smectite
clay minerals
diagenesis, A8:31
sediments, B3:5–6
claystone, sedimentation, B1:39
foraminifers, A7:19, 21; A8:17, 19
paleoclimatology, B1:5
clinoptilolite, vs. depth, A4:32; A5:38
coarse fraction
sediments, B3:11–19
vs. age, B3:9
Cobb Mountain Subchron
magnetic polarity, A6:22; A7:28; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25–27
Cochiti Subchron
biostratigraphy, A9:11
magnetic polarity, A7:28
color, lithologic units, A1:25
color banding
lithologic units, A3:6–8; A4:4–7; A5:4–6; A7:5–10; A8:6–7
photograph, A3:40
tephra, A8:52
composite depths
gamma rays, A3:20–21
Site 1120, A3:20–21
Site 1121, A4:16–17
Site 1122, A6:24–25
Site 1123, A7:32–34; B10:2
Site 1124, A8:27–28, 122–128
Site 1125, A9:17–18, 84–89
composite section
correlation, A4:36; A7:32–34
depths, A3:97–104; A4:66–69; A6:131–137; A7:160–170; A8:27–28; A9:17
lithologic units, A1:25
translation to stretched mbsf and mcd scales, A7:172
vs. depth, A3:50
compressional wave velocity
sediments, A3:26; A4:22; A5:23–24; A6:33; A7:42–43; A8:35
vs. depth, A4:43; A5:49; A6:79–80; A7:100–101; A8:79
concretions, carbonate, lithologic units, A5:5–6
lithologic units, A1:18–20; A6:7–12
photograph, A6:49
contourite, muddy, lithologic units, A3:10
copper/aluminum ratio, vs. age, B9:5
core–log correlation
lithologic units, A7:45–46
well-logging, A8:36–37
Coromandel Volcanic Zone, Miocene–Pliocene volcanism, B1:23–26
composite depths, A6:24–25
composite section, A8:27–28
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary, A8:39
magnetic polarity, A5:44
nannofossils, A8:14–15
paleoceanography, A6:26–27
Cretaceous, Upper
benthic foraminifers, A8:111
biostratigraphy, A8:59
foraminifers, A8:19
lithologic units, A8:8–9
paleoenvironment, A8:23
rift–drift system, B1:38–40
rifting, A1:3–4; B1:1–111
Cretaceous–Paleogene interval, sediment aprons, B1:55
Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary
brown mudstone, A8:39
correlation, A8:39
foraminifers, A8:18–20
lithologic units, A1:29–30; A8:8
magnetostratigraphy, A8:27, 29
marine isotope stages, B1:30
Rekohu Drift, A8:1–137
sedimentation, B1:39
cross laminations
lithologic units, A6:7–9
photograph, A6:49–51
crust, subsidence, A5:37; A6:72
crusts, ferromanganese, photograph, A5:33
Cruziana ichnofacies
lithologic units, A6:12; A7:10–11; A8:5–6, 9; A9:5–8
vs. depth, A8:51
current erosion, sea-floor spreading, B1:4–5
deep water, A1:4–5
paleoceanography, A1:3; A6:11–13
cycladophorids, Paleocene biostratigraphy, B1:15–16
cyclic processes
lithologic units, A1:13, 24, 29, 32; A7:9–10; A8:10; A9:7–8
magnetic properties, A3:19–20
sedimentation, A9:18–19
upper Neogene, B1:51–54
Cylindrichnus, lithologic units, A7:8, 11; A8:5–6


Danian, foraminifers, A8:18
debris flows
clasts, A7:26; B3:2
lithologic units, A6:9–13; A7:8–9
Miocene, A7:11–12
debris, ice-rafted, paleoceanography, B1:36–37
debris-flow deposits
lithologic units, A6:8–9
photograph, A6:52
decompaction, sediments, A6:26
deep induction logs, vs. depth, A3:65, 69; A7:105, 111; A8:82; A9:53
deep water
currents, A1:4–5
history, A1:4–5; B1:38–55
paraconformities, B1:41–42
salt, B1:38
Deep Western Boundary Current
marine sedimentation, A1:7–11; A6:9–13; B1:32–38, 47–48; B3:1–21
paleoceanography, A1:3–7; A8:1–137; B1:1–12
Deep Western Boundary Current/Antarctic Circumpolar Current flow, sedimentation, B1:32–36
deformation, plastic, photograph, A7:66
degradation, organic matter, A3:23–24; A5:20; A7:41
remanent magnetization, A5:15–17
sediments, A4:15–16
demagnetization, alternating-field
magnetic intensity, A6:65
saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, A7:80
vectors, A3:48; A5:41, 43; A6:63
demagnetization, thermal
magnetic intensity, A6:65
saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, A7:80
sediments, A3:19–20
density, bulk
sediments, A7:42; A8:35; A9:22
vs. depth, A3:61; A5:50; A6:81; A7:102
density, dry-bulk, vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48; A6:77–78; A7:99; A8:78
density, grain, vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48; A6:77–78; A7:99
density, GRAPE
composite depths, A4:17
sediments, A3:25–26; A9:22
vs. depth, A3:60; A4:36–37, 39, 43–44; A5:49; A6:68–69, 71, 79–80; A7:100–101; A8:68–70, 72–73; A9:50
density, wet-bulk, vs. depth, A3:59; A4:42; A5:48, 52; A6:77–78; A7:99; A8:78
density logs, vs. depth, A3:65, 67; A7:105, 108, 111; A9:53
density porosity, vs. neutron porosity logs, A9:57
deposition, currents, A5:6–8
diachroneity, Paleocene biostratigraphy, B1:16
carbonates, A1:31
clay minerals, A8:31
dissolution, A8:31–32
silica, A3:23–24; A4:14; A5:14; A6:20
tephrochronology, B1:24
abundance, A3:92–93; A4:61; A5:58; A6:123–126; A7:142–149; A8:112–115
age, A5:36
biostratigraphy, A3:14; A4:12, 14; A5:11–12, 14; A6:16–17; A7:21–22; A8:20; A9:14–15
Cenozoic biostratigraphy, B1:18–19
datums, A8:116
dissolution, A6:30; A9:15
lithologic units, A1:19–20; A5:5–6; A9:4–6
paleoenvironment, A3:17–18; A4:14; A5:14; A6:19–20; A7:26; A8:23; A9:16
paleoproductivity, A4:8
provenance, A6:60
vs. depth, A3:45; A4:32; A5:38
magnetostratigraphy, A8:29
nannofossils, A7:16
carbonates, B1:21
diagenesis, A8:31–32
diatoms, A6:30; A9:15
foraminifers, A7:17; A8:21–23
magnetic minerals, A3:23–24
nannofossils, A7:17; A8:13
dolomite, magnesium desorption, A6:29
downhole measurements
Site 1119, A3:27–29
Site 1122, A6:33–34
Site 1123, A7:43–46
Site 1124, A8:36–39
Site 1125, A9:22–25
Drake Passage, paleoceanography, A1:3, 5
Drake (Powell) Passage, opening, B1:45–47
drift deposits
accretion, A3:1–112; B1:1–111
biopelagic accumulation, B1:45, 47–49
development, A3:35
lithologic units, A1:29–31; A3:5–8; A6:8–9; A7:5–9; B1:14–15
marine sedimentation, A1:10
Oligocene, B1:56–57
photograph, A3:43
Duntroonian, foraminifers, A8:17, 19


East Cape Current
currents, A1:6
upper Neogene, B1:54
East Coast Basin, tectonics, A1:4
East Coast Current, currents, B1:10
East Coast Fold Belt, sedimentation, B1:40
Eastern New Zealand Oceanic Sedimentary System
marine sedimentation, A1:8–9, 44; A5:8; B1:7–9, 38–55
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51, 107
echinoid spines, lithologic units, A4:6
El Nino–Southern Oscillation events, volcanism, B1:25–26
Ellicea, lithologic units, A1:13
Emerald Basin, marine sedimentation, A1:7–9
environment. See abyssal environment; bathyal environment; shallow environment; subtropical environment
Drake (Powell) Passage opening, B1:46
foraminifers, A8:17–18
lithologic units, A7:9
nannofossil biostratigraphy, B2:1–22
paleoclimatology, B1:5
paleoenvironment, A8:22–23
sediments, B3:1–21
See also Paleocene/Eocene boundary; Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum
Eocene, middle–upper, lithologic units, A8:7–8
Eocene, upper
nannofossils, A7:16–17; B2:1–22
rift–drift system, B1:38–40
Eocene–Holocene interval, marine sedimentation, A1:10
Eocene–Oligocene interval
limestone, A1:25
nannofossil biostratigraphy, B1:16
Eocene/Oligocene boundary
benthic foraminifers, B1:20
magnetostratigraphy, A7:31
marine isotope stages, B1:30
nannofossils, A7:17; B2:1–22
paleoceanography, B1:42–45
paleoclimatology, B1:5
remanent magnetization, A7:27
Tasmanian Gateway opening, B1:40–41
epiclastics, sedimentation, B1:9
Marshall Paraconformity, B1:56
Oligocene, B1:41–42, 56
sedimentation, B1:32
See also current erosion
lithologic units, A8:11
volcanism, B1:24–25
ethane, sediments, A3:24
extinction, benthic foraminifers, B1:20


faults. See transform faults
feldspar. See quartz/feldspar ratio
ferromanganese composition. See nodules, ferromanganese
firmgrounds, lithologic units, A6:8
flow lineation, lithologic units, A7:8–9
flow regime, currents, A5:6–8
abundance, A5:57; A9:82–83
biostratigraphic datums, A9:81
biostratigraphy, A3:12–14; A4:10–14; A5:10–11, 13–14; A6:15–16; A7:17–21; A8:15–20; A9:12–14; B1:94
changing characteristics summary, A6:59
datums, A7:139; A8:108
dissolution, A8:21–23
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, B1:42–45
intermediate water, B1:57
lithologic units, A1:13, 19, 29; A4:4–7; A8:8; A9:4–6
marine isotope stages, B1:29–31
middle–late Pliocene censuses and sea-surface temperatures, B1:21–22
Paleocene, A5:57
paleoclimatology, B1:48–51
paleoenvironment, A3:16–17; A4:13–14; A5:13–14; A6:17–19; A7:25–26; A8:21–23; A9:15–16; B1:37
foraminifers, benthic
abundance, A3:90–91; A6:121–122
lithologic units, A1:17–18
modern associations, B1:20–21
paleoceanography, B1:20–21
Paleocene and Late Cretaceous, A8:111
Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum, B1:19–20
stable isotopes, B10:1–20
foraminifers, deep-sea benthic, evolution rates, B1:19–20, 95
foraminifers, planktonic
abundance, A3:89; A4:59–60; A6:120; A7:140–141; A8:109–110; B1:96, 98
late Pliocene–Quaternary paleocirculation, B1:22–23
upper Miocene biostratigraphy, B1:17
Formation Microscanner imaging
logs, A3:70
sediments, A3:29
vs. depth, A8:87
fragmentation index, Neogene, B1:96
fronts. See ocean fronts


gamma rays
composite depths, A3:20–21; A4:16–17
sediments, A7:42; A8:34–35
vs. depth, A3:50, 52, 60; A4:36–37, 39, 43; A5:49; A6:71, 79–80; A7:100–101; A8:79
gamma-ray logs
correlation, A7:46
vs. depth, A3:69; A8:82, 86–87; A9:54–56, 59
gastropods, lithologic units, A3:7
gateways, paleoceanography, A1:3; B1:1–111
Gauss Chron
lithologic units, A1:20, 30
magnetic polarity, A5:17; A7:28–32; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23; A8:25–27
geochemistry, inorganic
Site 1119, A3:21–24
Site 1120, A4:18–20
Site 1121, A5:19–21
Site 1122, A6:27–30
Site 1123, A7:37–40; B9:1–10
Site 1124, A8:30–32
Site 1125, A9:19–21
geochemistry, organic
Site 1119, A3:24–25
Site 1120, A4:20–21
Site 1121, A5:22
Site 1122, A6:30–31
Site 1123, A7:40–41
Site 1124, A8:33
geochronology. See biochronostratigraphy
geology, Pacific Ocean SW, A1:3–4
geomagnetism, time series, B1:103
Gilbert Chron
lithologic units, A1:30
magnetic polarity, A7:28; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A8:25–27
glacial/interglacial cycles
lithologic units, A1:17–18; A3:9–11; A4:6–7; A7:6–10; A9:5–6, 8–9; B1:23, 36
Pliocene–Pleistocene palynomorphs, B1:22
Quaternary, B1:58
sediment supply, B1:54–55
biogenic opal, B1:29
biostratigraphy, A3:15–18
lithologic units, A1:13
salt, B1:38
Subtropical Front, B1:37–38
water masses, B1:21
lithologic units, A4:5; A9:6–7
sedimentation, B1:8
Gyrolithes, lithologic units, A6:7, 9, 12


hardgrounds, photograph, A4:30
Haumurian, foraminifers, A8:19–20
biostratigraphy, A4:10
foraminifers, A8:19; A9:12, 14
heat flow, sediments, A8:35; A9:22
Helminthoida, lithologic units, A8:7
magnetization, A4:15–16
remanent magnetization, A5:15–17; A7:27
hemipelagic sediments
age models, A9:18–19
lithologic units, A6:8–9
hemipelagite, lithologic units, A1:24
biostratigraphy, A9:12
Cenozoic, B1:11
Eocene/Oligocene boundary, A7:27; B1:42–45; B2:1–2, 6–7
foraminifers, A8:18
lithologic units, A1:25; A8:9; B1:15
magnetostratigraphy, A8:27
Oligocene, B1:41–42
See also disconformities; Marshall Paraconformity; paraconformities; unconformities
high-energy environment, lithologic units, A9:7–8
highstands, biostratigraphy, A3:15–18
Hikurangi Channel, lithologic units, A8:11
Hikurangi Channel system
currents, A1:7; B1:9
late Neogene sediment sources, B1:51–54
Hikurangi Fan, fan drift, A1:8
Holocene, lithologic units, A6:5–6
hydrocarbons, volatile
sediments, A3:24; A4:20; A5:22; A6:30–31; A7:40; A8:33
See also ethane; methane; methane/ethane ratio
hydrogen index
organic matter, A7:41
vs. oxygen index, A7:98
hydrography, currents, A1:6–7


lithologic units, A6:12
summary plot, A7:69
vs. depth, A9:35
See also Cruziana ichnofacies; Zoophycos ichnofacies
ichnofossils, vs. depth, A8:51
ignimbrite, volcanism, B1:24–25
sediments, B1:26–27; B3:5–6, 20–21
vs. age, B3:10
index properties
Site 1119, A3:25, 110–112
Site 1120, A4:21, 76–77
Site 1121, A5:22
Site 1122, A6:32, 144–146
Site 1123, A7:41–42, 181–184
Site 1124, A8:34, 135–137
Indian–Pacific throughflow, Cenozoic, B1:11
induction logs
vs. depth, A7:105, 111; A8:82; A9:53
See also deep induction logs
interglacial deposits, lithologic units, A8:5–6
paleoclimatology, B1:5
See also glacial/interglacial cycles
intermediate water, ocean fronts, B1:57
intraclasts, lithologic units, A6:9
isotopes. See beryllium isotopes; carbon isotopes; oxygen isotopes; stable isotopes


Jaramillo Subchron
magnetic polarity, A7:28; A9:17
magnetostratigraphy, A6:22; A8:25
nannofossil biostratigraphy, A3:11


Kaiatan, foraminifers, A7:21; A8:18, 20
Kaikoura Canyon, marine sedimentation, A1:8
Kaikoura Synthem, Cretaceous–Cenozoic tectonosedimentary cycle, B1:19, 38–40
sediments, B3:5–6, 20–21
vs. age, B3:10
biostratigraphy, A4:10
foraminifers, A7:18–19; A8:17, 19; A9:13–14
lithologic units, A1:33
Kawakawa Tephra
magnetostratigraphy, A6:23
stratigraphy, A7:13
Kermadec Trench, marine sedimentation, A1:8
organic matter, A7:41
Rock-Eval van Krevelen-type diagram, A7:98


lithologic units, A6:7–12; A8:5–6
photograph, A6:49–51; A8:56
See also cross laminations; planar laminations
laminations, contorted, lithologic units, A7:8–9
Last Glacial Maximum, biogenic opal, B1:29; B6:2–3, 6
biostratigraphy, A6:16
foraminifers, A7:21; A8:17, 19
limestone, burial curve, A7:92
limestone, micritic, lithologic units, A1:25; A7:9
Limopsis, lithologic units, A3:7
pore water, A3:23; A4:20; A5:21; A6:30; A7:39–40; A8:32
vs. depth, A3:54; A4:40; A5:46; A6:73; A7:93–94; A8:75
lithofacies, summary, A1:46
lithologic units
core–log correlation, A7:45–46
Site 1119, A1:11–14; A3:5–11
Site 1120, A1:15–18; A4:4–7, 54
Site 1121, A5:4–6
Site 1122, A6:5–9
Site 1123, A7:5–9
Site 1124, A8:4–9, 45–48
Site 1125, A9:4–7
Unit I, A3:5–6; A4:4–5; A5:4–5; A6:5–6; A7:5–7; A8:4–6; A9:4–6
Unit II, A3:6–8; A4:5; A5:5–6; A6:7–8; A7:7; A8:7; A9:6–7
Unit III, A3:8; A4:5; A6:8–9; A7:8–9; A8:7
Unit IV, A4:6; A7:9; A8:7–8
Unit V, A8:8
Unit VI, A8:8–9
Site 1119, A3:4–11
Site 1120, A4:3–7, 54
Site 1121, A5:3–8
Site 1122, A6:4–12
Site 1123, A7:4–13
Site 1124, A8:3–11, 45–48
Site 1125, A9:3–9
Lord Howe Rise, post-middle Miocene volcanic supply, B1:48
Louisville Seamount chain, currents, A1:5
Lower Circumpolar Deep Water, paleoenvironment, A7:26
lowstands, lithologic units, A1:13