
The basement volcanic units encountered in Hole 1138A comprise aphyric, flow-banded, dacitic cobbles (basement Unit 1), a succession of pumice lithic breccias (pyroclastic flow deposits) and intercalated volcanic ashes (Unit 2), and 20 lava units that show a range of emplacement styles (Units 3-22) (see Fig. F4). The distribution of volcaniclastic deposits and components at Site 1138 is summarized in Table T6, and the lava flow units and the interpreted flow types are listed in Table T7. The boundaries between different lava structures, which correlate with changes in physical properties and other measurements, are listed in Table T8. The criteria for dividing these units and interpretations regarding the mode of emplacement are discussed after the descriptions of the recovered rocks. For some readers, it may be helpful to first read the interpretive section and refer to the unit descriptions in conjunction with the core photographs for the observations leading us to these conclusions. The interpreted lava flow features within each lava unit are summarized in Table T9.

Volcanic intervals within the sedimentary sequence overlying basement in Hole 1138A include disseminated volcanic glass shards, small pumice, volcanic lithics, feldspar in foraminifer-bearing diatom clay and ooze (lithologic Unit I), and discrete pyroclastic fall tephras in the upper part of the sedimentary section (Unit I through Subunit IIIA) (Table T6).

Unit Summaries

Lithologic Units

Unit I: Foraminifer-Bearing diatom ooze

Cores 183-1138A-1R, 2R, and 5R to 7R contain variable amounts (<2%) of disseminated silt- to sand-sized feldspar crystals, rare lithic clasts, and scattered pumice fragments. Felsic glass is always present as clear glass shards. Disseminated brown glass shards are found in Cores 183-1138A-8R to 10R (see "Lithostratigraphy"), and discrete tephra layers are present in the succession from Core 183-1138A-12R to 36R (Table T10).

Units I and II and Subunit IIIA: Pyroclastic Fall Deposits

The uppermost part of the sedimentary sequence (Sections 183-1138A-1R to 3R) was variably disturbed (contorted bedding to soupy) because of the rotary drilling technique used. For this reason, the volcanic components in Cores 183-1138A-1R through 3R have been homogenized. Elsewhere, tephra fall deposits (Table T10) are preserved as variably burrowed disseminated intervals of volcanic glass shards with scattered lithic fragments and pumice clasts of <2 mm (see "Lithostratigraphy"). A pattern was observed in the abundance of volcanic ash material in washed coarse fractions from core-catcher samples (Table T10) in Unit I to Subunit IIIA, and 10 discrete tephra intervals were identified (Table T11).

The distribution of volcanic components can be broadly bracketed into (1) disseminated mostly felsic (trachytic?) glass and pumice in sediments with ages <~6.4 Ma, a felsic (trachytic?) event represented by tephra distributed in Section 183-1138A-11R-CC (~3.8-3.2 Ma), (2) including a suite of mixed tephras that have bimodal compositions (basalt+trachyte?) at ~10.6-8.9 Ma, and (3) a thick succession of basalt tephra present in core-catcher concentrates for Cores 183-1138A-30R through 34R (31-26.5 Ma) (Table T10). Ages are calculated based on biostratigraphic distribution of diatoms, foraminifers, and nannofossils (see "Biostratigraphy").

Basement Units

Unit 1: Aphyric Flow-Banded Dacite Cobbles

Basement Unit 1 consists of rounded dacite cobbles. The dacites are aphyric, sparsely vesicular, pale pinkish brown to grayish green in color, and have very light brown to pale green spherulitic bands in a dark green mesostasis (see "Igneous Petrology"). Flow banding is poorly developed in Section 183-1138A-74R-1 (Pieces 1 through 5, 7, and 8), but wider bands with clear spherulitic texture are preserved in Pieces 6, 9, and 10. Two cobbles at the top of Unit 1 in interval 183-1138A-74R-1, 0-13 cm, are fine-grained, massive dark gray rocks that are similar to material in Core 183-1138A-73R and may have fallen downhole. A black and red cobble (silicified?) in Section 183-1138A-75R-CC may have the same origin (see "Alteration and Weathering").

Unit 2: Bedded Pumice Lithic Breccia, Lithic Breccia, Ash-Fall Deposits, and Volcanic Clay

Basement Unit 2 is a 20-m-thick complex succession of volcaniclastic rocks (Fig. F13) subdivided into 15 subunits (2A-2O). Unit 2 is volumetrically dominated by five variably oxidized and altered pumice lithic breccias (Subunits 2D, 2G, 2H, 2I, and 2K) (Fig. F14) and one lithic breccia with pumice as clasts and in the matrix (Subunit 2E) (Fig. F15). Despite appearing relatively poorly sorted, all of these intervals have ungraded to normally graded lithic clasts and reverse graded pumice lapilli.

Pumice is the dominant component in all pumice-lithic breccias, with clasts up to 3 cm but more commonly in the range 0.5 to 2 cm (Fig. F16). Although there is some subhorizontal alignment of elongate pumiceous clasts, and variable flattening of pumice depending on the degree of alteration, there is no evidence of welding in these intervals. The lithic clasts commonly show a more limited range in grain size, 0.2 to 1.5 cm, with a maximum clast size of 2 cm. There is one large (mafic volcanic?) cobble in interval 183-1138A-77R-2, 30-35 cm. Lithic clasts are principally felsic volcanic rocks (trachyte and rhyolite?) that have been subjected to a broad range of oxidation and alteration processes. They show a range of colors (commonly dark green or red) and textures, which partially obscure primary mineralogy. In Subunit 2E, lithic clasts are more abundant than pumice clasts, but pumice is the principal matrix component (Fig. F17). The matrix in Subunits 2D, 2E, 2G, 2H, 2I, and 2K is dominated by medium to very coarse sand-sized fragmented pumice with evenly distributed lithic clasts in a similar size fraction.

Subunit 2A is dark gray to black, variably indurated clay, with some red (oxidized?) bands. This material may have fallen downhole as it is similar to material in Unit 1 (interval 183-1138A-74R-1, 0-13 cm, Section 183-1138A-75R-CC). Similar out-of-place cobbles are at the top of interval 183-1138A-78R-1, 0-15 cm (Subunit 2G).

Subunit 2B is bedded on a centimeter scale with variable concentrations of pumice and lithic clasts and a variety of grain sizes, grading, and sorting (Figs. F18, F19). Alteration is generally high, and many intervals are altered almost completely to clay minerals. Several red (oxidized?) intervals may reflect former subaerial exposure.

Two intensely altered clay-rich intervals (Subunits 2C and 2N), 1 to 1.4 m thick, preserve the outline of pumice lapilli (Fig. F20). Both units are pale green with red (oxidized) domains nearer the top of the section and some red subhorizontal banding (Fig. F21). Clay pseudomorphs of pumice lapilli (1.5 to 3 cm) are only preserved in the pale green parts of the interval.

A 35-cm-thick reverse-graded lithic gravel (Subunit 2K) is dominated by variably altered lithic fragments up to small pebble size (<1.2 cm). This interval is darker colored (dark green and red clasts) and less altered than adjacent, more pumice-rich breccias (e.g., Subunit 2J). It is not clear if this interval forms the lower part of the overlying pumice lithic breccia (Subunit 2J) or is an individual depositional unit.

Two 10- to 12-cm-thick normally graded primary pyroclastic ash-fall deposits (Subunits 2F, 2L) contain accretionary lapilli <1 cm in diameter. The accretionary lapilli are concentrated near the top of these units, and some lapilli are partially flattened (Figs. F22, F23, F24). The grain size of the ash ranges from medium sand to fine sand with more dense lithic grains concentrated near the base of the intervals. In both cases, the lower contact of the ash mantles the underlying unit (Subunits 2G and 2M, respectively).

Two massive, very fine grained volcanic clay intervals (Subunits 2M and 2O) are highly altered and retain little evidence of their primary origin (Fig. F25). They contain scattered (<2%) angular lithic clasts (<0.4 cm). Subunit 2M is grayish brown, and Subunit 2O is dark brown.

Unit 3

Unit 3 is the uppermost lava flow in Hole 1138A and consists entirely of massive, moderately plagioclase-phyric basalt. The contact between Unit 2 and 3 was not recovered. The top of the lava is neither oxidized nor strongly altered. The first three pieces of lava are vesicular with 7%-15% equant and rounded, generally 1- to 2-mm-diameter vesicles that are randomly distributed. The remainder of Unit 3 (interval 183-1138A-80R-1, 94 cm, through 79R-5, 0 cm) consists of (1%-10% vesicularity) lava with larger (generally 1-5 mm) diameter vesicles. The vesicles become less round and spherical with depth. Megavesicles 2-3 cm in diameter are prominent in the upper 30 cm of Section 183-1138A-80R-1, and vesicle size gradually decreases with depth. Vesicles are elongated in the horizontal direction and subangular in shape within this dense part of Unit 3. In Section 183-1138A-80R-1 at 94 cm, vesicularity increases sharply to 25%-30% and vesicles are small and irregular in shape. The lowermost piece of Unit 3 (Section 183-1138A-80R-1 [Piece 16]) is a breccia with rectangular angular clasts 2-3 cm in size. These clasts contain ~30% vesicles that are mostly <1 mm in diameter. The bulk of the lava is mildly altered to a greenish gray (10BG 5/1) color, but this last piece is slightly oxidized.

Unit 4

Unit 4 is an aphyric basalt topped by a thin altered breccia. This breccia is marked by a highly altered, black (N1), clay-rich material with relict breccia clasts, but the actual contact between Units 3 and 4 is not recovered. The intense alteration of the top of the flow makes identification of flow features difficult. Relict clasts may have highly irregular, gnarled aa-like shapes. However, the alteration preferentially attacks the most angular protrusions, producing more rounded clasts with a halo of finer grained angular fragments. Although vesicle distributions are still easily identified as voids, clast boundaries are not readily discerned. We find ~10% angular, irregular small vesicles in this black material. We note that in this (and subsequent breccias), the alteration veins commonly follow concentrations of vesicles, obliterating the vesicles in the process. This process can lead to significant underestimation of the original vesicularity of altered breccia clasts. The last loose piece of recovered basalt in Section 183-1138A-81R-2 at 33 cm appears more coherent and has larger, elongate vesicles. Below this, the coherent lava is altered only to a bluish gray (10B 6/1). The vesicularity is 15%-20% with irregular vesicle shapes and generally 1- to 5-mm diameters (Fig. F26). Megavesicles (1-3 cm) are present in interval 183-1138A-80R-2 (Pieces 10-12, 87-117 cm). Highly vesicular clots (1-2 cm) are present in Section 183-1138A-80R-2 at 114 cm and Section 183-1138A-80R-3 at 6 cm, 12 cm, and 23 cm (Fig. F27). A >8-cm-diameter spheroidal vesicular zone intersects the core at Core 183-1138A-80R-2, 131-140 cm. From Section 183-1138A-80R-3 (Pieces 3-5, 29-46 cm), vesicularity gradually increases (from 10% to 25%) and vesicle size decreases (average size changes from 1.2 to 0.6 mm). The lowermost 2 cm of Unit 4 is denser, with large numbers (~100/cm2) of small (<0.5 mm) diameter vesicles.

Unit 5

Unit 5 is a sparsely plagioclase-phyric basalt with an altered breccia top. This breccia is altered to grayish black (N2) with 20% irregular angular vesicles generally >1 mm in diameter. In Section 183-1138A-80R-3 at 60 cm, the lava becomes coherent and medium gray (N6) without any recovered transition. Vesicle size in the upper part of the recovered coherent lava fines upward. Average vesicle diameter increases from ~0.5 to 7 mm over interval 183-1138A-80R-3, 60-109 cm. This sequence is punctuated by several 1- to 5-cm vesicular clots. The coherent lava remains variably vesicular (5%-25%) on a 2- to 3-cm scale. One zone of equant and rounded bubbles is present in interval 183-1138A-80R-4, 75-83 cm, with a distinct fining-upward sequence. Otherwise, vesicles are irregular and angular in shape. Irregular megavesicles (2-5 cm) form a horizon at interval 183-1138A-80R-4, 120-135 cm. Mesostasis blebs appear in the 10 cm above these megavesicles. The last small loose pieces of lava recovered from Unit 5 are quite dense (3% vesicularity) and contain a relatively large number (25/cm2) of small vesicles. A sliver of the same material is found welded to the top of Unit 6 (Fig. F28).

Unit 6

Unit 6 is an aphyric basalt with a coherent vesicular top and a massive interior. The top of Unit 6 is an oxidized, slightly brecciated, vesicular, smooth pahoehoe surface (Fig. F28). A patchy alteration pattern following fractures creates the brecciated appearance, but the vesicle patterns indicate minimal clast rotation with mostly in situ fracturing, oxidation, and alteration. Within the upper vesicular crust, vesicularity gradually decreases from 20% to 12%, whereas average vesicle size increases from 1 to 6 mm in the interval 183-1138A-81R-1, 6-99 cm. Vesicularity increases once (with large vesicles) before fining down into the massive portion. By Section 183-1138A-81R-1, 119 cm, the lava contains only 5% vesicles. The vesicles become distinctly more spherical in this fining-downward zone. The lava becomes completely massive at the top of Section 183-1138A-81R-2 with <0.5% vesicles. Vesicularity increases again near the base of Unit 6, starting in Section 183-1138A-81R-2 at 50 cm. A gradual increase in both vesicle number density and vesicle size follows this increase in vesicularity. Vesicularity peaks at 30% with elongated 0.2- to 7-mm-diameter vesicles with a density of 15/cm2 immediately above a very fine grained smooth pahoehoe base. This basal zone crosses the core at an angle, cutting from ~12 to 17 cm depth (Fig. F29). There is a hint of another fine-grained zone at the break between Sections 183-1138A-81R-2 and 81R-3, but the recovery is inadequate to be certain. The very base of Unit 6 is also moderately fractured and more highly altered than the rest of the unit.

Unit 7

Unit 7 consists of a sparsely plagioclase-phyric basalt breccia with an underlying coherent flow interior. At the top of Unit 7, in interval 183-1138A-81R-3, 10-27 cm, the breccia consists of 0.2-2.5 cm of poorly sorted rounded to subangular clasts with smaller fragments filling the spaces between the larger clasts (Fig. F29). The clasts are not jigsaw fit, nor are the round shapes defined by spheroidal alteration. Clast size increases down to Section 183-1138A-81R-3 at 106 cm, where the clasts are >10 cm in size. At interval 183-1138A-81R-3, 60-67 cm, a well-defined round basaltic cobble with oxidized rims is present. The open void space comprises 5-10 vol% of the upper part of the breccia while clays make up 5%. The character of the breccia below Section 183-1138A-81R-3 at 106 cm is very different. The clasts are smaller (0.2-5 cm) and more angular, and the breccia has no open void space. Instead, a silty-clay fills interstices down to Section 183-1138A-81R-4 at 68 cm, locally making up as much as 60% of the breccia. The infiltrating sediment (brown clay) is altered to clay minerals and quartz, appears massive in core, and no longer preserves primary textures. In interval 183-1138A-81R-4, 42-52 cm, the clasts appear to be suspended in the sediment matrix with little clast-to-clast contact. Some of the larger clasts are jigsaw fit (Fig. F30) or are locally rotated (Fig. F31). For the entire breccia, the vesicles within the clasts are generally small (<0.5 mm) and angular in shape. In the larger clasts, vesicle number densities exceed 100/cm2, and vesicularity commonly increases toward the inside of clasts. The lava becomes relatively coherent in Section 183-1138A-81R-4 at ~53 cm, though irregular patches of vesicles and sediment-filled cavities extend down to Section 183-1138A-81R-4, 68 cm. The coherent lava contains 7%-15% irregular, angular vesicles, generally 1-2 mm in size, distributed in irregular patches. The last two pieces of Unit 7 that were recovered are somewhat denser (3%-10% vesicularity) and contain wispy mesostasis blebs, some of which are associated with trains of vesicles.

Unit 8

Unit 8 is another sparsely plagioclase-phyric basalt with a breccia top. This breccia shares many features with the one on Unit 7. The upper part consists of oxidized, subrounded clasts. The entire recovered breccia is filled with clay-rich sediments, which make up 1-15 vol% of the breccia, with increasing abundance toward the top. Open voids make up 1% of the breccia. Clasts range in size from 7 cm down to sand-sized fragments. Many of the larger clasts have jigsaw-fit margins, usually with alteration minerals in the space between the main clast and the smaller fragments. In other areas, the smaller fragments come from clasts with a range of oxidation and vesicularity. The lava transitions to a coherent structure over interval 183-1138A-82R-1, 67-84 cm. However, in interval 183-1138A-82R-1, 71-92 cm, an elongate zone of brecciated material is filled with sand- to centimeter-sized angular fragments. Both the clasts and the massive interior of Unit 8 generally contain only 1-2 vol% vesicles that are <1 mm in diameter and irregular and angular in shape, but alteration and brecciation may be lowering the visible vesicularity of the clasts. The interior of the flow becomes slightly more vesicular (2%-7%) below Section 183-1138A-82R-1 at 140 cm. In Section 183-1138A-82R-2, from 59 cm downward, the vesicles are found in 1.5- to 3-cm-diameter clumps, which have as much as 20% vesicles (Fig. F32). The base of Unit 8 is slightly oxidized, highly altered, and brecciated.

Unit 9

Unit 9 is another sparsely plagioclase-phyric basalt flow with a breccia top over a coherent interior. Although there are similarities to the breccias on Units 7 and 8, some features are much clearer in Unit 9 and some differences are also noted. The clasts are mostly 1- to 10-cm angular to subangular pieces that are locally fragmented into 2- to 5-mm angular shards. Sediments fill the entire breccia, but some open void spaces remain, especially along the lower surface of larger clasts. The largest clast is a >15-cm-long folded slab of ropy pahoehoe in Section 183-1138A-82R-2 (Piece 10, 100-114 cm) (Fig. F33). The slab has a dark (altered) glassy chill on the ropy side, and the groundmass coarsens away from this side. The other margins are also very fine grained but were not quenched to glass. Other smaller clasts with pahoehoe surfaces along a single margin are scattered throughout the breccia. Another fascinating feature of this breccia is a zone in Section 183-1138A-83R-3 (Pieces 3, 4), which locally appears to have clasts suspended in sediments with very loose grain-to-grain contact (Figs. F34, F35). Within this interval, the clasts coarsen upward in Section 183-1138A-83R-3 from 0.1-1 cm at 61 cm to 1-5 cm at 28 cm. The sediments make up 10%-40% of this interval, being more abundant toward the top. Clasts are slightly more altered (darker) at their margins. There is no consistent evidence of finer grained groundmass toward the clast margins. Although the clasts are angular and largely appear to have similar lithology, they are not jigsaw fit. Overall, the clasts in this breccia are quite vesicular (7%-25%), but vesicle shapes remain irregular, even within the slab pahoehoe. The third striking feature of Unit 9 is the interface between the coherent and brecciated parts in interval 183-1138A-82R-3, 89-118 cm, Piece 8 (Fig. F36). The lava on one side of the core (left in the archive half) is dense but gradationally becomes disaggregated and oxidized toward the other side of the core. Alteration veins pick out discontinuous 0.1-mm-wide, 1- to 2-cm-long, en echelon cavities that parallel the disaggregating margin of the dense lava. Below this point, the lava is coherent. Irregular angular vesicles dominate until Section 183-1138A-82R-4 at 138 cm. Vesicularity within this region is highly variable (2%-15%), but, in general, vesicularity and vesicle size decrease with depth. Interval 183-1138A-82R-4, 138-147 cm, contains a remarkable set of anastomosing vesicular sheet-like bodies with a matrix that has a distinctly lighter appearance from the surrounding lava (Fig. F37). Below this feature, vesicularity remains variable but lower (1%-10%), and the vesicles become spherical. Vesicularity remains low until the last few rock fragments brought up in Section 183-1138A-82R-6, which have 20% round vesicles. Several loose pebbles of vesicular basalt found at the very top of Core 183-1138A-83R are included with Unit 9.

Unit 10

Unit 10 is a breccia-topped aphyric basalt flow, similar in most respects to Units 7-9. Flow top oxidation is minimal with only a <1-mm-thick discontinuous coating on the uppermost clasts. The upper part of the breccia has a large amount of open void space, with sand- and silt-sized sediments filling the interclast spaces only in Section 183-1138A-83R-1 from 85 cm downward. However, interclast space generally decreases with depth with smaller clasts filling the interstices. A few open spaces remain in the lower part of the breccia but are mainly within clasts. Three laminations, each ~1 cm thick, are present in the sediments at interval 183-1138A-83R-1, 89-92 cm. Most clasts are equant, 2-4 cm in size and subangular to subrounded in shape. One >15-cm clast is present at interval 183-1138A-83R-1, 5-18 cm. The pieces <0.5 cm in size appear to be jigsaw fit to larger clasts with alteration minerals filling the gaps. Several of the larger clasts have smooth chill margins on one side and fracture surfaces on the others. About 10% of the clasts have large stretched elliptical vesicles. The remainder have smaller, more irregular vesicles. A zone of dense lava near the base of the breccia at interval 183-1138A-83R-1, 129-135 cm, has a disaggregated margin. There is a distinct contact between the breccia and the underlying coherent lava. The coherent lava at this contact has a fine-grained groundmass and smaller vesicles. The lava is coherent below Section 183-1138A-83R-1, 137 cm, with one 1.2 cm × 1.2 cm vesicular clast found at interval 183-1138A-83R-1, 148-149 cm. The interior contains a wide variety of vesicles, alternating between zones of round and irregular shapes over 10- to 20-cm-length scales. Although vesicle sizes and shapes are highly variable, vesicularity remains 7%-20%. Megavesicles (1-3 cm) appear in the interval 183-1138A-83R-3, 34-55 cm. One has a long "tail" extending downward that is filled with glassy mesostasis. Wispy mesostasis blebs appear in this same interval and persist through the rest of Unit 10, becoming most prominent in the least vesicular areas. The vesicularity below the megavesicle horizon falls to 0.5%-7%, and vesicles are more spherical. An irregular horizontally elongated vesicular zone with glassy mesostasis is present at interval 183-1138A-83R-4, 19-21 cm. Vesicularity increases again starting at Section 183-1138A-83R-4, 69 cm, reaching 30% at the base of the Unit 10. From interval 183-1138A-83R-4, 91 cm, to the base of the unit, the vesicles are arranged in 3- to >5-cm sized irregular but horizontally elongated domains surrounded by denser boundaries (Fig. F38). The contact between Units 10 and 11 is indicated in Figure F39.

Unit 11

Unit 11 is an oxidized, coherent, vesicular aphyric basalt flow. However, the uppermost 2 cm of rock included with Unit 11 is a black, fine-grained lobe base, welded to and flowing into two small, angular pieces of oxidized vesicular lava (Fig. F39). The most striking feature of Unit 11 is the large vertically elongated vesicles in the upper part (Fig. F40). Although the flow never becomes truly vesicle poor, at Section 183-1138A-83R-5, 60 cm, vesicularity drops from 20%-30% to 10%-25%. Vesicle sizes increase downward from the top of the flow until this same point, grading from 2-10 mm to 5-30 mm. The vesicles in this upper part have elongated, well-rounded elliptical shapes. The direction of elongation swirls about on a 10- to 20-cm scale but is near vertical for the largest and most prominent vesicles. This upper part of the lava is also oxidized to a dark reddish gray (10R 4/1). Within the lower vesicularity part of the flow, most vesicles are consistently ~1-5 mm, and vesicle shapes become much more irregular. In the interval 183-1138A-83R-5, 112 cm to 83R-6, 25 cm, the vesicles have unusual angular shapes similar to a granophyre texture. In interval 183-1138A-83R-6, 40-53 cm, the vesicles start to become rounder and elongated in a subhorizontal direction. This same region has scattered 1- to 3-cm-diameter indistinct clots with ~25 vol% small (<0.3 mm) vesicles. Below this, the remainder of Unit 11 contains 25% vesicles arranged in irregular 1- to 3-cm domains with 1- to 2-cm dense (1.5% vesicle) rinds (Fig. F41). These dense rinds have large numbers (~100/cm2) of <0.5-mm vesicles, whereas the inner parts of the vesicular clots generally have 1- to 4-mm round vesicles (30/cm2).

Unit 12

Unit 12 consists of coherent vesicular aphyric basalt except for the uppermost pieces, which are the breccia at the base of Section 183-1138A-83R-6 (Fig. F41). This breccia has 3- to 5-cm equant rounded to subangular clasts with some evidence of welding. The spaces between the clasts are mostly filled with angular fragments of the larger clasts. The remainder of Unit 12 is a coherent lava with 20-25 discrete vesicular domains with 5- to 20-cm diameters separated by low vesicularity rinds. Vesicularity varies from domain to domain, ranging from 5% to 40%. Many domains appear "spongy" with small (<<0.5 mm) irregular vesicles (100-180/cm2). The domains with lower vesicularity have considerably fewer, and somewhat larger (1-0.5 mm) vesicles. Only three domains have vesicles in the 1- to 5-mm size range, but these domains have 10%-25% vesicularity, so vesicle size and vesicularity do not correlate inversely. Macroscopically the rinds between domains appear dense (1%-3% vesicles), but under the binocular microscope we find that this lava contains 30 vol% microscopic (<0.1 mm) vesicles at a density of 750/cm2. The bottom of Unit 12 is such a (visually) dense rind welded to the oxidized breccia of Unit 13 (Fig. F42).

Unit 13

Unit 13 is a breccia-topped sparsely plagioclase-phyric basalt flow. Two irregular pieces of oxidized breccia mark the top of Unit 13. Immediately below this, in the interval 183-1138A-84R-2, 0-26 cm, three oxidized vesicular domains with smooth curved margins are delineated by ~1-cm-wide dark zones with smaller vesicles (Fig. F43). These domains contain ~15% very small (0.1 mm) round vesicles at a density of ~300/cm2. A breccia extends from below these domains to Section 183-1138A-84R-3, 137 cm, with the portion of Section 183-1138A-84R-3 below 39 cm filled with fine-grained sediments. The clasts are a mix of 40% irregular gnarled aa clasts and 60% clasts with a single side with a smooth pahoehoe surface on one margin and fracture surfaces on the other margins. Clast size grades from 2 to 10 cm near the top to 1 to 4 cm from Section 183-1138A-84R-2, 90 cm, downward, and the clasts are generally angular throughout. Clast vesicularity varies from 5% to 15% with most vesicles being ~1 mm in diameter. The pattern of fracturing within some clasts suggest that they were crushed by the overlying clasts. Other clasts show jigsaw-fit margins with alteration minerals filling the gaps. In the upper part of the breccia, open void space makes up ~15% of the recovered core. Interval 183-1138A-84R-3, 24-39 cm, was only recovered as a handful of angular clasts. Within the sediments the clasts appear rounder with a halo of small fragments and alteration minerals. An arm of dense lava (0.5%-3% vesicularity) with small irregular vesicles is present in interval 183-1138A-84R-3, 124 cm, through 84R-4, 18 cm. The recovered margin of this dense lava is disaggregating in the same manner as the dense arm in Unit 9. The vesicles form small discontinuous sheets elongate in the direction parallel to the margin of the arm. The coherent lava in interval 183-1138A-84R-4, 20-30 cm, contains vesicles in which the direction of elongation changes from subhorizontal below to subvertical in the arm. The coherent lava remains somewhat vesicular (2%-15%) until Section 183-1138A-84R-5 at 26 cm. The vesicles have irregular, angular shapes and are distributed in irregular 5- to 20-cm domains. The lava is massive with only 1% vesicularity in interval 183-1138A-84R-4, 26-110 cm, but irregular 3- to 5-cm vesicular pods persist. Below this interval, the lava increases to 2%-5% vesicularity with mesostasis blebs visible in interval 183-1138A-84R-6, 0-11 cm. Vesicularity reaches 10%-20% near the bottom of Unit 13 at interval 183-1138A-84R-6, 12-29 cm. In this interval the vesicles are distributed in 2- to 7-cm-scale domains that become more distinct with depth. Vesicle sizes within these small domains are typically <0.5 mm.

Unit 14

Unit 14 is another breccia-topped aphyric basalt flow. The breccia is heavily altered with rounded clasts and little open void space. Alteration masks many features, but the clasts appear to be 0.3-13 cm in size and subangular to subrounded in shape. The largest piece has a cauliflower-like appearance. From Section 183-1138A-85R-1, 15 cm, downward, the lava is coherent and massive. Vesicles are distributed in 10-cm-scale zones with a few 1- to 2-cm vesicular clots near the top of the massive section. Vesicles are angular in the upper portion and rounder below Section 183-1138A-85R-1 at 121 cm. Thin vesicle trains also appear at this point. These rounder vesicles gradationally develop into discrete 1- to 3-cm vesicular domains with distinct margins visible from about the top of Section 183-1138A-85R-2 (Fig. F44).

Unit 15

Unit 15 consists of various pieces of aphyric basalt. The top of Unit 15 consists of various loose pieces of unwelded breccia (Fig. F44). These range from 1- to 5-cm angular fragments cemented by alteration minerals to a single 3 cm x 5 cm rounded clast with a fine-grained zone on one side. Coherent lava was recovered from Section 183-1138A-85R-2 at 75 cm, downward. In the upper part of the coherent lava, clots with small vesicles are surrounded by a matrix of lava with larger vesicles. Both populations of vesicles are angular. Below Section 183-1138A-85R-2 at 96 cm, the vesicles become rounder and vesicularity varies on a 10-cm scale. Beneath the coherent lava, Unit 15 consists of a mixture of various lithologies with no clear relationships. Section 183-1138A-85R-3 (Pieces 1-3) appears to be breccia, but is heavily altered, obscuring the original clast morphology. Pieces 4 and 5 from the same section contain an oxidized breccia with a mix of 0.1- to 4-cm angular clasts. Pieces 6 and 8 are an unoxidized coherent lava with 20% moderately spherical 1- to 10-mm-diameter vesicles. Piece 7 consists of a handful of loose 1- to 2.5-cm pebble-sized fragments of mildly oxidized vesicular lava with <1-mm vesicles.

Unit 16

Unit 16 contains the lower part of an aphyric basalt flow. The top of Unit 16 begins with fractured but coherent lava. The first piece contains a 3- to 4-mm-wide vein with clast-rotated pieces in loose grain-to-grain contact. Moving the pieces back together, it is apparent that all the fragments moved downward. The uppermost lava contains 15% round vesicles with 2- to 7-mm diameters with size increasing downward. Below interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 15-51 cm, the vesicularity drops to 2%-3% with angular shapes and 0.1- to 10-mm diameters with vesicles generally elongated in the horizontal direction. Fine sets of fractures filled with alteration minerals give the appearance of discrete 1- to 3-cm clasts, but the lava is coherent. Vesicle patterns pass through these fractures, and there is no evidence for clast rotation. Both alteration and vesicularity increase from Section 183-1138A-86R-1, 52 cm, to the base of Unit 16 (Fig. F45). This area may be brecciated, but the alteration is too severe to be sure.

Unit 17

Unit 17 is a breccia-topped aphyric basalt flow. The breccia has angular fragments and 10%-15% open void space (Fig. F45). The clasts within the breccia preserve some features that probably exist in the flow-top breccias on other units, but were not as evident. In particular, several 1- to 5-cm clasts preserve ropy textures and fine-grained glassy surfaces on one margin of the clast. These glassy surfaces have a 0.5-mm-thick oxidized rim, but the other margins of the clast show no evidence for either chilling or oxidation. A 2 cm × 5 cm clast at interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 86-87 cm, has vesicles elongated parallel to the fold axis of the ropes. The breccia contains a wide variety of lava clasts including those full of small vesicles and very dense lava with only a few large vesicles. However, no evidence was found for aa clasts with their characteristic gnarled shapes. The larger rotated clasts show that more coherent clasts were being pushed into other more fragmented clasts. Clast size generally decreases downward, changing from 1 to 5 cm at interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 10-30 cm, to 1-2 cm at interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 80-90 cm. At about interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 45 cm, the interclast voids are largely filled with 0.1- to 5-mm angular fragments. In the lower part, the breccia has more of this finer material than the larger clasts. The lava abruptly becomes coherent at interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 93 cm, at the top of Piece 13. Down to interval 183-1138A-86R-1, 134 cm, the lava contains 5% irregular angular vesicles 0.1-10 mm in diameter that are elongated in swirling and patchy patterns ~5 cm across. Below this, the vesicularity increases slightly (7%-10%), the vesicles become rounded, and their diameters increase to 0.2-15 mm. Section 183-1138A-86R-2 at 6 cm, the lava becomes more dense with a vesicularity of just 1%-3%. The vesicles remain quite round but are slightly elongated at an inclined direction. Vesicularity slightly increases when the coherent lava and Unit 17 abruptly ends.

Unit 18

Unit 18 is yet another breccia-topped aphyric basalt flow. The breccia is highly altered but appears to have a similar character to that of Unit 17: 1- to 3-cm angular clasts of highly vesicular and dense lava with voids between clasts filled with smaller angular fragments. In Section 183-1138A-86R-3 at 145 cm, massive lava with small (<1 mm) vesicle trains begins. This massive interior is recovered in a number of small pieces, making it difficult to discern larger scale patterns. Vesicularity is irregular on a 1- to 5-cm scale and is generally 3%-7%, but the last three pieces (Section 183-1138A-86R-4 [Pieces 7-9]) are dense, containing <1% vesicles and faint mesostasis blebs.

Unit 19

Unit 19 is a sparsely plagioclase-phyric flow with a breccia top that extends down to Section 183-1138A-87R-1, 138 cm. Although there are many similarities between this breccia and those on Units 17 and 18, there are some interesting differences and some additional features are visible that may be critical in deciphering these breccias. The clasts are all fragments of pahoehoe with no evidence for aa clasts. Clasts are largest at the top (including >10 cm at interval 183-1138A-87R-1, 13-17 cm, with a well-preserved pahoehoe top) but 3- to 4-cm size clasts persist throughout. There is a paucity of the 0.1- to 5-mm smaller angular fragments. Consequently, there is more open void space deep in this breccia. The dense clasts also make up a greater proportion of this breccia (15%-25% vs. ~5% for both Units 17 and 18). Again the dense clasts contain a few large elongated vesicles. However, one of the dense clasts at Section 183-1138A-87R-1 at 93 cm is welded to a vesicular clast (Fig. F46). Other dense clasts have dark clay rims. A small amount of fine-grained green laminated material is found coating the tops of larger clasts. The top of the coherent lava at interval 183-1138A-87R-1, 138 cm, is perfectly recovered and the contact with the breccia can be examined. The top of the coherent lava has 3- to 6-mm-deep open vertical gashes and 0.5- to 1.5-cm-long, 1- to 2-mm amplitude folds. Under the binocular microscope, we see that these folds contain vesicles that have been sheared into <0.1-mm-wide, >1-cm-long tears. The vesicle shapes grade from these extremely elongated shapes to more elliptical shapes over a distance of about 1-2 cm. The top of the coherent lava has a ~0.5-mm dark clay rim. The immediately underlying lava has 1.5% elliptical elongate vesicles 0.1-6 mm in diameter. The following pieces (Section 183-1138A-87R-2 [Pieces 1-7]) contain ~5% elongate vesicles ~1 cm in length with a second population of 0.1- to 2-mm round bubbles. Core 183-1138A-87R-2 (Piece 8) is a breccia with imbricated 3- to 5-cm-long angular clasts (Fig. F47). The geometry of the imbrication does not allow for lateral motion of the clasts, and the clasts contain up to 1.5-cm-long elongate vesicles. In the interval below (interval 183-1138A-87R-2, 54-130 cm), the vesicles are round and gradually decrease in size and number downward. At Section 183-1138A-87R-2 at 83 cm the vesicularity is 15%, and the vesicles are 0.3-6 mm in diameter. At Section 183-1138A-87R-2 at 107 cm the vesicularity has dropped to 3%, and vesicles are 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter. Vesicularity increases in Section 183-1138A-87R-2 (Piece 17, 130-134 cm) to 5%, and the vesicles become subangular and larger (1-4 mm). The piece is fractured, but the pieces can be reassembled into a single coherent piece. Section 183-1138A-87R-3 (Piece 1, 0-15 cm) contains coherent lava with 25 vol% elongate subangular vesicles 3-15 mm in diameter. The vesicles are generally elongated in the horizontal direction, but there are some swirling patterns as well. Section 183-1138A-87R-2 (Piece 2) is a handful of loose fragments of vesicular lava. The following piece is clearly a breccia with the black clay rind on two clasts spalling off at the point of contact between the two. The base of Unit 19 is Section 183-1138A-87R-2 (Piece 4), which contains a fine-grained margin fragmenting into a thin veneer of sediments.

Unit 20

Unit 20 is an aphyric basalt flow with several very unusual features. The top of Unit 20 is a coherent vesicular lava with 20 vol% large (~1 cm) irregularly shaped coalescing subangular vesicles. A large fracture running diagonally through interval 183-1138A-88R-1, 48-74 cm, divides lavas of two distinctly different vesicle morphologies (Fig. F48). The lava on the footwall of the fracture has a vesicularity of ~5% with generally round vesicles in a bimodal size distribution (1 cm and 3 mm). Small wispy mesostasis blebs are also visible, paralleling the fracture. The fracture itself has matching undulating surfaces that preclude any significant vertical motion, but examination of the core was not able to rule out purely horizontal motion. Anastomosing dipping sheets of vesicular material are evident in interval 183-1138A-88R-1, 80-90 cm. In interval 183-1138A-88R-1, 90-124 cm, 2- to 7-cm-long and 0.5- to 1-cm-wide curved vesicular domains with a fine-grained groundmass appear (Fig. F49). These domains have 20%-40% vesicularity and vesicle sizes are generally <0.5 mm. However, some 3- to 4-cm-long coalescing vesicles mark the margins of the domains. Below this, a handful of lava fragments are present before reaching the coherent and exquisitely preserved base of Unit 20. These fragments are extremely vesicular with >35%-40% highly irregular 0.5- to 5-mm-sized vesicles. The base of Unit 20 contains a bulbous cavity with many curious features (see Fig. F50). In three dimensions, it is clear that this bulbous cavity is marginal to a much larger cavity.

Unit 21

Unit 21 is a breccia-topped aphyric basalt flow. The uppermost few centimeters of Unit 21 are a smooth pahoehoe surface that has been highly fractured. This is followed by a breccia exhibiting a wide range of curious features. In interval 183-1138A-88R-2, 0-30 cm, the breccia is composed of at least seven originally >5-cm clasts that have been broken into 1- to 3-cm angular fragments that can be fit to reconstruct the original clasts. One of these clasts is recognizable as a >8-cm-diameter pahoehoe lobe with a 3-mm-thick glassy rind. The lobe has 20%-30% vesicularity, with slightly elongated <0.5-mm-diameter vesicles. The vesicle sizes become slightly smaller toward the margins. In interval 183-1138A-88R-2, 33-45 cm, a >12-cm dense (7% vesicularity) lobe with 0.5- to 1.5-cm elongate angular vesicles is present (Fig. F51). The top of this lobe has an irregular fluidal arm that the elongated vesicles fan into. There is no evidence of baking or welding of this clast to the surrounding clasts. However, a clast at interval 183-1138A-88R-2, 50-60 cm, does have a welded margin on one side (Fig. F52). Another margin of this same clast is glassy and fragmented, and a third margin has a fluidal shape with small angular fragments filling the void underneath. We find a clast at interval 183-1138A-88R-2, 74-75 cm, that is molded around another clast and has formed a welded and chilled margin. In general, fragmentation decreases with depth in this breccia. However, recovery of the breccia is poor at the base of Core 183-1138A-88R with several 10-cm pieces alternating between small fragments and coherent vesicular lava. The breccia continues in the top of Core 183-1138A-89R, but with a large zone of dense lava running up one side of the core (right side of the archive half) from interval 183-1138A-89R-1, 9-53 cm. This dense lava has a set of dipping joints that open in a fanning fashion on the opposite side of the core. This lava contains 3% irregular vesicles <1 mm in diameter. Between 53 and 58 cm, Section 183-1138A-89R-1 has only breccia, mostly composed of fragments of the dense lava. In interval 183-1138A-89R-1, 58-62 cm, the dense lava returns and has a square 3 cm × 4 cm vesicular clast in the center with a chill margin surrounding it. The pieces below this appear to be 5- to 10-cm clumps with 15%-20% vesicularity with 1-mm spherical vesicles surrounded by a matrix of lava with 10%-15% vesicularity with 0.5- to 5-mm round vesicles. From here, recovery drops and isolated pieces were recovered. Section 183-1138A-89R-1 (Piece 5) has 15% irregular, >1-cm angular vesicles. Piece 6 from the same section has 5% angular, <1-mm vesicles. Piece 7 is the bottom of Unit 21 and consists of a handful of highly vesicular pebble-sized fragments with 20%-30% round, ~1-mm vesicles.

Unit 22

Unit 22 is the final flow drilled at Site 1138 and is another breccia-topped aphyric basalt flow with some unique features. Parts of the breccia are composed of ~3-cm clasts surrounded by smaller angular fragments, much like the other breccias, but large portions are composed of intact pahoehoe lobes. In interval 183-1138A-89R-2, 0-19 cm, a lobe with 15% irregular but rounded 1- to 10-mm vesicles has partially enveloped and chilled against another lobe with ~40% small (<1 mm) vesicles. Interval 183-1138A-88R-2, 26-40 cm, contains the edge of a lobe with a near-circular cross section. This lobe is fractured in both radial and concentric directions and contains 25% round, ~1-mm vesicles. Interval 183-1138A-88R-2, 43-53 cm, contains a single coherent lobe with a fragmented upper margin. Section 183-1138A-88R-2 (Piece 4, 53-80 cm) has a lobe that partially enveloped and is quenched against another lobe. Below, the lava appears to be coherent with 10% rounded, occasionally elongated, 2- to 3-mm vesicles. A 3-cm clast with the surrounding lava chilled against it is present in Section 183-1138A-88R-2 at 100 cm. Below this, the lava contains 2%-5%, subrounded, 0.5- to 3-cm vesicles elongated in a generally horizontal direction.


Lithologic Units

Unit I: Foraminifer-Bearing Diatom Ooze

The unconsolidated upper part of this interval was disturbed during coring. The sediments are variable mixtures of clay and pelagic material. The disseminated volcaniclastic components indicate contributions from primary felsic and mafic pyroclastic fall deposits as well as a reworked lithic fraction (Table T10).

Units I, II and III: Pyroclastic Fall Deposits

Intervals with a concentration of volcanic ash material (Tables T10, T11) have been divided into (1) disseminated felsic glass and pumice in Cores 183-1138A-1R to 10R (<3.8 Ma), (2) felsic (trachytic?) tephra material in Core 183-1138A-11R (~3.8-3.2 Ma), (3) a suite of mixed (basalt + trachyte?) tephras in Cores 183-1138A-14R to 17R (10.6-8.9 Ma), and (4) a concentration of basaltic ash in Cores 183-1136A-30R to 34R (~31-26.5 Ma).

Previous work on Legs 119 and 120 (Bitschene et al., 1992) identified tephra layers preserved in similar age intervals to those at Site 1138 (Tables T10, T11). In Hole 120-736A, volcanic components with ages of 0.4, 0.7, and 0.8 Ma were recognized. Ash of these ages fall within the zone of disturbance during coring at Site 1138 (see [1] above), so correlation is not possible. However, at Site 736, a 2.8-Ma trachytic debris flow was identified. This age may correspond with feldspar-bearing pumiceous ash found in Core 183-1138A-8R.

Site 120-747 lies 150 km south-southeast of, and is the closest hole to, Site 1138 (Fig. F1), so ash horizons may be correlated with some confidence. Felsic ash with ages of 3.7, 3.8, and 4.3 Ma was recovered at Site 119-737, which indicates considerable activity in the region at the time that the ~3.8- to 3.2-Ma basaltic to bimodal ash (see [2] above) (Core 183-1138A-11R) was deposited. Volcanic material described as mixed basaltic and trachytic ash in Hole 119-737B does not have an equivalent at Site 1138, but we observe ~6.4-5.6 Ma trachytic ash in Core 183-1138A-12R and a ~10.6-8.9 Ma basaltic to bimodal interval in Cores 183-1138A-14R and 15R (see [3] above). These ages bracket the Hole 120-737B 7.8-Ma age and may or may not be related. Site 737 is north of Heard Island and close to the Kerguelen Archipelago, so it may be more strongly influenced by proximal volcanism. An older series of mafic volcanic events (28.3 Ma, 31.4 Ma, and 32 Ma) at Site 737 has the same age range (31-26.5 Ma) as basaltic ash in Core 183-1138A-30R to 34R (see [4] above). Two trachytic ash layers (2.2 Ma and 4.3 Ma) in Hole 120-745B on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau do not have equivalents at Site 1138.

Late Pliocene (3.7 Ma and 3.8 Ma) trachytic ashes and early Oligocene (30 Ma) basaltic ashes in Hole 120-747A correlate well with similar age intervals at Site 1138 (see [2] and [4] above). However, Cretaceous to Paleocene volcanic material observed in Hole 120-747A was not found at Site 1138.

Basement Units

Unit 1: Aphyric Flow-Banded Dacite Cobbles

Unit 1 consists almost entirely of rounded, aphyric, flow banded dacite (see "Igneous Petrology"). These cobbles represent a layer of dacitic rubble at the top of basement. Flow banding and the fine-grained internal texture suggest that they are eroded from a lava or a densely welded tuff. Dacitic lava is not preserved elsewhere in the basement succession cored at Site 1138.

Unit 2: Bedded Pumice Lithic Breccia, Lithic Breccia, Ash-Fall Deposits, and Volcanic Clay

Unit 2 is dominated by pumice lithic breccias together with reworked volcaniclastic sediments and altered pyroclastic fall deposits. Subunit 2A is an interval of dark gray massive clay and lithified fine-grained altered rock that does not appear to be related to the underlying volcaniclastic succession and may be rubble that has fallen downhole.

Subunit 2B is a reworked succession of alternating pumiceous and lithic-rich beds, each a few centimeters thick, which show a variety of grainsizes, sorting, and grading features (Figs. F18, F19). These intervals are interpreted as water-settled deposits and low-angle, clast- to matrix-supported flow deposits. The reworked materials have identical textures, range of clast types, and alteration features to the underlying pumice and lithic breccia deposits. They have probably been reworked in a low- to moderate-energy shallow-water environment. The degree of alteration of different sedimentary packages in the succession varies considerably, which relates to the porosity and permeability of the intervals. Generally, more pumiceous intervals are pale green and clay-rich, reflecting more intense alteration.

Overall, Unit 2 is dominated by pumice-lithic breccias (Subunits 2D, 2G, 2H, 2I, and 2J) (Fig. F14) and a lithic breccia (Subunit 2E) (Fig. F15). These breccias exhibit good hydraulic sorting and could be primary subaerial pyroclastic flow deposits. One of the breccias (Subunit 2E) is considerably more lithic rich than the others and is interpreted to either be the basal part of a thick flow, or may be more proximal to the source. Internally, the flow units show limited stratification, and contacts with overlying flow units are usually sharp. Subhorizontal alignment of elongate pumice clasts may be related to flow alignment during emplacement or load alignment after emplacement, but there is no evidence of welding. Clasts are variably altered, but generally the pumice is pale green and soft, indicating partial replacement by clay minerals (Fig. F16). In more indurated parts of the profile, relatively fresh pumice can be observed in thin section. Commonly, lithic fragments are less altered than pumice clasts. The matrix in all flow units is dominated by medium to very coarse sand-sized fragmented pumice material (Fig. F17).

The Subunit 2K lithic breccia is reverse graded and has clasts that are similar to the lithic component in the pumice lithic breccias. This interval may be the basal layer of the overlying pyroclastic flow (Subunit 2J) and shows reverse grading because of tractional processes at the base of the flow.

Two intensely weathered intervals (Subunits 2C and 2N) (Figs. F20, F21) retain little evidence of primary features. These may have been zones of enhanced fluid percolation, or were exposed at the land surface for some time to become so intensely altered. Both have evidence of clay pseudomorphs after pumice. One interpretation is that these are pumice fall deposits.

Accretionary lapilli were found in two places in the stratigraphy (Subunits 2F and 2L) within normally graded medium to fine ash deposits (Figs. F22, F23, F24). These are pyroclastic fall deposits, and the presence of accretionary lapilli indicates interaction with water in the eruption cloud. Two other highly altered volcanic clay intervals (Subunits 2M and 2O) (Fig. F25) may also be fine-grained volcanic ash deposits, but the presence of scattered lithic fragments in these deposits suggests they have been reworked.

Unit 2/Unit 3 Boundary

The appearance of basalt marks the boundary between Units 2 and 3. However, it is unusual to find relatively unaltered, unoxidized lava at the top of the lava sequence. This suggests an erosional unconformity or that we did not recover any altered material from the top of the lava pile.

Unit 3: Transitional (Slab-Pahoehoe?) Lava Flow

The first rocks from Unit 3 that we recovered have vesicularity consistent with being the lowermost part of the vesicular upper crust. The bulk of Unit 3 that was recovered is from the massive interior of a flow. Although the round vesicles in the upper part of the flow are consistent with pahoehoe, the elongated subangular shapes further down are unusual and suggest motion and shearing of a highly viscous, partly crystallized lava. The formation of megavesicles, but no sheets of segregated material, also suggests a lack of complete stagnation before crystallization. A large number of small vesicles in the lower chill zone suggests a near-vent location. With time and distance from the vent, bubbles will coalesce, forming larger vesicles. The angular breccia at the base of the flow suggests that Unit 3 might have been emplaced as a slab pahoehoe flow.

Slab pahoehoe flows are usually characterized by relatively rapid motion of relatively fluid lava. They are particularly common in steeper areas (3°-10° slopes) or where the lava has surged, breaking up the earlier more coherent top. In Hawaii, they are commonly emplaced as 10- to 100-m-wide sheets but can also form along the sides of channeled flows.

Unit 3/Unit 4 Boundary

A highly altered breccia makes a visually clear break between Units 3 and 4. However, there really is no definitive evidence that this altered material is not a basal breccia for Unit 3. The high alteration probably results from the extreme permeability of the breccia, but it is surprising that there is no obvious gradation from the more fresh rock into this clay-rich zone. We suspect that the partially altered, but less clay-cemented rocks were not recovered. Also, the high degree of alteration might suggest a significant time break between Units 3 and 4, but it is likely that much (if not all) of the alteration followed emplacement of Unit 3. It is therefore possible that Units 3 and 4 are simply different flows from the same eruption.

Unit 4: Aa Flow

On the basis of vesicle shapes (Fig. F26) and the suggestion of irregular clasts within the clay-rich material, it is likely that Unit 4 is a typical aa flow. The various vesicular clots and patchy zones are interpreted to be entrained clasts (Fig. F27), diagnostic of a disrupted flow top, but not necessarily an aa flow. The apparently higher vesicularity of the flow interior as compared to the upper and lowermost parts suggests that the vesiculation during crystallization was trapped in place. Also, lack of complete degassing of an aa flow suggests that the lava was not transported a great distance. The lack of vesicle sheets and similar features indicates that major segregation of late-stage vesicle-rich material did not happen, though a few 1- to 3-cm megavesicles were able to coalesce. The lowermost vesicular zone is interpreted to be a lower vesicular crust. In a typical aa flow, we would expect a substantial basal breccia below the massive interior, but no basal breccia was recovered with Unit 4.

Aa flows are most common where relatively viscous lava is subjected to high-strain rates. This can result from high eruption rates, steeper slopes, or topographic channeling. The longest aa flow known is the ~50-km-long 1859 Mauna Loa flow, so it is unlikely that this aa flow traveled more than a few tens of kilometers from its vent.

Unit 4/Unit 5 Boundary

The dark gray altered breccia underneath a coherent lava makes another visually obvious boundary. However, it is possible that this breccia is the basal portion of Unit 4. The most likely scenario is that Unit 4 had a basal breccia and Unit 5 had a brecciated top. However, given that no pieces showing the relationship between the altered breccia and the coherent lavas above and below were recovered, it was deemed simplest to place the unit boundary at the visually obvious location. Given the equivocal nature of this boundary, we are not confident in interpreting a major time break at this location.

Unit 5: Aa(?) Flow

The vesicular clots within the interior of Unit 5 indicate that it was entraining vesicular material, presumably from a disrupted brecciated flow top. The fining-upward sequence in vesicle size within the coherent lava can be explained by a reduction in the rate of crust growth with time, allowing vesicles to coalesce to a greater degree as they were trapped at the base of the upper crust. The elongated, irregular vesicle shapes are consistent with these vesicles forming in a shearing mush zone at the base of a crust while vigorous active flow persisted underneath. The sudden transition to rounder bubbles could indicate stagnation of the flow. The formation of mesostasis blebs and a megavesicle horizon are also consistent with the deeper interior of the flow crystallizing under more stagnant conditions. The loose pieces at the base of the flow could be from a basal chill zone. Given that it is not clear that the breccia at the top of Unit 5 belongs to the coherent lava from Unit 5 and the evidence for relatively fluid stagnant lava in the interior of the flow, we cannot confidently conclude that this is an aa flow. A slab pahoehoe or other type of transitional flow would also be consistent with the observations.

Irrespective of whether the flow is aa or a transitional lava flow, the observed morphology is strongly indicative of relatively fluid lava subjected to high strain rates. High flow rates through a confined area or higher slopes are the most common cause for high strain rates in a lava flow.

Unit 5/Unit 6 Boundary

The oxidized and slightly brecciated pahoehoe top is a clear visual break and is the first reasonably strong evidence for a significant hiatus in lava flow emplacement at Site 1138 (Fig. F28). However, the oxidized zone is quite thin and the flow top is not highly modified, suggesting a short time interval between the emplacement of Unit 6 and the arrival of Unit 5.

Unit 6: Inflated Pahoehoe Flow

Unit 6 has the features of an inflated pahoehoe flow. The top and bottom have smooth, undisrupted pahoehoe surfaces and fine-grained chills. The vesicle distribution changes from a vesicular flow top to a dense interior and back to a vesicular base, exactly as in the idealized models (see Fig. F9, in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter). The lack of evidence for extensive pooling of segregated material at the base of the upper crust suggests that this was a relatively thin inflated flow, probably of typical Hawaiian dimensions (3-5 m thick). The steep angle of the basal chill of Unit 6 indicates that the flow moved over local topography on the order of tens of centimeters. The possible internal chill zone at the section break could indicate that this pahoehoe flow was compound, with smaller lobes at the base overrun by the lobe that was able to inflate to a few meters thickness. In Hawaii, these relatively thin inflated pahoehoe flows are commonly found on slopes of 0.5°-4°.

Unit 6/Unit 7 Boundary

The contact between the relatively unoxidized pahoehoe lobe and the more oxidized underlying breccia is evident (Fig. F29) and indicates both a significant time break and a change in the style of eruptive activity. Also, fragmentation at the base of Unit 6 might suggest some quenching against a small amount of water. Alternatively, it could result from concentrated alteration from the fluids passing through the permeable breccia underneath. The rounding of the upper clasts in the breccia suggests some reworking by perhaps fluvial processes, again implying an extended time break between Units 6 and 7.

Unit 7: Aa(?) Flow

Isolated domains in the breccia at the top of Unit 7 show chill features and in situ brecciation textures (Fig. F30) that might be consistent with quenching of magma in water-saturated sediment (peperite). However, the upper part of the breccia with rounded clasts, many with only partially preserved chill margins, looks more like a volcaniclastic conglomerate. It is likely that the locally peperitic textures are an artifact of the reworking and partial sediment infilling of this flow-top breccia.

The shapes of the vesicles in the clasts and the coherent interior suggests that this flow was originally an aa flow. Angular protrusions on the aa clasts are readily broken by erosion and reworking processes. There is evidence of localized transport of glassy material within the sediment (Fig. F31), and rounding of clasts in the upper part of the profile implies more intense reworking near the top of the interval. The remainder of the structures within the coherent lava are consistent with a relatively thick aa flow that entrained clasts during emplacement and whose deep interior was able to undergo a small amount of segregation of late-stage liquids. This segregation might also suggest that the lava was more fluid than typical aa and that the flow was more similar to slab pahoehoe than aa.

Unit 7/Unit 8 Boundary

The contact between Units 7 and 8 was not recovered. The last recovered pieces in Core 183-1138A-81R appear to be from deep in the interior of Unit 7. The first recovered rocks in Core 183-1138A-82R are highly altered breccia that grades into coherent lava. Given the rounded clasts, slight oxidation, and sediment fill in the top of Unit 8, it is likely that Units 7 and 8 are distinct lava flows and that some time passed between their emplacement.

Unit 8: Aa(?) Flow

The similarities between Units 7 and 8 are rather striking and it is likely that they formed in similar manners. Thus, the relatively well-recovered base of Unit 8 might also provide information about the unrecovered basal portion of Unit 7. The patches of vesicular material at the base of Unit 8 are probably welded clasts of a basal breccia. Such a basal breccia would be rapidly covered by the bulk of the flow and would not be able to cool effectively. Although the weight of the overlying lava would help to meld the individual clasts into a coherent mass, the basal breccias of aa flows are commonly not welded. This suggests that Unit 8 (and presumably Unit 7) might have been more akin to slab pahoehoe where the disrupted clast is more fluid and plastic than typical aa clinker. It is also possible that the breccia clasts are actually spatter and were recovered extremely close to the vent. The presence of welding is strong evidence that the base of Unit 8 did not significantly interact with water or wet sediments.

Unit 8/Unit 9 Boundary

The change from the highly altered and welded breccia at the base of Unit 8 to the unwelded, moderately oxidized breccia of Unit 9 is a clear boundary (Fig. F32). The breccia on top of Unit 9 is only partially filled with sediments and is not highly oxidized, eroded, or weathered. This suggests that the time break between Units 8 and 9 was not very large.

Unit 9

The slabs of ropy pahoehoe (Fig. F33) and other pahoehoe fragments leave no question that flow was primarily emplaced as a slab pahoehoe. The prominent slab and many other pieces show one strongly quenched margin that cooled at the surface of the flow while the other sides cooled more slowly within the breccia. This is consistent with the clasts being slab pahoehoe that was actively disrupted from within by the flowing lava. The zone that has a mix of sediment and loose pieces of lava has the appearance of a peperite (Figs. F34, F35), but the absence of chill margins surrounding the clasts suggests that the sediments may have been deposited well after the lava flow had been emplaced. The material could be a slurry of fine-grained sediments (perhaps dominated by silt-sand sized glass shards from the flow breccia itself) and 1- to 2-cm vesicular lava clasts that flowed into a large open cavity in the breccia. The shapes of the voids at the bases of larger clasts also suggest that the sediments flowed in as a viscous slurry. However, these cavities might also have formed by trapped steam from water being driven off of the wet sediments by hot lava. Despite the appearance of this small portion of the breccia, the evidence for interaction between wet sediments and hot lava is equivocal, at best. The disaggregating dense zone (Fig. F36) has the appearance of a dense arm of aa-like lava pushing up into a breccia. This kind of disaggregation is identical in degree and morphology to that caused by subaerial chilling of microlite-rich lava in aa flows (see "Interpretation" in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter). The transition from irregular vesicle shapes to more spherical ones suggests a sudden cessation of shearing while the interior of the lava was still relatively fluid. This is supported by the presence of what appears to be a complicated set of sheets of segregated material at this boundary (Fig. F37). The increase in vesicularity at the base of the flow suggests that the last recovered rocks were from near the base of the flow, although a basal breccia might also have existed.

Unit 9/Unit 10 Boundary

The pebbles found at the top of Core 183-1138A-83R have been placed in Unit 9 but are likely to have fallen into the hole from anywhere above Unit 10. No contact between Units 9 and 10 was retrieved, but the change from the coherent lava interior of Unit 9 to the breccia of Unit 10 is a clear boundary. What is not as clear is whether any of the Unit 10 breccia might be part of a basal breccia for Unit 9. The minimal oxidation, only partial infilling of Unit 10 breccia with sediments, and limited erosion and weathering of the Unit 10 breccia suggest that a relatively short time passed between the emplacement of Units 10 and 9.

Unit 10: Transitional Flow

In many respects, the interpretation of Unit 10 is similar to that of Units 7-9. Whereas the breccia originally formed during emplacement of the flow, it was probably modified to some extent by sedimentary processes, including the deposition of sediments that filled the lower part of the breccia. The chill at the top of the coherent lava and the disaggregating dense arm both suggest that the flow top-breccia was quite cold near the end of the emplacement of Unit 10. The entrained clast within the top of the coherent lava indicates active mixing between the disrupted crust and coherent interior of the flow during emplacement. The irregular vesicles in the upper part of the flow indicate substantial shearing of a relatively viscous lava early in the emplacement history. The rounder vesicles below a megavesicle horizon and the formation of a sheet of segregated material and a dense interior suggest a more quiescent emplacement of relatively fluid lava before the flow stagnated. The irregular vesicular pods at the base of Unit 10 (Fig. F38) are partially welded clasts of a basal breccia. The subhorizontal shape of many of these suggests some flattening by the weight of the overlying lava. This suggests that the leading elements of Unit 10 were hot and plastic and not a cold aa-like breccia, implying that Unit 10 was again more similar to a slab-pahoehoe flow than an aa flow. Alternatively, the welded basal breccia could be welded spatter from a nearby vent.

Unit 10/Unit 11 Boundary

The change from a welded breccia to an oxidized coherent vesicular flow forms a clear boundary (Fig. F39). The contact between the two units may be the glassy chill pressed into the top of the 2 cm of vesicular breccia at the top of Unit 11. These two angular fragments could easily be the loose top of a slightly weathered pahoehoe flow top. Such surfaces are very common on Hawaiian pahoehoe flows that are several decades to a few hundred years old. This and the oxidation of Unit 11 suggest a significant time break between Units 10 and 11.

Unit 11: Transitional Flow

The large elongate vesicles in the top and bottom of Unit 11 seem to require that the lava was viscous enough to keep nonspherical shapes while being fluid enough to flow in a very laminar and plastic fashion. This is not typical of either pahoehoe or aa flows, but smaller elongate bubbles are common in pahoehoe flows. The irregularly shaped vesicles in the interior of the flow are somewhat similar to vesicles found in aa flows. The 1- to 3-cm vesicular clots could be welded breccia clasts or spatter. The high density of small vesicles strongly suggests a near-vent facies, making it likely that the clasts were originally pieces of spatter, not breccia. This requires proximity of the fountain or fissure vent, probably within a few tens to hundreds of meters.

Unit 11/Unit 12 Boundary

The break between Units 11 and 12 is defined by a single piece of slightly welded breccia (Fig. F41). However, the change from a relatively thick coherent flow with large vesicles to a mass of small lobes is visually obvious and a volcanologically important distinction.

Unit 12: Compound Pahoehoe Flow

The vesicular domains in Unit 12 are interpreted to be spongy pahoehoe lobes (S-type pahoehoe of Walker, 1989) that were welded together to produce a coherent rock. This level of welding requires very rapid accumulation and is most common very close to a lava source. Although the source of lava might be the eruptive vent, it can also be an overflowing skylight (also known as ephemeral vents or boccas) or an open lava channel. However, the very high density of extremely small vesicles trapped in the margins of the lobes strongly suggests that we are close to the primary vent. Based on examples in Hawaii, the eruptive vent is unlikely to be more than a few kilometers from Hole 1138A.

Unit 12/Unit 13 Boundary

The change from a welded stack of spongy pahoehoe lobes to an oxidized breccia is a clear break (Fig. F42). Whereas oxidation can form very quickly in a near-vent environment, the partial sediment infilling of the Unit 13 breccia suggests that this boundary reflects a significant time break. However, the angular clasts at the top of the breccia (which the Unit 12 lobes flowed onto) suggest quite minimal erosion and weathering.

Unit 13: Transitional (Aa?) Flow

The mix of aa and pahoehoe clasts suggests that this flow was sampled at a point shortly after it had made the transition from pahoehoe to aa. The vesicular domains at the top of Core 183-1138A-84R-2 (Fig. F43) are interpreted to be large folded pieces of pahoehoe, of the sort that typically forms on open lava channels where the lava is subjected to high shear but is too fluid to form aa or even slab pahoehoe. Pieces of such pahoehoe can be rafted many kilometers on the top of an aa flow. The pahoehoe pieces that have been dragged into the deeper parts of the breccia are rapidly broken into the smaller angular clasts such as those observed in the Unit 13 breccia. It is interesting that alteration-driven rounding of the clasts is more prevalent in the sediment-filled part of the breccia. Also, the loose pieces of recovered breccia suggest that zones with large void spaces can be found deep within this kind of breccia. The dense arm of lava pushing into the breccia from the flow interior is strong evidence of aa-like emplacement. The base of the flow appears to have incorporated and welded clasts (or possibly spatter), with the degree of welding decreasing downward. If the clasts are indeed spatter, they imply proximity to the vent.

Unit 13/Unit 14 Boundary

The highly altered breccia beneath the relatively unaltered welded breccia of Unit 13 is a clear visual marker. However, it is not clear if this alteration indicates a significant time break.

Unit 14: Transitional(?) Lava Flow

Given the alteration and relatively poor recovery of Unit 14, detailed interpretations are difficult. However, it appears generally similar to the other units with brecciated flow tops and is likely to be an aa or slab pahoehoe flow.

Unit 14/Unit 15 Boundary

The change from the welded base of Unit 14 to the oxidized, unwelded breccia at the top of Unit 15 is a clear change (Fig. F44) and is likely to signify some time break. However, given the poor recovery of Unit 15, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that some of Unit 15 might be unwelded basal breccia from the flow comprising Unit 14.

Unit 15: Transitional(?) Lava Flow(s)

The few pieces of breccia at the top of Unit 15 appear generally similar to the breccias found farther up the hole. The lone clast with a chilled margin might be from the top of a pahoehoe lobe or just be a clast within the breccia. Although it is clear that Unit 15 contains a change from breccia to coherent vesicular lava, what happens below the coherent lava is unclear. The loose pieces are too large to have been brought out of the hole in the wrong order, so it is likely that there are several dense and brecciated horizons within the lower part of what we have called Unit 15. These might be pieces of breccia from the base of the Unit 15 lava flow, parts of an entirely different lava flow, or some pieces from the top of the breccia on Unit 16.

Unit 15/Unit 16 Boundary

This boundary is completely arbitrary and reflects the return to better recovery where we can actually distinguish some internal features of the lava flows.

Unit 16: Lava Flow (Type Unknown)

The recovered rocks from Unit 16 are from the interior of a lava flow. It is reasonable to suppose that some of Unit 15 represents material from the top of Unit 16. Given the limited amount of lava recovered and the high degree of alteration and fracturing, it is hard to make any interpretation of this flow. It is possible that the poor recovery and the high alteration of this unit are related to the highly fractured nature of the lava.

Unit 16/Unit 17 Boundary

The change from the interior of a lava flow to a breccia is a clear boundary (Fig. F45). However, given the alteration and poor recovery, it is not possible to determine if this boundary indicates a significant time break.

Unit 17: Transitional Lava Flow (Unnamed Type)

Although the breccia on Unit 17 shares many features common to breccias higher up in Hole 1138A, two characteristics stand out. First is the lack of any evidence of aa-like irregular shaped clasts. Second is the appearance of 1- to 5-cm angular clasts of dense lava. Previously, the dense lava has been in the form of large coherent arms reaching into the breccia. The clasts within the breccia of Unit 17 seem to be derived from both the upper and the central parts of the pahoehoe flows. The simplest explanation is that this breccia is a redeposited eroded pahoehoe flow, but it is difficult to reconcile this with the lack of evidence for significant weathering, rounding, or sorting of the clasts. Our favored, but speculative, interpretation is that this is a pahoehoe flow brecciated by remobilization (see "Physical Volcanology" in the "Explanatory Notes" chapter).

Unit 17/Unit 18 Boundary

The change from the interior of a flow to a breccia is a clear boundary. However, the contact was not retrieved and the breccia at the top of Unit 18 is heavily altered, so it is not possible to determine any relationship between the two flows. If the breccias result from erosion and redeposition, this implies a major time break. However, if the breccias are primary, there is no reason to suppose that these two units were not closely spaced in time and could possibly be from the same eruption.

Unit 18: Transitional(?) Lava Flow

Given the poor recovery and altered state of Unit 18, we can only suggest that it is similar to Unit 17. Mesostasis blebs suggest only limited segregation of late-stage liquids inside these flows.

Unit 18/Unit 19 Boundary

The change from the coherent interior of Unit 18 to the breccia of Unit 19 is a clear boundary. However, no contact was recovered, making it difficult to interpret this change. The boundary separates two packages of lava that may be separate flows or two lobes of a single compound flow.

Unit 19: Transitional Lava Flow (Unnamed Type)

The excellent recovery of key parts of Unit 19 sheds light on the formation of the breccias on Units 17, 18, and 19. Of greatest importance is the observation that the dense lava is (in at least one case) welded to vesicular pieces (Fig. F46). This requires hot lava from the interior of a flow to have mingled with a solidified vesicular pahoehoe crust. The dark clay rims (which we interpret to have been glassy chill margins) on the other dense clasts supports this idea and indicates that at least part of the solid crust was cold relative to the solidus of the lava. The tearing and intense stretching of the top of the coherent lava is the final proof that the liquid interior of the flow was moving against the breccia. This allows us to rule out resedimentation for the primary mechanism for the formation of the breccia on at least Unit 19. Both the reactivated pahoehoe and hyaloclastite models are viable, but there are no observations diagnostic of water quenching. The various loose pieces in Section 183-1138A-87R-3 are difficult to place, much less interpret. It does appear that the coherent part of Unit 19 has elongated vesicles at its top and bottom and more rounded vesicles in the center. Also, somewhere between the coherent interiors of Units 19 and 20 there is a breccia where some clasts interacted with at least a thin (1 cm) layer of sediments.

Unit 19/Unit 20 Boundary

The location of the boundary between Units 19 and 20 is arbitrary and primarily reflects the return to more complete recovery. As noted above, a number of enigmatic pieces are placed at the base of Unit 19, including a breccia and some altered glass that could be related to nearby explosive activity.

Unit 20: Spiracle(?)

The unusual features within Unit 20 are not consistent with aa, pahoehoe, or transitional lava flows. The only scenario we have been able to construct that is consistent with all the observations is that we have recovered the side of a spiracle, a feature formed by the escape of steam from beneath a lava flow. The formation of spiracles and rootless cones requires at least groundwater or very wet sediments. The flow would also have to be emplaced rapidly in order to cover the wet ground before the steam could escape along the margins of the flow. The lack of sediments at the base of Unit 20 requires the underlying flow to have been water saturated.

Unit 20/Unit 21 Boundary

The chill margin between Units 20 and 21 and the change from coherent lava to a breccia make a clear boundary. If Unit 20 does include a spiracle, then time was sufficient between the emplacement of the two units for Unit 21 to cool and become saturated with water. The smooth pahoehoe surface immediately below Unit 20 is likely to be the surface of a pahoehoe lobe in the breccia of Unit 21.

Unit 21: Transitional Lava Flow (Unnamed Type)

While the breccia of Unit 21 has similarities to those in the overlying flows (e.g., Units 17-19), there are some interesting differences. The pahoehoe lobes at the top are relatively intact, whereas farther down there is evidence for the lobes fragmenting while their interiors were still hot enough to weld to adjacent lobes (Fig. F52). The dense arm (Fig. F51) that pushes into this breccia has the small angular vesicles more typical of aa flow, rather than the long elongate vesicles in the dense material intruding Units 17, 18, and 19. The fanning joints in the dense arm in Unit 21 are common where hot, viscous lava forms an overhanging margin and gravity attempts to pull the lava apart. Such features are quite commonly seen on the dense arms of aa flows. The incorporated vesicular clast with chill margin is proof that this dense arm actively pushed into the bottom of this breccia. The sporadic recovery of the coherent interior of Unit 21 makes interpretation difficult, but the observations suggest multiple domains with a variety of vesicle morphologies, as has been seen in most of the overlying units. The high degree of fracturing and poor recovery of the interior and base of Unit 21 might be consistent with quenching by water in the later part of its cooling history.

Unit 21/Unit 22 Boundary

There must be a boundary between the coherent interior of Unit 21 and the breccia on the top of Unit 22. However, the position we have selected is arbitrary and marks the first appearance of well-recovered breccia from Unit 22. It is likely that some of the pieces included in Unit 21 are actually from the top of Unit 22. Given that we did not recover a contact, we cannot interpret the relationship or time gap between Units 21 and 22.

Unit 22: Transitional Lava Flow (Unnamed Type)

The intact pahoehoe lobes mixed with fragmented pahoehoe lobes in the breccia on Unit 22 suggest that it formed by the repeated intrusion of vesicular pahoehoe lobes into the breccia. This process is identical to that envisioned for the formation of the breccia on Unit 2 at Site 1137 (see "Physical Volcanology" in the "Site 1137" chapter). The intense fracturing of some of the lobes may suggest the presence of water during a brief part of the formation of the breccia. The vesicles from the interior of Unit 22 suggest shearing of a lava that was too viscous to allow the bubbles to return to a spherical shape before freezing.

Summary of Lava Flow Observations
and Interpretations

The internal characteristics of lava flows in the basement of Hole 1138A are diverse. However, all the flows are consistent with subaerial emplacement on slopes of 1°-4°. Much greater flow thicknesses are required to achieve the stresses (i.e., velocities) needed to brecciate the top of a basaltic flow on slopes <1°. Inflated pahoehoe flows such as Unit 12 have not been seen to have formed on slopes >4°. The repeated circumstantial evidence for running water suggests intermittent small rivers or lakes. The preponderance of various brecciated flow tops suggests that the eruptions had moderate eruption rates. Also, these types of flows are unlikely to have traveled more than tens of kilometers from the vent. The large proportion of very small vesicles and possible welded spatter suggest that Hole 1138A was probably no more than a few kilometers from the vents for at least a few of the flows.