These papers were written in Chinese; the following citations are English translations.

Jian, Z., Cheng, X., Zhao, Q., Wang, J., and Wang, P., 2001. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and events in the northern South China Sea during the last 6 million years. Sci. China, D44(10): 952–960.

Li, B., and Jian, Z., 2001. Evolution of planktonic foraminifera and the thermocline in the southern South China Sea since 12 Ma (ODP-184, Site 1143). Sci. China, D44(10): 889–896.

Liang, X., Wei, G., Shao, L., Li, X., and Wang, R., 2001. Records of Toba eruptions in the South China Sea: chemical characteristics of the glass shards from 1143A. Sci. China, D44(10):887–878.

Liu, C., and Cheng, X., 2001. Variations in upper ocean structure for the last 2 Ma of the Nansha area by means of calcareous nannofossils. Sci. China, D44(10):905–911.

Luo, Y., Chen, H., Wu, G., and Sun, X., 2001. Records of natural fire and climate history during the last three glacial–interglacial cycles around the South China Sea—charcoal record from ODP Site 1144. Sci. China, D44(10):897–904.

Shao, L., Li, X., Wei, G., Liu, Y., and Fang, D., 2001. Provenance of the high sedimentation rate drift on the northern slope of the South China Sea. Sci. China, D44(10):919–925.

Sun, X., and Luo, Y., 2001. Pollen record of the last 280 ka from deep sea sediments of the northern South China Sea. Sci. China, D44(10):879–888.

Tu, X., Zheng, F., Wang, J., Cai, H., Wang, P., Büchring, C., and Sarnthein, M., 2001. A sudden cooling event during the last interglacial in the northern South China Sea. Sci. China, D44(10):865–870.

Wang, P., Tian, J., and Cheng, X., 2001. Transition of Quaternary glacial cyclicity in deep-sea records at Nansha, South China Sea. Sci. China, D44(10):926–933.

Wang, R., Fang, D., Shao, L., Chen, M., Xia, P., and Qi, J., 2001. Oligocene biogenetic siliceous deposits on the slope of the northern South China Sea. Sci. China, D44(10):912–918.

Zhao, Q., Jian, Z., Wang, J., Cheng, X., Huang, B., Zhou, Z., Fang, D., and Wang, P., 2001. Neogene oxygen isotopic stratigraphy, ODP Site 1148, northern China Sea. Sci. China, D44(10):934–942.

Zhao, Q., Wang, P., Cheng, X., Wang, J., Huang, B., Xu, J., Zhou, Z., and Jian, Z., 2001. A record of Miocene carbon excursions in the South China Sea. Sci. China, 44(D):943–951.