Figures F1-F11
Tables T1-T3

F1. Spherulites in plane-polarized light.

F2. Plagioclase sheath texture with crossed polars.

F3. Calcite-filled cavities in aphyric basalt.

F4. Calcite-covered basalt fragment.

F5. Fe oxyhydroxide highlighting spherulitic pillow margin.

F6. Palagonite and calcite veins in a fresh glassy pillow rind.

F7. Calcite veins cutting through a glassy pillow margin.

F8. Seismic profile crossing the Site 1153 location.

F9. Major element variations vs. MgO of Site 1153 basalts compared with young Zone A glasses.

F10. Trace element variations vs. MgO of Hole 1153 basalts compared with young Zone A glasses.

F11. Variations of Zr/Ba vs. Ba and Na2O/TiO2 vs. MgO from Site 1153.

Tables T1-T3

T1. Coring summary, Site 1153.

T2. Rock samples for cultures, DNA analysis, SEM/TEM, and contamination studies.

T3. Compositions of basalts from Site 1153.

Figures F1-F11
Tables T1-T3