
Holes 1157A and 1157B were cored into igneous basement from 200.0 to 216.4 and 130.6 to 171.0 mbsf, respectively. Hole 1157A (Sections 187-1157A-2R-1 through 4R-1) was drilled 16.40 m into basement, resulting in 2.92 m (17.8%) recovery. All recovered material from this hole has been assigned to one lithologic unit: basaltic rubble with intervals of basalt-carbonate breccia. The unit is composed of poorly sorted lithic clasts, derived from aphyric basalt and moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt. The material is interpreted as a talus pile; no primary magmatic stratigraphic significance can be associated with the position of individual pieces in the hole.

Hole 1157B (Sections 187-1157B-2R-1 through 9R-1) was drilled 40.4 m into basement, resulting in 11.70 m (28.96%) recovery. Lavas from this hole were assigned to a single lithologic unit of moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt. The unit is interpreted as basalt pillow lava, based on the abundance of glassy chilled margins recovered (i.e., 22% of all pieces), the presence of V-shaped pieces, and pieces with curved glassy rinds.

Hole 1157A

Unit 1

Unit 1 of Hole 1157A consists of basaltic rubble with two intervals of basalt-carbonate breccia (Section 187-1157A-2R-1 [Pieces 3-7] and Section 3R-1 [Pieces 12-19]). There are two different igneous lithologies among the rubble and breccia clasts: a dark gray aphyric basalt and a medium gray plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt. The two lithologies are present throughout the hole in roughly equal proportions. There is no apparent variation in relative proportions with depth in the hole, and both lithologies can be observed in the same piece of breccia in Section 187-1157A-3R-1 (Piece 6) (Fig. F1). Both basalt types are characterized by weathered outer surfaces and are slightly to moderately altered throughout the unit. Alteration is concentrated in halos that have formed adjacent to veins, fractures, and outer weathered surfaces and consists predominantly of replacement of olivine and groundmass by a mixture of Fe oxyhydroxides and clay (see "Alteration"). Although the alteration halos for most breccia clasts lie adjacent to the carbonate sediment matrix, not all clasts have alteration halos, indicating that the weathering and/or alteration responsible for the halos occurred before formation of the lithified rubble deposit.

Petrography of Basaltic Rubble Clasts

Moderately Plagioclase-Olivine Phyric Basalt. The moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt contains 1%-2% equant to skeletal olivine and 1%-6% tabular to prismatic plagioclase phenocrysts. Plagioclase is typically seriate and, although crystals range in size to 5 mm, most are <1-2 mm long. Larger crystals tend to have equant (subhedral) or rounded (anhedral) shapes. Sieve-textured plagioclase is common, although variable in character, ranging from crystals with only embayed cores to crystals with only embayed rims. Zoning is commonly discontinuous in sieve-textured plagioclase, but most crystals are unzoned. All plagioclase phenocrysts are twinned. In more altered areas, plagioclase crystals are stained along microcracks by Fe oxyhydroxides (see "Hole 1157A" in "Alteration"); elsewhere plagioclase is unaltered. Olivine phenocrysts (0.5-3 mm) are present throughout and range from equant (subhedral to euhedral) to skeletal; they are present both in glomerocrysts in association with plagioclase and as discrete crystals. In alteration halos, olivine phenocrysts are partially to totally replaced by Fe oxyhydroxides and clay; elsewhere, they are usually unaltered (see "Hole 1157A" in "Alteration").

Groundmass textures are microcrystalline and range from intersertal to immature sheaf quench morphologies. Acicular plagioclase (aspect ratios up to 40:1) forms as much as 30% of the groundmass; small (<100 µm) equant olivines form ~2% of the groundmass. In most cases, clinopyroxene is restricted to quench crystal morphologies intergrown with plagioclase sheafs. However, in some areas the crystallization of clinopyroxene is unusually enhanced, leading to formation of granular, anhedral clinopyroxene as large as 20 µm. In Sample 187-1157B-3R-1, 97-101 cm, small crystals of clinopyroxene have euhedral terminations on one end, indicating growth into a miarolitic cavity (Fig. F2) that is now filled with secondary calcite (see "Hole 1157A" in "Alteration"). These cavities represent areas of volatile concentration during the final stage of crystallization, which would have facilitated the growth of clinopyroxene. Minute (<2 µm) equant opaque minerals make up ~1%-2% of the groundmass. Dark brown mesostasis—which here includes glass plus quench crystals of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine that are not readily distinguishable—constitutes >50% of the rock. Spherical vesicles are present in abundances of <1% and are typically very small (<50-100 µm in diameter); they are usually unfilled; but, in some altered areas, they are filled with calcite (see "Hole 1157A" in "Alteration").

Aphyric Basalt. The aphyric basalt consists of <1% olivine microphenocrysts (0.3-0.8 mm) in a microcrystalline groundmass dominated by sheaf quench textures (Fig. F3). The olivine microphenocrysts are equant, and most are skeletal (Fig. F3). The groundmass consists of ~35% acicular plagioclase (aspect ratio up to 50:1), 1%-2% small (<100 µm) equant olivine (Fig. F3), and 1%-2% small (<20 µm) equant opaque minerals. Similar to the moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalts described above, the groundmass contains some areas in which clinopyroxene is present as larger, granular crystals rather than the more typical quench plumose morphologies. Although miarolitic cavities are not observed, the local enhancement of crystal growth suggests similar conditions for the evolution and liberation of volatiles during crystallization. As with the phyric basalts, these crystal clots are associated with secondary calcite. Dark brown, quench-textured mesostasis makes up >50% of the rock. Vesicles are usually small (<0.5 mm), uniformly distributed, and make up <1% of the rock; some are filled with calcite, but most are unfilled.

Chilled Margins. Chilled margins were recovered on nine of the rubble clasts (i.e., 18% of the pieces). Six of these are aphyric and three are phyric basalts. Few of the pieces retain a significant thickness of clear glass, and most consist of glass + spherulitic quench crystals. The zone of coalesced spherulites is typically thin (3-4 mm), and the spherulites are relatively small (~100 µm diameter). One exception is interval 187-1157A-3R-1, 124-132 cm, which is notable for its coarser spherulitic texture (individual spherulites as large as 2 mm) and wider chilled margin (>2.5 cm) (Fig. F4).

Petrography of the Breccia

There are two breccia intervals in Unit 1 of Hole 1157A (Section 187-1157A-2R-1 [Pieces 3-7] and Section 3R-1 [Pieces 12-19]). The breccias are poorly sorted and are cemented by a range of carbonate, carbonate + clay, and clay sediments and/or cements. The clasts are angular and range from sand-sized particles of palagonite and altered olivine to pieces of aphyric and moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt that are larger than the diameter of the core (>8 cm). The petrography of the basalts is identical to the aphyric and phyric basalts described in detail above.

The matrix varies from a lithic-poor calcarenite (e.g., Section 187-1157A-2R-1; Fig. F5) to a lithic-rich (~80% lithic fragments) calcareous sediment (e.g., Section 187-1157A-3R-1; Fig. F6). In most places, the calcarenite is a mottled, pinkish gray. In thin section, it is seen to consist of >95% round to oval grains, each of which is a single calcite crystal (0.1-0.3 mm). The crystals are poorly cemented by interstitial clay (Fig. F7). The proportion of clay increases locally, and small (<2 mm) lithic fragments are concentrated in these clay-rich areas. Included among the lithic fragments are glass shards (unaltered and retaining quench crystals; Fig. F8) and palagonite. The latter varies in appearance from laminated (Fig. F9) to vermiform (Fig. F10). Also present are angular fragments of unaltered feldspar (<0.3 mm maximum dimension), but these constitute <1% of the lithic clasts. Mn oxide concretions as large as 0.3 mm are common throughout, but most are <<0.1 mm (Fig. F7A).

The lithic-rich calcareous sediment in Section 187-1157A-3R-1 (Fig. F6) is similar in appearance to the lithic-rich areas of the calcarenite described above but includes larger (e.g., 0.5-3 cm) clasts of slightly to moderately altered basalt (Fig. F6), as well as smaller fragments of palagonite and glass. Material associated with basaltic chilled margins (e.g., palagonite and altered spherulitic basalt) predominates. The fine-grained matrix consists of a mixture of pale pink to buff clay and micritic calcite crosscut by an anastomosing network of sparry calcite that encircles clasts, forms thin veins, and replaces both matrix and clasts.

Sediment was not recovered in significant volumes in Sections 187-1157A-3R-2 through 4R-1, but small remnant patches (a few millimeters to several centimeters across and <1 mm thick) of micritic calcite and/or clay are observed adhering to the outer surfaces of individual pieces. These patches and the ease with which the sediment matrix parts from the larger basaltic clasts suggest that the breccia sensu stricto may be underrepresented in the material recovered.

Hole 1157B

Unit 1

Petrography of Basalts

Unit 1 of Hole 1157B is a moderately plagioclase-olivine phyric basalt (Fig. F11), the petrography of which is very similar to the phyric basalts recovered in Hole 1157A. It consists of 1%-2% equant to skeletal olivine and 1%-6% tabular to prismatic plagioclase phenocrysts. The plagioclase phenocryst content varies unsystematically throughout the unit, with some pieces appearing nearly aphyric. Large plagioclase phenocrysts (up to 7 mm) are present, but most (>90%) average 2-3 mm in length. The larger crystals tend to have blocky (subhedral) to rounded (anhedral) shapes and are more likely to display discontinuous zoning as well as sieve textures (both embayed cores and embayed rims were observed). Smaller plagioclase phenocrysts are typically prismatic and unzoned, although there are sieve textures in these crystals as well. Many plagioclase phenocrysts are crosscut by microcracks that are stained with Fe oxyhydroxides (see "Hole 1157B" in "Alteration"), but otherwise plagioclase is unaltered. Olivine phenocrysts are present throughout as equant (subhedral) to skeletal crystals, most of which are <2 mm in size, although crystals as large as 5 mm are observed. Outside of alteration halos, they are usually unaltered. Cr spinel is present in trace amounts, both as small (<50 µm) anhedral to subhedral inclusions in olivine and plagioclase and as larger (0.6 mm) euhedral microphenocrysts.

Between 10% and 30% of the phenocrysts are included in glomero-crysts of plagioclase, olivine, and plagioclase + olivine (± clinopyroxene). Two types are observed. One consists of a relatively loose collection of prismatic plagioclase ± small equant to skeletal olivine (Fig. F12) that probably forms by aggregation and/or equilibrium growth of phenocrysts during crystallization of the magma. The second glomerocryst type consists of plagioclase partially to totally enclosed in olivine; this type is usually made up of fewer, but generally larger, anhedral crystals. The textural relationship requires that plagioclase crystallized before or together with olivine and that the relationship of the crystals to each other is more typical of cumulate textures (Fig. F13). Glomerocrysts of this type may be xenocrysts incorporated into the magma from a magma chamber. Clinopyroxene phenocrysts were only observed in hand specimen in a single plagioclase + olivine + clinopyroxene glomerocryst in Section 187-1157B-4R-1 (Piece 12). Since clinopyroxene is not observed as a discrete phenocryst phase anywhere in Hole 1157B, it is inferred that the clinopyroxene is part of a xenocrystic glomerocryst.

Groundmass textures range from intersertal to immature sheaf quench morphologies. Mineralogically, the groundmass consists of as much as 50% acicular plagioclase (aspect ratios of up to 30:1; see Fig. F14), ~2% small (<100 µm) equant olivine, and 1%-2% minute (<5 µm) equant opaque minerals. As with the phyric basalts of Hole 1157A, clinopyroxene is usually restricted to quench crystal morphologies intergrown with plagioclase sheaves. However, miarolitic cavities are common and in some cases relatively large—up to 0.7 mm across. Anhedral to subhedral crystals of clinopyroxene and Fe-Ti oxide minerals line or partially fill these cavities, and the crystals are significantly larger than those in the adjacent groundmass (Fig. F15). Alteration tends to be higher in these areas as well (Fig. F16; also see "Hole 1157B" in "Alteration"). The miarolitic cavities may explain some of the irregularly shaped pits observed on the cut surfaces of core pieces. Dark brown, quench-textured mesostasis makes up >50% of the rock. Spherical vesicles constitute <1% of the rock and are typically <100 µm in diameter; they are usually unfilled but, in more altered areas, may be filled with calcite (see "Hole 1157B" in "Alteration").

Chilled margins are present on 22% of the phyric basalt pieces recovered, and more than half of these margins retain a significant thickness of clear glass (1-6 mm). Similar to the phyric basalts of Hole 1157A, the zone of coalesced spherulites is typically thin (3-4 mm) and composed of relatively small spherulites (~100 µm in diameter). In Sample 187-1157B-2R-1, 48-51 cm, the spherulitic overgrowths on plagioclase are <25 µm wide; overgrowths on olivine crystals are rare to absent (Fig. F17), suggesting very rapid cooling. The abundance of glassy chilled margins recovered and the presence of V-shaped pieces and pieces with curved glassy rinds (Fig. F18) suggest that these basalts are pillow lavas.

Petrography of Sediments

Sediment was not recovered in significant volumes in Hole 1157B. However, small patches a few millimeters to several centimeters across and 1 mm thick are common throughout; larger accumulations adhere to the outer surfaces of some pieces or serve as the matrix cementing fragments of glass + palagonite (Fig. F19). In addition, there are strong spatial and compositional relationships between the sediments and some thick veins that crosscut the basalts, suggesting that these represent a continuum of processes ranging from physical infilling to chemical precipitation. For example, interval 187-1157B-3R-2, 109-130 cm (Fig. F20), has a pocket of sediment at one end that is continuous with a composite vein (~3 mm wide) that extends >20 cm along the length of the piece. The vein is typical of those observed throughout Hole 1157B and consists of three materials: (1) pale buff micrite ± clay, (2) darker grayish brown micritic to very finely crystalline sparry calcite, and (3) more coarsely crystalline sparry calcite that crosscuts the first two. These composite veins do not appear to have formed solely by precipitation of calcite and/or clay, since they commonly contain up to 40% small lithic fragments (Fig. F21), similar to those in the breccia matrix in Hole 1157A. The origin of the clasts (i.e., whether they are derived from the adjacent wall rock or are transported from elsewhere) is difficult to assess because most are in an advanced state of alteration and disaggregation (Fig. F22). Many are clearly disaggregated from the adjacent wall rock, but the high abundance of palagonite fragments suggests that many are transported into the pillow interior from its rim. Thus, the veins appear to have a complex origin involving

  1. Infill of micritic calcareous sediment ± lithic fragments ± fluids (e.g., Fig. F20),
  2. Reaction and dissolution of the wall rock, which replaces primary phases with clays, Fe oxyhydroxides, fibrous amphibole/chlorite?, and/or calcite (Figs. F22, F23),
  3. Recrystallization of micritic calcite to very finely crystalline sparry calcite (Fig. F24), and, finally,
  4. Generation of thin sparry calcite veins and vug fillings.

The veins and their effect on the alteration of the basalts are described in more detail in "Hole 1157B" in "Alteration."