Figures F1-F12
Tables T1-T3

F1. Parallel-growth box-textured plagioclase in basalt.

F2. Parallel-growth box-textured plagioclase.

F3. Plagioclase box overgrowths on a plagioclase phenocryst.

F4. Snowball plagioclase around an olivine glomerocryst.

F5. Plagioclase with concentric oscillatory zoning in a groundmass of plagioclase and clinopyroxene.

F6. Subophitic texture.

F7. Smectite replacement of groundmass in basalt.

F8. Fe staining of plagioclase along cracks and cleavage planes.

F9. Seismic profile from Melville cruise Sojourner 5 crossing the Site 1158 location.

F10. Major element compositions vs. MgO for basalts from Holes 1158A, 1158B, and 1158C compared with Zone A SEIR MORB glasses.

F11. Trace element compositions vs. MgO for basalts from Holes 1158A, 1158B, and 1158C compared with Zone A SEIR MORB glasses.

F12. Variations of Zr/Ba vs. Ba and Na2O/TiO2 vs. MgO for Holes 1158A, 1158B, and 1158C.

Tables T1-T3

T1. Coring summary, Site 1158.

T2. Rock samples for cultures, DNA analysis, SEM/TEM, and contamination studies.

T3. Compositions of basalts from Site 1158.

Figures F1-F12
Tables T1-T3